Aggrend is illogical

I tried posting what he said specifically, but I summarized the part that really made me scratch my head.

“people live for 10 v 10 premades, what are we going to tell them its done; we are reluctant to do that.”

What about all the people refusing to pvp because of this very issue?

And his entire logic assumes the premade will be a literal 10 man premade vs another 10 man premade, which is almost never the case.

Try, aggrend, its more like “people live for stomping on 10 pugs with a premade” and maybe I’d better understand the logic.

Sounds like its too much work. Just say that instead of make up nonesense.


Nah, his argument about next phase is good. What happens next tier, you can just never ever find a match as a premade when people are Qing both WSG and AB? Sounds dumb.


Did you play classic? Nobody did WSG once AV was available.

Same exact thing is going to happen with AB and WSG whether he fixes it or not so premising it on that, IMO, is just as illogical.

Nobody did WSG at all, even on WSG weekends unless it was for a sweatbox trying to get the exalted gear.


Fine. There’s nothing premades offer that PuGs don’t besides class stacking.

Endgame Content should be better when played with friends. Pugging should always be the worst of the two experiences.

The entire reason Retail is the garbage mess it is, is because they got rid of any need for a community or a guild or even a friend’s list over the years. You can login to Retail and play every single aspect of the game without ever even so much as typing to another person, let alone talking to someone in a voice chat.

This is a Bad Thing.

No, I do not want Season of Discovery to adopt Retail Mentality when it comes to what content should be soloable. If you want to solo stuff in Season of Discovery, go and do open world content. If you want to solo/pug instanced endgame content, go play Retail.


Git gud ez.

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He is not the brightest. He says people live for 10v10 so if you have queue system for 10v10, they will get their queue. The reality is 90% of the premades are looking for free rep and honor because the grind sucks. There is nothing social about it, he is saying random solo queue players don’t interact with each other which is far from the truth. The underlying truth is that you separate them and no one will queue premade unless you give more incentive to waste tons of gold to win one BG.


Wouldnt this argument make sense if you wanted to play against other premades??? Why not do faction based so alli can fight alli so more premades to play against?

If the fun is in stomping on a 10 man pug, then honestly, classic sucks lol. There’s absolutely nothing fun or rewarding from that.

Im all for group play and its why I like classic more. I don’t see how taking premades out of solo Q would hurt that.


there are actually very few of us that live for 10v10 premades. what most people want is GOOD GAMES. the thing is you get alot more good games naturally by simply removing the bracer rewards until bwl (the actual release date) which are the reason 75% of people are in a premade to begin with. it has nothing to do with the enjoyment of 10v10 lmao. This is spoken from my perspective having lead thousands of hours of wsg premades and solo q as well. Premades are fine when they don’t make up a a large % of the que and joining in smaller groups becomes more viable


People still do WSG on Era to this day.

Some people pvp because we enjoy pvp and WSG is the ultimate endgame pvp in vanilla.

Sorry y’all had to get a trial through fire, but it will get easier in AB / AV.

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The definition of good games varies by people. Some people think good games means fighting mid like headless chickens, while others think good games are two top tier premades playing objectives.

How are those Qs? The Qs for WSG by the later phases in classic were horrid and not friendly to those that have a life.

So his entire logic is absolutely flawed. Sooooooo many people will be complaining in the future because they wont be able to get exalted as easy as now in later phases. Save this thread so i can say i told you so, lol

they were only ever bad for horde due to the faction imbalance on their side. wsg was always popping for ally.

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Sounds like point proven then…because its going to be the same nonesense all over again.

Before they released 1.14 in Era we had non-stop WSG with pretty short queues. After 1.14 all the rankers moved to AV but WSG still popped pretty quickly until SoD came out.

It will come back overtime, Era is forever.

We play in premades to grind exalted by stomping pugs.
If I wanted a good BG experience, I would play RBGs on retail which is way more interresting and way more fun.

Easiest way to solve it is by never allowing exalted rewards in SoD.


lol what? what point did you even make? You’re shocked that bg’s are not as popular in naxx phase when all the best gear comes from pve? And you can’t understand that there was a huge faction imbalance (not the case this time) that was the true source of long ques?

the reward can exist but when they dont drop till bwl there’s very little reason to grind exalted at lvl 25 ya know. most ppl would elect to just do it casually over the longer time period before the rewards drop.

No ya donut, im simply saying the logic aggrend is using – that later phases ppl wont be able to Q if they fix the premade issue – is flawed based on the agreed fact that eventually ppl stop Qing altogether. I didnt even reference that part in my initial thread but either you or someone else brought it up so i addressed that.

do you guys not have guilds? I never see that being brought up within the premade discussion. Even queuing with one healer and a few dps can turn the tide of a wsg game, especially against a pug but even against a premade.

If you can manage to queue with a flag carrier and a healer and some dps in just a group of 5, you can definitely give most premades a real run for their money.

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