Aggrend is illogical

It wasn’t though. It really, really wasn’t that popular.

Huhhhhhhhhh??? Reading comprehension is not strong with you I suppose if that was what took from what I said.

I said that because people don’t want to waste their time. I don’t want to get steamrolled by premades ya donut.

But I want my epixx.


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You can ad hominem all you’d like, but really if we Just stop tolerating people who are throwing in BGs every problem goes away.


Under this logic, premades would not be a problem in even era, but they are.

Look at AV…its one big premade after premade if you want to get your rank. Otherwise you probably afk Q/play and pray you dont get reported.

premades in era are not stopped from ranking by the caps we have in sod so your comparison is just wrong sir.

I specifically explained why you misread. Its not adhominen. Stop saying that. You are a jackass.

insignificant in number :expressionless: you’re just a vocal minority. everyone else is having fun PvPing.

checks recent and numerous complaints in froums

No i dont think so. Complete speculation, just like my assertion was speculation.

“I explained why I’m using ad-hominem, so it’s not ad-hominem.”

Dude, you are attacking the person, not the argument. That’s why it’s ad hominem. It doesn’t matter if you have a reason to use it or if you explain what that reason is.


this. classic WoW does not cater to the individual. the best rewards require grouping and being organized. simple as that :expressionless: it’s the same as real life. individuals don’t get very far. you gotta team up.

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You really don’t know what ad hominen means … it means you are using personal attack in lieu of explanation…i did both. Get it right. Act like you’ve been insulted before.

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But it’s not tricky at all. Just simply make premades face other premades. They’ve already done this under the classic framework with twinks. This is just smoke and mirrors, not “something tricky we just don’t know what to do about”.

The actual reason is they know premades would stop queuing if they didn’t have sheep for the slaughter. Aggrend de facto admits this when he says fixing the issue would kill off premades.

So he has relegated a sizable demographic of the playing population to just simply exist as sheep for the slaughter so premades queue. This is his preferred design. Everything else he has said has been to get around this and deceive you.

The trade-off to this, of course, is pugs simply staying ghosts or just running to the midfield on auto run while they all tab. This is the meta that Aggrend is facilitating. Proactively.


people who team up beforehand give a lot more of a crap about the gameplay of wsg than solo queuers :expressionless: they’re doing this thing called preparing. By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.

Naaaa all the monkey-brained idiots will cry they cannot get their epic bracers by lvl 25.

If they already know WSG Qs will slow down, why wouldnt they try to delay ppl maxing out in phase 1? Make it make sense.

or they could do this amazing thing called… get this… create their own 10 man team :expressionless: i know, i know, getting 10 people together is a nigh impossible task, but i think you can handle it, young padawan…

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Rise up and form your own prem. Jeez. lol. How are you willing to just be a punching bag? Rise up. Make some friends and fight back. lol. I don’t get it.

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just play how you don’t want to play

Not a great solution. If they want players to only play in premades, then get rid of the solo button.

They won’t, because those players are necessary. As Aggrend admits, without the solo players to be sheep for the slaughter, premades would cease to exist.

This is the same eSports mandated design philosophy that alienated the large PVP community when vanilla went to TBC. If he wants to repeat the mistake, that’s his prerogative.

Lots of players just like watching Netflix while they casually play some BGs. But we get esports. Here we go again.

See the post directly above yours.

:roll_eyes: you get about as much sympathy from me as people who want to do dungeons solo. sorry, sometimes you just gotta group up.