Friend requests have been sent to those who have provided Discord I.D’s (I’m Arrodis#6381). Once accepted, the links are yours, guys. Thank for your expressions of interest.
Regarding yourself, Runease, have you got a Discord I.D I can send a request to so I can get you a link?
Invite me pls! New DK. Riivenge#1385
My Discord is Emeric#6982
please stop listing lust on your trps, fellow dead people.
Ngl kind of curious, so shoot me an invite. Arnsgrim#5683
Could I have an invite? AbyssalDrake#2897 is my discord. Thanks in advance.
Hey everyone,
I literally JUST got my internet service back today.
Is there anyone here who was after an invite to the Discord server and I didn’t get to you?
In addition, are there any new death knight role-players who’d like to join our growing community? 70+ people now; and events on the regular.
I’d be interested for sure! Cleavin#0357
Most def interested. Last one I was in crashed and burned. Hit me
@Cleavin and @Raonath
Not a problem!
I’ve sent you both DIscord friend requests. Let me know when you’ve accepted and I’ll send the link.
Hey I’m forming a DK guild and would like to build more connctions with the DK community in WRA.
I hope you see this and send me an inv
Sounds great, mate. You should be able to find a few members on our server.
I’ve just sent you a driend request on Discord. Let me know when you’ve accepted and I’ll throw you an invite.
1 Like
I had wanted an invite, sorry to hear about your internet
Oh hey, I was wondering where this went, as I’ve been wanting to make a DK and wanted to ask questions about lore and stuff. Think I could get an invite?
I’m in the same boat, I’ve wanted to RP a DK for a while but I feel like I don’t understand their headspace enough.
Bumping this up cause it’s been an awesome way to connect with various members of the DK community. Prepatch comes soon and we’ll certainly have plenty to do when it does around here!
Here’s hoping Necromar is okay, it’s been a bit since I posted my interest and I haven’t heard from him.
I would like an invite as well pretty please with gnome on top