Have you been contacted by him yet? I can invite you if not
Has he sent you an invite? If not, drop your Discord name and I’ll send you one
I am in the discord, yeah
So, I was in the discord, and now, I gotta say, I cannot recommend steering clear enough given what some of the people in the discord are okay with. I cannot believe some of the things I read in that server. I am disgusted.
The mod team took care of it quickly, and we’ve ensured that the purpose of the Discord was not hindered for long by said occurrence. Apologies you had that experience, we can ensure you that the rules and standards of the Discord are being enforced vigilantly and that it will not be a repeated occurrence.
As the founder of the discord server in question, I offer you my apologies for the experience, Erzertwaz.
Raonath put it perfectly; but just to add context: the fault here comes down to me, quite honestly; the mod’s were acting in the best way that they could. We’ve only just grown to a large enough size for a moderation team to become a necessity. In setting-up the new mod. role, I mistakenly didn’t give the server’s mods the ability to delete posts. This oversight meant that they were unable to… well… moderate what was happening during the instance you were involved in.
I’ve rectified this issue.
I’d also like to state that this is the first time we’ve had an issue on the server. Other than this exception, the server’s community is fantastic; hence why we continue to grow.
In summary, obviously I can’t gaurentee you that no member of our community will make a post that’s against the rules; no server admin or mod. can make that. However, what I can gaurentee you–and those who have followed this–is that the mod. team now have the fangs they need to do their job; so our response will be more satisfactory.
You’re more then welcome to rejoin the server if you’d like, however, if you don’t, I understand, and I sincerly wish you all the best.
- Necromar
invite Sylanris please if you could Sylanris#4748 thats my discord name
Keen to sign up to this Discord for my risen Shado-Pan swordsman.
I would also like an invite to the discord! I don’t post a lot on the forums and I’m pretty new to like, in-game roleplay but I would love the opportunity to get into it with other death knight players!
Should probably mention my discord is goldmouth#3313
If you guys wind up talking about what you’re making for dinner, would that turn it into a grub-hub?
Do cannibals call a menu a facebook?
Can i play? Lillie#1578
e: not subbed rn but interested in death knight lore.
I’d love an invite!
Friend requests have been sent to all who have left their Discord tags. Once accepted, I’ll shoot you over a server link.
Looking forward to you all joining us.
If you guys are still accepting, I’d love to join.
Hey Wyrmrest,
We’re still about! And we’re now sporting well over 150+ members.
If you’d like to rot with us, please post here so I can get you a Discord invite to the server.
Suffer well,
- Necromar