Aggrend is illogical

Please learn what words and phrases mean before attempting a gotcha comment.

Edit: Nice name for a tauren!

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Yea, I’m still confused about how this is a smart customer experience move in any way.

Unless he only thinks 1000 people are playing the game for some reason.

Blizzard really needs to break the addiction they have with streamers giving them free advertising.

Yeah I don’t know. It’s pretty baffling. He’s relegating probably more than half the players to just be cannon fodder for premades. Like…really?

Then he somehow implies that being matched with other players, hundreds of different players over the course of one session, isn’t social…somehow. And that playing with the same nine players over and over again is more social. And the solution to everyone’s problems is to play how they don’t want to play.

The whole thing was bizarre. I get the impression he doesn’t really understand the people playing this game. He just understands one demographic. And he’s catering everything to them.

That’s his prerogative. I mean it won’t work out for the company as far as seasons go, but whatever. Blizzard gonna blizz.

It’s like they had an idea on paper to start appealing to more demographics than the very same one they do over and over again. So they made season of discovery with some design philosophies. But the moment something happens and we come to a crossroad where something needs to change to adhere to that philosophy, they just revert back to the same design principles and the same demographic that they always target exclusively: pre-made social clique raid loggers.

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Yea, it’s one of the reasons why every time they start alienating the greater population they lose subs. It’s so weird that they can’t make that business connection.

I’ve noticed this too. There have been several games that they’ve launched that met a general appeal demographic very well. Hearthstone and HotS especially, then quickly devolve into streamer, whale hunting, toxic cess pits. Some is obviously apathy, others cash grabs, but more often than not it’s appeasing the streamer crowd. A group that in no way or form represents the majority of their customer base.

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the same demographic that they always target exclusively: pre-made social clique raid loggers.


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So there are some players that enjoy 10 man PvP. Wild they dont like removing things people do.

do you all realize that there is an option between solo queue and a full 10 man premade. Am I taking crazy pills here? Do you all just solo queue all the time, not one or two friends to play with? That would GREATLY improve your experience. Literally just a few dps playing smartly can make a large impact on a game. Throw a healer into that and your small group can carry games.

I understand you won’t always have people/friends/guildies to play with, but certainly you aren’t restricted to only queuing solo or joining a full 10 man

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Well I think we can say the same to you.

Its beside the point. I CAN join premades but on my server its a lot harder than one would hope.

And when I do, its either filled with idiots or were expecting to get carried or we stomp on the other team.

Both scenarios are not fun. Not everyone is playing to get exalted ASAP to get bracers. These are the only people benefiting from the current system.

BG Pvp for the casual player is borderline unplayable.

BG pvp for the premade is currently bordeeline unplayable to the extent that its worse than watching paint dry bcus the other team will afk.

The thread/what a lot of people hoped for is a premade v premade Q and a solo or less than 10 man Q to even the playing field a bit.

9 man queue into pugs instead lets goooo. 10 man groups for serious pvp and 9 man groups for pub-stomping, sounds great!

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Yeah take one bit of what I said, and nit pick without addressing everything else.

I didn’t say I had the answer to the problem, I am only addressing it. Fine just a solo Q ill strike the “less than 10 man” part

rolls eyes

I just solo queued into one of these as the 10th man.

It was teh awesome.
We wiped them in the first mid fight.
They sat in the GY while the FCs 3 capped.
Most engaging and fun I’ve every had in an MMO.
Ag was right, premading is teh mrst fn in teh garm.

Felt like I won the lottery.

Everything else has been addressed a thousand times already.

At this point I just wanna have fun with the clowns at this circus

Well, welcome to the circus clown.

What size shoe are you?

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This is irrelevant because clowns wear comically oversized shoes that don’t adhere to standard shoe sizing.

But its a 13 in case you wanna get me a new pair of crocs

It really really was popular, specially for a niche mode of a niche game genre.
The numbers released by blizzard during the first weeks confirm just that.

I remember even one week before SOD release, strugling to tag mobs in some quests and reading a lot of layering requests. HC was a huge success and i would dare to say it isn’t finnished yet.

Well if you know anything about clown shoes, you’re actually wrong.

They do have sizes.

13, noted. We’ll get that sorted.

Now all I need is access to ClownGPT so I can use the same ai you bots use to make dozens of the same post a day. Just the same people spamming the same stuff over and over

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Part of the burden of playing in a coordinated group of individuals versus complete and total pugs should be that you have unrealistically long queue times.

Nobody, and allow me to be crystal clear: absolutely nobody cares about premade wait times.

People want to be able to log in, queue up, and play the game on their own terms on their own time.

League struggled with this exact issue for a decade and it quite literally killed the game. Premades should not be fighting pugs.


Na man you’re doing just fine with your comments. You already have ClownGPT.

Too late. Aggrend said no.

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