Aggrend is illogical

What are you talking about? You were leaking from starting base and the premade was killing you?

Rogues almost always start at mine in team AB, whether you are versus a pug or premade.

There is strategy to AB, it isn’t a free for all, fight on the road, deathmath - like many pugs think.

The only reason why people hate the idea of 10 man premades getting stuck with other 10 man premades is bcus they dont like 10 man premades unless u can stomp the other team for easy honor/rep.

To have the main director gaslight saying that ppl live for 10 v 10 premades under the false premise that premades play against premades --which is what id argue most ppl want right now–is illogical in every sense of the word.

Reality is: ppl dont want 10 man premades v 10 man premades bcus of the loot.


He seems out of touch as if he never played Classic or SoM

Once AV comes out the amount of people that queue into AB/WSG will drop dramatically. People don’t live for 10v10 premades they live for the fastest way to get their reward to stop doing it.

It’s always humorous reading these comments from people who seem to have trouble understanding more than one person is posting on the internet.

its always humorous reading “aggrend is deliberately buffing his class and faction” when he has played a ret paladin the entire duration of classic and they’ve nearly always been awful, right now he is playing alliance in wotlk and guess what? alliance sucks

is that not part of his post, mentioning that this is for the longevity and health of WSG as the phases progress. It’s literally in the first tweet. You just agreed with him, a least a little bit.

Once AB and AV are out, WSG would be left to die

I wish these guys would post more on the forums than twatter or Xcrement. Not everyone uses those platforms.

/ >.<


Agreed. Twitter is cringe now.


best thing to do for the longevity of the BG is not drop the bracers right now though lol.

I sincerely hope there are better bracers at 40 they come out with so I can point and laugh at all the ppl ruining WSG fun for some orange parse on a 20 yr old game

people forget he was literally the guy that wrote on these forums that ret did not deserve a buff lol

Then you would solo que? Lmao why cater to premades at all, they are just there to grind rep and don’t give a crap about the gameplay of wsg at all.

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I’m aware of the PUG v PUG standard. The premade standard is, or was, back in 2020, when presumably there was the WoW equivalent of a restaurant onboarding video making the rounds in the premade community, sending a stealther along the road above the mine to cap farm while the rest of the horde team is being obliterated at LM or BS.

It’s just your standard straw manning because he knows the actual position he has is very weak so he can’t use it. He has to pretend the argument is about making things easier for soloists. All the while admitting that if they made premades face actual challenge, premades would stop queuing.

So they’re opting for the design choice of premades steamrolling random players.

Thus the meta will continue to be staying a ghost. Soon every team will just do this to get the mark and alt tab while they do it. This is the meta blizzard is choosing by admitting there must be sheep for the slaughter all over the place or their precious premades would stop queuing.

Well that’s the trade-off. If you must have soloists there just to get slaughtered, then they are going to stay ghosts. This is your design.


Yup. 100%.

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It depends on your team structure but yeah the faster you cap farm/stables the better if you are chaining quick 5caps.

Sometimes you just have you mine rogue go there asap if the mine is empty, but sometimes you will rollover bs so fast that you can have some people stay mounted and also go there.

It all depends on how well the pugs are playing and your team structure.

No, that’s not definitely the reason why retail failled, besides you need a well organized and solid friend list/guild in order to do end game content, being that mythic raiding and/or decent rbg’s and arenas.

The majority of Classic players are old, have difficulty to attend strict schedules and have depleted friends lists.
That’s why hardcore, was so popular, for a niche mode and now sod, bot are pug friendly.

Wsg almost only premade queues are taking away all the fun of casual bg’s with serious end game meaning, which was imo one of the main + of vanilla and even classic back in 2019.

I bet only 10% of the total player base that would probably invested their time in bg’s during this phase, are doing it.

Please let players get exalted in ash, which has been a success, or just create a solo, or 2/3 players queue maximum. Premades, specially with nowadays metas, including class stacking are not fun, they are repetitive and don’t encourage casual queues at all.

His other comments make a bit more sense:

This is actually a tricky problem with no easy answers. Do you make two separate queues? You may scream, “yes!” and maybe it’s fine when we only have WSG, but when we have all 3 BGs + two queues each, some of those queues may literally never pop.

The reality is and will remain that some activities in WoW are just better in a group. Not to say we won’t make adjustments; we are actively talking about this internally basically daily, but it’s not a simple problem and it doesn’t actually have a simple solution. 3/5

Really, you shouldn’t be queuing PVP Battlegrounds if you refuse to PVP.


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this all started because

we are capped at level 25
we are capped with some factions at honored
capped at rank 3
we should be capped at wsg rep at revered probably

,…but we aren’t