Aggrend is illogical

I’m quoting you there. You’re saying it’s popular and awesome. If it’s so popular and awesome everyone should want to do it without additional incentive.

That is very much so not the case, as we’ve seen with Ags Tweets and the demand for special treatment if the premade vs. premade queue becomes a thing.

If it was super special popular, Ag wouldn’t have wrote what he did today. The fact is that, at it’s core, it isn’t. Premades are made purely to destroy solo player groups and ruin other’s fun.

What Laz is talking about is rare, that’s what Ag and now I are trying to convey here.

thats the exact opposit of what im saying. its not popular because there are worse rewards per hour for doing it.

special treatment like removing the ability of everyone to queue for a battleground together because you want to fill your reputation bar without being ground into dust?

I’m actually the most happy Aggrend made this tweet because I’ve seen you specifically spamming the forums complaining every day nonstop.

So my day is made because you are extremely angry.

Told you so

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I’d argue most ppl have 0 clue about a wargames discord / organization.

WSG sure as sh*t wasnt implemented with that in mind.

None of what this thread is about has to do with that level of sweat and organization.

The fact that that discord even exists further bolsters the point that premades should get their own Q. Why do players have to create an entire discord in attempt to play eachother.

every season of WoW involves using discord in some form or another :expressionless: SoD isn’t special in this regard.

Oh here we go. Lazmanx has joined the chat and is here to tell us about how their singular unique experience of bg only private servers and organized wargames is somehow relevant and should be extrapolated to the entire population of classic SoD, most of whom have never played a private server.

Don’t worry guys. Premades aren’t an issue because Laz solo queues and beats them 90% of the time by himself/herself while everyone else refuses to rez.

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Yes it was.

The wargame feature was created by blizzard because of their classic summer bowl and fall conquest tournaments in classic 2020.

No matter how much you cope about it, it exists

Then it’s not fun and premades shouldn’t be happening at all.

But it is, because the incentive ruins other players fun, so that’s fine…

The issue is that premade vs. premade should happen, period. Having that challenge is it’s own reward. Remember.

I’ve never said remove. I’ve always said play against other premades only. Or are you afraid of running into a pro team and getting ground into dust?

I don’t really care.

You lost.

Aggrend owned you 100-0.

Nothing changes for me. We still get our games and I can still q up in whatever size I please

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I play a lot and had 0 clue a discord for this even existed. If i didnt know that id bet my bottom dollar 99% of the playerbase has 0 clue about it.

This just proves our point that premades should get their own Q. Let them circle jerk eachother.

if you don’t find solo queue fun, then don’t be a solo queuer. make a premade. the system works :expressionless:

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You probably aren’t the type of person to even care about it otherwise you would have caught wind like all the other people who actually like to pvp.

Your nonstop cope about it is noted tho

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By this you, of course mean, “my entire game experience isnt revolved around pvp”

You’re 100% right. And thats most of the playerbase.

bro go away. talking in circles and wasting my time

Sure, but I want your evidence of t he rest of the playerbase and how you got that metric.

Regardless, they aren’t changing anything so I’m not sure why you or anyone else is still coping

It absolutely does not.

Current meta is minimum;

3 hunters
3 priests
1 druid (FC)
3 (others)

If you make your own premade, people will not join if they are one of the “3 others” classes if they don’t see at least the comp including the other 7. That’s not viable and is one of the underlying problems as well.

I’ve said the same thing every time.

If premades are so popular on the ideal of competition with other premades, then making their own queue, without any special rewards, shouldn’t be an issue.

However, Ag had admitted that the premade vs. premade queue would be dead come next BG release. Underlying cause, it’s not popular. It’s being used as a vessel to grind rep at the expense of other players by ruining their fun. And that’s extremely poor game design.

Not familiar with that, not all of us play the broken / easy mode faction.

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How come I see premades winning without the comp you mentioned?

and the meta for BFD is 2 paladin tanks to bubble akumai??? what is your point??? meta will ALWAYS exist

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Same reason you felt the need to throw your two cents into this mix.

I had to point out the false premise aggrend relied on because its just that…just like you had to point out that some portion of players organize premades against eachother

If less than 10% of players fully completely BFD by week two, i think its fair to say most players barely finish end game content. To think theres somehow a populus that knows a discord exists to set up premades v premades is a god damn stretch armstrong dont you think?