Aggrend is illogical

Not making too much sense here

If premades are

then how can they be a problem? most games are vs pugs by this logic

If premade queues never pop, that means people never wanted to play them in the first place and there isn’t actually interest other than steamrolling pugs. Oh well – should work on the design to motivate them instead of relying on sheep for the slaughter to be the only reason premades exist. Relegating half your player base to just get steamrolled so precious premades have a reason to queue and get their welfare gear is bad design.

If not having sheep to slaughter all day without any challenge results in the death of premade groups, then he is just admitting the bread and butter of BGs are pugs to steamroll. This is the design philosophy he wants to roll with? He is admitting the only reason premades are created is to steamroll randomly put together people.

Pugs are a group. And not just the same nine other people. You’re actually being social and playing with hundreds of different people. It is in fact how I met all of my friends.

Not everyone wants to be on voice comms with stacked OP classes just to viably participate in BGs. You are essentially saying you cannot play this game while preferring to just have YouTube on another monitor, etc. this completely departs from the classic experience. You were just relying on the same esports model that alienated PVP players early on in retails progression. That is his prerogative, but it is the same mistake they’re just repeating.

I’m perfectly okay with no changes happening. But I’m not okay with being told things that don’t make any sense being the reason behind it. This again makes no sense since pugs our fundamentally more social than playing with the same nine people over and over again. You don’t make friends that way. You make friends by playing with different people.

This is also smoking mirrors because we can clearly see the reason he doesn’t want premades to have to face each other is that premades would never happen at that point. They only exist to steamroll randomly put together people – Which thus are the bread and butter of BGs. Everything else he says is just to side step that point to pretend there is a stronger argument.

And here is the most blatant example of him directly describing how premades would cease to exist if they had to play each other. That there needs to be a large segment of the population relegated to simply being target dummies for them. And that this is his intended design. It’s embarrassing.

He is admitting that if people did exactly what he says they should do, and all made a premades, The entire battleground system would fall apart. That is his preferred design.

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Are you all guildless or what. I’m so confused. Everybody talking about how they can’t queue solo… well, you can’t raid solo either, do a dungeon solo, there are even some quests and runes you cant do solo.

You really don’t have anyone else in your guild that wants to queue BGs with you? I also don’t really believe those people who say premading isn’t fun, you clearly are not playing with your guildies/friends. Premading is excatly how I met the core group of friends that I play games with now.

Just because you don’t want to premade doesn’t mean you cant queue with a few friends and make it easier, more fun, and probably more fruitful

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How in the world is that a bad faith question. You dont even know what bad faith means apparently.

You specifically said, “Sorry planning some premade versus premade games right now just like I was doing in the past and in these classic rereleases. Keep feeding yourself these inaccuracies so your entire premise doesn’t fall flat.”

So I asked if you reached out to the opposing faction to pop Q at the same time because its THE ONLY WAY you can even attempt to set up a premade v premade.

But we all know you dont do that. So saying you are “setting them up” is the actual lie you are telling us all in attempt to prove premade v premade actually exists in this iteration and is in fact bad faith because completely premised on–once again like aggrend–a lie. You guys would get along GREAT.

Let me break it down for you.

pug vs pug is popular because its easily accessible
premade vs pug is popular because its the most efficient for honor
premade vs premade doesn’t offer anything for extra rewards and is sufficiently slower and requires more effort than both other modes. ITS STILL WAY MORE FUN THAN BOTH.

so if they just split the queue and didnt change anything about the rewards, the classic wow efficient gamer will obviously not waste time in premade vs premade

BUT if they added bonus honor to a premade queue, then premades wouldnt go anywhere because it would still be just as efficient (if not more) than pug vs pug

Oh it makes sense now. Suckin’ streamers.

Whatever story you need to come up with to make yourself more mad.

From your attitude and your name I can make a lot of pretty accurate guesses as to who you are as a person.

Have a nice day, if that’s possible for you to do.

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ever heard of wargames? you can definitely set up a 10v10 match very easily in classic

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not worth your time, at least the other trolls in here write in a legible and coherent way.

Yes you can. It’s crazy how all these people claiming to like to pvp do not know about the wargame feature

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Yeah buddy take a walk and reflect on what you said.

Not sorry I called you out on your bold faced lie.

Nobody here believes you set up premade v premades.

We have a giant discord specifically for wargames.

Last weekend we just held a WSG tournament.

If you want prooof, look up Rokmans latest broadcast on twitch

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how do you think these random 10 vs 10 premade tournaments happen on classic? just queue into the random queue finder and hope the semi finalists meet eachother? :woman_facepalming:


they’re retail people who are used to doing everything solo. that really is the only explanation :expressionless:




It’s not. He admits it. Literally said those queues would never pop.

If he truly believed there was a sizable part of the community that actually enjoyed 10v10 nerdrage matches, he would not be concerned about queues when there are GASP 2 different 10 man bgs to chose from.

The sad part is we actually WANT to queues with friends/groups and laugh on comms about how bad some of you are at your class. We just don’t want to listen to you start heavy breathing about the rogue capping farm because you’ve tied your identity and self-worth to your AV W/L record.

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Yep, and the most popular apparently.

And because pubstomping and being a toxic jerk is a thing in gaming PVP.

And since it’s more fun and therefore more intellectually and time worthy level of rewarding, it should be more popular and not need any special treatment. Also encouraged by being separated from the solo queue.

But Ag admitted that it would be a dead queue and format.

Doesn’t sound very popular.

Look, I get it, a lot of you WANT this to be a thing and to be true. But Blizzard has basically admitted that it’s not popular and would die without the ability to be able to destroy the fun of another section of the player base. In addition to that they admitted that to keep this small portion of the player base (premade vs. premade players) happy and with the occational good match, they’re okay with /delete=fun from solo players. That’s a horrible thing to do and extremely bad game design. The truth of the matter is that premade vs. premade for the sake of good PVP isn’t popular, and won’t be without an artificial incentive. That tells me it needs to die on the development pile so other things that ARE more popular and used in the game can receive more focus.

They should do the premade vs. premade queue, let it die. Let all of you realize it just wasn’t that popular to begin with like you thought, and move on.

One thing that today revealed is that SoD is a discord season. If you aren’t an active discord member with a premade social clique; And don’t really like that manner of play, the season isn’t for you.

Aggrend clearly equates that play with “being social”. Whereas being matched together in game by in-game systems is “not social” for some reason.

i havent seen this level of mental gynmastics since Kanye and Alex jones


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"premade vs premade doesn’t exist, how could u possibly do that??? lool???!?!?“kloloirloie cross faction collusion lmaooo no1 plays 10v10 lmao impossible burger”

→ learns of the wargames feature

back pedals like homer simpson into the hedge