Aggrend is illogical

The only thing I pointed out is that you needed to be corrected and put in your place

You made a claim and I proved the claim wrong.

Regardless, you saying Aggrend is being fallacious is also wrong. This is called cognitive dissonance.

Guess what? I lost something today too. He said he didn’t want to add RBGs. I’m not going to cope about it, just accept and move on

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WSG has been the same for 20 year. Deal with it.


You proved his claim wrong by citing an event happening on a TOS breaking private server and not PVP related to the game format that we’re all currently discussing?

Interesting logic there.

It’s not happening on a private server.

The tournament AND wargames are done on SOD.

You wanted proof, and I told you to review Rokmans latest broadcast on twitch.

Rokman is a writer for wowhead, do you honestly believe he will stream a private server tournament? Lmao you are such a clown

Hate it or love it.

Everything I’m describing happens on SOD

If aggrend was referencing and acknowledging this discord, which i doubt, then why would a premade v premade Q suggestion be shut down by him on the reasoning that the premade v premade crowd like you would get butt hurt? Wouldnt that contradict his assertion that it would upset the premade v premade crowd?

It makes no sense, at all.

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I saw what happened in classic when horde turned AV into unfun garbage SoD BGs shouldnt turn into GY camping simulator

I do not know his motives bro. Idk why he would not add it.

All we have is the information he gave us, which was he isn’t changing anything.

I simply read between the lines and don’t cope about it

I wanted RBGs and he said no to that too. The difference is I’m not gonna cope about it

Oh, you mean when we figured out how to counter the Discord premade groups that shouldn’t have been happening and started destroying Alliance that were cheating the system so they could gain and unfair advantage?

Yea, loved those GY farms.

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Ok well thats you…

No matter how you slice this, its illogical.

Thanks for informing me about the premades, what did you say the name of it was? Is it strictly for tournements?

Oh you care. It’s why you replied. You’ve tied your entire identity to this game.

SoD is in my opinion one of the most promising things blizz has done in years, but a dev “owning” paying customers is definitely not the win you seem to think it is. If we leave, you go back to your sad private servers.

I won’t quit because of the premade issue. I just won’t queue and will continue having lots of fun with friends in other parts of the game. But if I do quit SoD early it will be 100% due to Aggend’s condescension.

No, but they will do tournaments at each level bracket.

For now, they use it for “weekly war games” with signups.

Are you wanting in it? I would need your discord ID

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Fair point, I’m of the same opinion. I finished the rep grind and will likely not step back in for some time if ever, and I like PVP in WoW.

The premade and comp meta just isn’t fun.

I very rarely used vent in classic and vanilla. Now everything revolves around it, in the form of discord. It’s a problem. Maybe not for you but I know people are self-centered. Mandating this as the mode of play is just not good design

Why not just have premades face other premades. I don’t know what’s with all this other nonsense to confuse the issue. It’s very simple. They made twinks only face twinks. What’s the problem?

All I want to say is that you win some and you lose some.

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youre STILL wrong on this. premade vs premade would die because it offers less honor and rep per hour than pug vs pug would. AND it would split the player base AGAIN. if mythic plus in retail (which is considered to be one of the most fun things to do atm) didnt reward any gear, then you would see a dramatic dip in player engagement.

becuase its not about fun its about the rewards


Obviously not, otherwise it would be popular enough to stand on it’s own.


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Aggrend isn’t logical. Aggrend isn’t truthful. Aggrend is a streamer simp. The only people Aggrend cares to listen to are the streamers that stroke his ego. Streamers want gold buying. Streamers want bots. Streamers want GDKPs. Streamers want pug stomping premades. The biggest streamers for SoD are Alliance.

It’s really easy to spot the trend and ACTUAL reasoning behind Aggrend’s decisions. Most of the current Blizz devs are subpar or mid level talent in their respective fields who have no actual pride in the things they make. To them it’s all about pleasing streamers and corporate shareholders. All the devs with actual talent and pride in their work left Blizz a long time ago and corporate drives any potential competent replacements away.

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In the end, it’s fine…I mean whatever. I’ll just run around aimlessly and get a mark with everyone else. Muting the spergs along the way. IDC. Will just pay more attention to YouTube or whatever else I’m doing while grinding rep and honor. I’ll get exalted in a few weeks. No big deal.

It’s just an embarrassing meta for a game developer to stand behind and facilitate. Was hoping they would improve it a little bit.

Was looking forward to AB, but unlike vanilla and classic, it will just be completely overrun in premades. AV will continue to be the only viable BG lol.

Aggrend bro… Lol like really?

Do you play as a straw man in game too or only on the forums?

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