Aggrend is illogical



becuase theyre already working with a splintered classic playerbase who is splintered into pvp and pve, then you want to splinter the pvpers even more into solo queuer’s and premader’s. whats the point of tripling the queues for everyone once AB comes out, when were only a month into launch and WSG has a 6-8 minute queue

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Since you seem to not understand that effort going in usually returns better results than just giving up and crying (as you seem to be good at) there is no reason, especially since you are a walking example of bad faith arguing. It’s current year and your asking and answering your own questions? lmao.

Whatever you have to tell yourself to stay mad. Imagine paying a sub to just be mad online.

Learn the meaning and spell it properly and you may learn a new word today!

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No, just make premades face other premades like twinks face other twinks. Same queue. Ez.

But as Aggrend explained, not having pugs to steamroll for premades would result in “killing off 10-man premades”.

So he as well understands that the only reason premades exist is to steamroll randomly put together players. This is the intended design. Which is embarrassing.

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“This is actually a tricky problem with no easy answers. Do you make two separate queues? You may scream, “yes!” and maybe it’s fine when we only have WSG, but when we have all 3 BGs + two queues each, some of those queues may literally never pop.”

“Is it okay for us to potentially damage or kill premade PvP to make it easier to solo? Will it actually be that much better? I’m concerned that premades are the boogyman here more than the actual problem.”

“The reality is and will remain that some activities in WoW are just better in a group. Not to say we won’t make adjustments; we are actively talking about this internally basically daily, but it’s not a simple problem and it doesn’t actually have a simple solution.”

“We just have to take care because any change we make will be hard/impossible to reverse. In the meantime, I’d encourage anyone struggling to branch out a bit. Premades spin up constantly, and there are discords set up for this very thing on almost every realm.”

“Might not be what you want to hear, and that’s fair, but it is a viable option. You may find you have a lot more fun in a group and may make some new friends along the way.”

“Answered a similar question in a reply but I’ll quote for more vis; is it okay for us to kill 10 player premades for this? You might think so, but others will disagree. There are people who live for 10v10 premade fights and saying “you can’t have that anymore” gives us pause.”

he clearly states that to do the 2 queues would probably work for 1 bg but when you add in 2+ more having 6+ queues would make it so they dont pop ever.

potentially killing premades with that being said is not an option either.

he goes on to say that people should branch out and try grouping (which makes sense in a MMO social game).

also that they dont want to make changes that are impossible to reverse but they are actively talking about this every day.

quit making him out to be a bad guy on this one guys. its silly.

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Well, then it proves that premades weren’t the prefered content consumption method then, doesn’t it.

I mean if they’re so popular then all those “splits” (which I don’t buy, because you’re talking about different cross sections that don’t always overlap) shouldn’t matter.

As someone who has no tauren in this race that it’s funny you’re accusing him of gaslighting when you’re gaslighting him >_>;;

I’ll return back to eating my popcorn.

But point to the gaslight. At least so I can throw you to the curb too.

zoomers find a meme word they like and just accuse everyone of it :expressionless: that’s how they argue

It’s very entertaining.

No, no you do not. You are actually just being an entitled child over game play preferences. You pay a sub to complain on the forums about the game you pay to play.

Learn what gaslighting means because you have not once been gaslit here, just disagreed with.

Enjoy your bad faith approach to the topic, I bet your tendies are almost done in the oven. Be better but I know you wont be.

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Says the dude saying zoomer.

Go enjoy your premade v premade that doesnt exist :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

its not about “fun” or “preferred” content. were all classic wow gamers. we’re going to choose the path of least resistance and do the most efficient method to collect our rewards. then after that, do whatever you find fun, who cares.

thats why AV was ruined from the start in 2019.

your schizo is flaring up, did you forget to take your meds?

Lmao…notice you still have not answered?

We all know you do not premade v premade. Its okay. Enjoy your punching bag sprinkled with your occasional premade v premade.

But it is.

If premade vs. premade was fun content consumption that everyone enjoyed for the sake of itself, we wouldn’t be having this argument.

But as Ag suggested in his Tweets, it’s not popular and they decided to prop up it’s corpse at the expense of the solo queue player base.

Remove or announce that the bracers aren’t in the game and most of this goes away. These solo queuers are queueing to get rep and so are the premades, the players who make wsg a chore for epic level 40 bracers are people who should not be in there.

Dang you hitting all the political rhetoric jargon. Doing the ‘both sides’ thing too. :rofl:


I don’t answer bad faith questions when you have already decided the answer yourself. Textbook bad faith posting.

There’s no point in engaging with your insane ramblings and flat out lies anymore. You don’t even know what half the 5 letter words you are using mean, why should I continue to give you any attention no matter how small?


How in the world is that schizo? Do you even know what that means? What?! Lmao braindead much?