Aggrend is illogical

How is that a solid point when that is exactly whats going to happen even faster now with this system because arguably most ppl Qing now will be exalted with wsg by next phase.

So instead of wsg Qs slowing by phase 5, its now phase 2/3…and phase 2/3 of SOD isnt even level 60 compared to vanilla/classic’s phase 2/3.

because according to players on this forum, almost every game is vs a premade, so you’d be fighting on an equal footing…right?

you can’t say the majority of games are premades and when people tell you to make your own, you say they aren’t and you’d just be steamrolling pugs

just so i’m following

if you are a premade, you only get queued vs pugs
but if you are the pug, its always a premade

this isn’t making much sense

I know this happens, others have said so. Which is why Ag’s insinuation that prem vs. prem would kill prems is really weird.

There is a community that enjoys that level and type of play and would continue to do so. Not sure where he thinks that magically the queue would be dead.

thats only true becuase the most efficient way to farm honor at that point would be solo queuing. if they made it 10v10 then just made it award a ton of bonus honor, then premades wouldnt go anywhere.

In what universe do you live. How do you plan a premade v premade??? Do yo uguys are actively talking to the opposing faction pop Q at the same time hoping u join the same game???

What a bold faced lie.

How? People are still going to grind rep/honor, The idea is to do it as efficiently as possible. If the only way to PvP is to enter with a fully formed group, that is what people are going to do.

The problem with segregating the two without changing the rewards structure is that you kill premades only in the sense that they will no longer queue as a group. They will still queue together, just not in a group. Premades will still exist

heres what he actually said.

I don’t know, I think it would be pretty equal. It may end up being that premades would be faster. Pug vs pug can easily go over 2 hours in wsg due to ineptitude alone.

But that would be a situation of crossing that bridge when we come to it.

it’s gaslighting to act like nobody enjoys 10v10 premade matches :expressionless:

And that’s the root issue. Premades aren’t inherently fun or popular unless they’re “stomping”. Ag basically admitted this.

So we’re lifting up a corpse of a content sector for the enjoyment of who now?

Its gaslighting acting like they exist on a consistent basis.

They happen randomly, sometimes.

I didn’t read this the same way you and others have, I don’t see this as some seedy admission of premades being inherently predatory, I see this as more of not wanting to destroy something like premades just to make outliers happier.

When in all reality those outliers won’t be, some people do not like losing and player#876756 uses this as the current reason they lose games.
It boggles my mind that people are upset about players communicating and working together to win in a competitive game mode.

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nah premade vs premade is fun. youre just projecting.


these forums are an enigma

“every game is vs a premade its unplayable!”

but somehow, the premades also never face eachother? lol

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100% . … go do 10 with your faction report back how many matches were against another premade…ill wait.

The irony of you calling me a liar is amazing.

Stay mad about your made up non-issue. Learn to write and communicate coherently.

Premade groups are just the current popular excuse/boogeyman for why they aren’t winning or ranking.

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i did about 5 in the last 2 hours and 3 of them were against other premades :slight_smile:

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yup, these guys are telling on themselves :expressionless:

Cool, then Blizzard should have no concerns or worries about splitting them up from solo players.

BUT WAIT, they do

Ag admitted that premade queues would likely be super long or empty after the next content BG released. Inherently, that means they’re not popular for what they are

They’re just being used as an efficient honor and rep grinding mechanism at the expense of other players.


So you do that? Your team actively talks to an opposing faction and pops Q at the same time to face eachother??? Yes or no you didnt answer.

The answer is no.

Thus, premade v premade only exists randomly. Its by chance. And more likely, its premade v punching bag.

Stop gas lighting to prove your failed point.

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