Aggrend is illogical

Back at you. The entire support system of your and Aggrend’s preferred battleground system relies on steamrolling pugs. If there weren’t pugs to steamroll, as Aggrend admits, premades would be killed off.

So while you people hide behind this mantra “just go make a pre-made” – you don’t actually want that. It’s just something you say. Because if everyone actually did that, the entire system would fall apart. You wouldn’t queue anymore. Because all you play for is to steamroll pugs.

And that’s a laughable design.

The trade off to this is just pugs staying ghosts and AFKing for the mark. So this meta will continue to get more ingrained – as it should.

This is the design Aggrend has chosen.


Seems like the real problem are those lvl 40 epic bracers, otherwise the demand for WSG wouldn’t be as high.

So a quick solution would be to release better bracers than these next phase and/or being able to get to exalted with the Ashenval event (tho at greatly reduced rate than now, otherwise it’s too easy).

What arent you understanding?

I can, you’re right. But now I created an opposing punching bag which isnt fun at all.

Jesus yall are hard in the head how do you guys not comprehend?

Sure we can join premades…then steamroll …how is that fun??? There’s 0 fun to that. That’s the entire point of people complaining (at least me).

And having the director justify it with false premises is laughable


no, it wouldn’t… it would just be full of premade vs premade battles. sounds good to me :expressionless: i think you are doing a heavy dose of projection, buddy. YOU might want easy wins and nothing but easy wins, but plenty of people who create premades welcome a good challenge.

It’s a temp game mode, the rep SHOULD be easier lol.

I still don’t get all the whining. Horde side I face premades maybe 30% of the time. Facing another pug is far more common, but then you run into the problem that horde pugs seem to rarely get healers. Priests seem to be the only ones that will queue horde side. Meanwhile I see hpals and B/Rdruids all the time on the alliance side.

A “good” pug v pug battle is incredibly rare.

This is such gaslight.

Your type would absolutely hate premade v premade.

“But but but the better team is getting the bracers easier and faster bcus their premades are better waahhhhhhh”

I could see it now.

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more projection from the solo queue crowd :expressionless: yes, i understand you are only pvping to get your precious bracers. if so, enjoy being a punching bag for premades. that’s the price you pay for your bracers.

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His other comments make a bit more sense:

This is actually a tricky problem with no easy answers. Do you make two separate queues? You may scream, “yes!” and maybe it’s fine when we only have WSG, but when we have all 3 BGs + two queues each, some of those queues may literally never pop.

Problem with that logic is: thats already going to happen when next phase is released and all the casuals / non no lifers want to Q wsg for rep.

Sorry, but Aggrend already admitted on Twitter that such a situation would kill off premades. That’s what he said would happen if he created a situation where they only faced each other. And he’s right. You only queue to steamroll random pugs.

The entire support structure of the design for BGs relies on pugs as sheep for the slaughter. This is apparently blizzards preferred design choice. So they get what they made. Pugs will just stay ghosts or alt tab as they auto run in to die.

I mean whatever. I’ll get exalted either way. It’s just an embarrassing design choice. Pretty sad they think it’s fine.


It’s already super easy to get to Revered, getting to Exalted would be a joke at current rate, especially in comparison to WSG. I would slash the rep gain by half for Exalted and it would still be easy, just not too easy.

Pubstomping is a good thing in an MMO. You should be rewarded for teaming up with other players to accomplish more.

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that is a mischaracterization of what he said :expressionless:

I pvp to have fun bcus its THE ONLY THING TO DO.

Problem is: its trash right now.

The only person projecting is you. You want this to stay. If you are hardcore pvp then why arent you advocating for premade v premade??? Thts the only way u hardcore ppl will see competition.

Oh i know why: you’re exactly the same as the solo Q crowd.

What a clown.

It’s not, it’s a ramification. Explain to me how the idea of making premades only face other premades would result in premades being killed off. That’s how aggrend characterized what the solution would do.

It’s simply just another way of saying that if premades had to face other premades exclusively, premade’s wouldn’t happen anymore.

So the bread and butter, the entire foundation of BGs, are pugs to steamroll. It’s an embarrassing design to support.


In guild wars 1 there wasn’t even the concept of doing a “random” 8v8 team. You just… joined a premade. And it was popping. Very good fun game.

Honestly, maybe BGs would be better with no random option? I don’t think they’ll get rid of it simply because the mantra of WoW is “You can choose to solo anything, it just won’t be a good idea”, but plenty of PvP MMOs never let you yeet yourself into organized PvP (which is what a battleground is - it is a organized match of equal numbers on each side, as opposed to the random free-form casual open world content).

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No its not…its literally what happened in retail they tried it.

You clearly have 0 clue what you are talking about. Let the adults chat. Thanks.

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yes, at the end of the day, battlegrounds are for premades. the fact anyone can just solo queue is a courtesy of the game devs :expressionless: doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

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Then you should be advocating for premade v premade not premade v punching bag.

Nothing you are saying makes any sense at all. Try again.