Aimed shot

Yeah way too easy to get this burst out.

How nice would it be if Aimed Shot was a spell? Melee would camp hunters like they do casters.

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DH sustained dmg in arena is a tad bit high in Single Target scenario.

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against bad players? ya

against players that know how to play their class and have an understanding of how hunter works? no


I’d shower at the gym if you were there, big guy. <3

well, everything being overtuned is way better than everything being a sponge bath, but the problem is that covenants and conduits are really stupid, imo. Things being strong in our base kits makes a fun game, it’s just all this power crap that ruins it

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I don’t get this logic. You either have it or don’t. How does it matter if it is via Covenant or PVP talent or a baseline ability.

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you have to live in the imaginary universe where they ever again release an expansion without borrowed power

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^ Sad truth

This style of design is their idea of sustainability of the game


Can we just revert back to 5.0 and go from there with non borrowed power design and fun classes again?

or at least give me back my MoP style demo lock instead of this discount dollar store legion version.

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because covenants add more layers of stupid crap to learn and balance. Just cause there’s more doesn’t mean it’s better


I have no idea why they have chosen to unnerf careful aim and buff aimed shot over the course of time. The spec has been virtually unplayable for all of bfa and most of SL with exceptions of when doubletap careful aim can oneshot people. It’s not the way we want to play the class/spec, and it’s obnoxious to play against.

Instead of baseline binding shot, it should have gotten baseline scatter shot on disorient. Binding shot should be on the same talent row as camo in place of trailblazer, choose between control or opener. Careful aim needs to get renerfed to 20% in pvp. Double tap should take you out of camo. Build a spec that isn’t dependent on the stupid gimmick and has a full set of tools at its disposal.

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this really is one of those OBVIOUS changes that i have to conclude we don’t see because one of the lead devs just hates scatter trap specifically. like how choreghast doesn’t give us our pvp item level scaling; one of the guys with veto power in anaheim just has a hateboner for this community so all the good feedback in the world can’t convince them to change it


no, but it does mean it’s there and expecting it to magically stop being there is silly

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Yes yes I get that it’s never going away but just let me cry about things making the game worse in order to cope with my decision to resub for a month

You owe me this

#copiumdollargeneral #makewowgreatagain #removefleshcraft #sellborrowedpowerasnfts

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aimed shot is fine

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Aimed shot has been hitting hard and should hit hard since 2004. Get over it. Besides its only menace in low mmr arenas and random BGs.

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im just gonna go ahead and say that anyone complaining about anything mm hunter related that isnt SPECIFICALLY the design of necrolord mm is selfreporting as an unskilled player


dw fellow mm haters he said this about legion s3 too. stand firm


every hunter says this every season.

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now hold your dang HORSES there dont misrepresent ryutiz

i said 100 times i didnt like legion design either but not being able to avoid a hoj from 200 yds away was why cupid was broken

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