Aggrend is illogical

the only change I would advocate for is eliminating solo queue entirely :expressionless:

other than basic coordination, server stability, and knowing that your teammates at least speak the same language as you…

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Disallowing solo Q would encourage premade vs premade.

Id literally rather that than what this mess is.

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Premades are for the birds. We already have to listen to some Napoleon-complected nincompoop lose his mind every single match and you’re like, “Yeah but you should have to listen to him in Discord too, times 9.”

Anyone who finds it illogical that the devs don’t plan to shut off a legitimate and ingrained game play option just because 5 people are crying on the internet about losing to a coordinated team are legit the ones being illogical and honestly super entitled.


honestly this. it takes less time to find, join and win in a premade than it does solo queuing in a 40 minute 10v10 clownfest. If you cant commit the time to finding a group for bg’s then you couldn’t commit to the solo queue BG either. BG’s should require as much time committed as a dungeon does.

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imo the main goal of the devs with wsg should be to get people who are bar fillers out of wsg, they make it miserable for everyone including themselves

this applies to premades and solo players

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I’d like to see what would happen to queue times if they announced that the bracers would be unavailable (or rendered inferior by a raid quest). It would be very telling.

You dont even understand logic with this comment.

If you know how to read–which seems like a stretch based on your comment–then you’d know that at the end I specifically said to say the real reason you arent doing anything and not base it off the false premise that ppl enjoy 10 v 10 premades bcus its not true and everyone knows it.

And its also gaslighting to say only 5 ppl r complaining about it.

I think you and others are missing the point. The fact that you think they would ever get rid of the solo queue button illustrates that. Aggrend said that if premades only faced other premades, it would kill off premades (He literally said fixing this issue would kill off premades).

The direct implication to that is pugs are the entire backbone of the BG system. That they are the only reason people make premades – to steamroll randomly put together people.

If everyone just made premades, like the mantra being repeated here, that would, per Aggrend, kill off BG games.

So his supported design philosophy is to have a bunch of people randomly put together just to get killed by premades. That is working as intended – And the only way they see battlegrounds working. This is why they will never get rid of the solo button.

They should though. But they won’t. Because again, the entire system relies on steamrolling pugs. That’s the design. They are the bread and butter.

It’s literally the worst desig in gaming. Embarrassing.

Really shouldn’t be instantly resorting to insults on comprehension when your reply is just a long, repetitious, and incoherent post.

People enjoy premade versus premade. I do, others I know who still play enjoy it as well. Maybe this is just a lie you tell yourself to fuel your entitlement?

Wait, rets are hyperbuffed? lol ok

This is my take from his Twitter response as well. Which means the only recourse is to identify and fix the god comp issue. Hunter pets and insta healing from priests.

Balance will HAVE to be looked at, because realistically, you only have 3 slots open in a premade for any class other than priest / hunter / and the 1 druid to flag carry.

Finally, after waiting over a decade Aggrend randomly decides to buff the paladin class, despite being the mouth piece telling rets “no buffs”. It was a long game style plan apparently.

at the end of the day, the system was created like an old halo 2 multiplayer lobby. where there weren’t any rules or background MMR windows and brackets like there are today in multiplayer games. And theres pros and cons to it. like its the most accessible a multiplayer can possibly be, but its also incredibly unbalanced because of it

You daft?

I will insult at this point.

10 man premades v 10 man premades are as real as impossible burgers are.

They don’t exist.

The only person fooling themselves are you and the so-called masses you allege that enjoy something that doesnt exist.

i think you guys are misreading what hes saying and taking it to where he wasnt saying what you are saying he was saying.

the 10v10 premade post was about people saying limiting the queue to 5 and was after him saying that the queues being seperated for wsg alone would be fine probably but when you add in all the other individual bgs and their queues , no queue would pop in a good amount of time that would be acceptable.

read what he actually said and dont sensationalize it and its solid points.

Sorry planning some premade versus premade games right now just like I was doing in the past and in these classic rereleases. Keep feeding yourself these inaccuracies so your entire premise doesn’t fall flat.

Must really be hard to hold onto a lie as hard as you have. Sweeping generalizations generally don’t hold up to reality.

It was viable 15 years ago and more. But technology has changed, and communication has changed. Much more accessibility. Relying on MinMax and meta is now the norm. So whereas it was maybe one pre-made every five games 15 years ago, now it’s pretty much every game. When you see a pug versus pug it’s fairly rare situation.

So the problem has exploded. It needs to be addressed. This was something that was requested even on the first week battlegrounds were introduced. It’s even more so a necessity than it was back then. That’s the only difference.

But as Aggrend admits, he desires premades to keep getting built and playing. And if they didn’t have sheep to slaughter, as he says, they would not be built; it would “kill off 10 man premades”. I think it’s a pretty embarrassing design choice but that’s his prerogative.