Aggrend's statement on TBC Server FCM

In this forum, 6 days ago, Aggrend mentioned this in their statment.

In addition to adding these for Season of Mastery, we’ll also be enabling FCMs on additional Burning Crusade Classic realms as well.

Can Blizzard please give out info on this? What servers are going to be included? When will this happen?

Since the last FCM, there have been a ton of servers that have been added to the “dead” pile, and getting worse.


My guess is after the sale is over (the sale has been stated as being over on Feb 7th). That also fits with when they are releasing BWL on SoM (Feb 10th). I think they want as much money from the sale first as possible (people on even the lowest pop servers will freak out that they’ll miss out on saving $7.50 even for their alts, that’s how sales work).

I may be wrong though.


They aren’t going to add realms while the PAID transfer is discounted. They are cashing out on this first.

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Mootwo and Drain,

I agree 100%. If I recall correctly, last time they did the same with FCM.

They had them go on discount, then several weeks later opened up the FCM from the lower pop realms.

Want to keep asking though so it’s at the top so they try not to push it off as much as they do

I have a better suggestion to the server issue. Blizzard should reverse all transfers of those that left a dead server over the past year and move them back to that server give them there money back that they used to transfer and then make the cool down for those people to transfer again 1 year.

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