Again big changes to dungeon structure...what about raiding?

True, but I find it hard to believe more than 15,716 out of the 16,487 for the Normal first boss kills in Dragonflight Season 1 are exclusively Looking For Raid.

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hahaha because one guild being gone is the end of mythic raiding. That’s streamer propaganda hitting again.

It’s not like there’s 3 mythic guilds and one dropped xd
The players are still gonna go to other teams.

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Have you seen all the other guilds that have dropped out recently? I didn’t say its gone, i said it was declining. big difference in words there.

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I mean fated is not gonna bring people to play this game and people will take a break then until new expan. The numbers for mythic raiding have been pretty stable for a while… but don’t look at heroic numbers those are dropping like flies.

No. We aren’t. I literally just explained it to you. But keep ignoring everything.

Don’t engage. This is just the usual elitist attitude that refuses to acknowledge where Blizz even calls it a raid difficulty.

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Heroic and Mythic looks to be steady for last boss kills from Dragonflight Season 1 to Season 2; it’s Normal (and Looking For Raid) that dropped.

Ahh it was GC and not ion. I guess it was further back then i realized.

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Thank you very much.

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All numbers are stable when you compare to this expansion. But compare to SL and already you see big difference. The players that raid are pretty much the core that like raiding nowadays, nothing less nothing more.

Like Shadowlands Season 3 Mythic last boss kill was around a third of both Dragonflight Season 1 and Season 2? Yeah, that is a big difference. Shadowlands Season 2 is a little better, but Season 1 was about two thirds. It’s even far worse for Heroic Season 2 and 3 (pure numbers-wise, not percentages). I’m noticing a trend where the first season of an expansion starts off with higher participation then drastically drops for the following seasons. Only Dragonflight has bucked this trend (compared only to Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands).

S3 was a mess for many reasons and got cut short. Also last boss kills are more often a proof of difficulty than a proof of participation when it comes to mythic raiding.

First boss kills drop off more than last boss kills do… (All following numbers are rounded:) 12,000 from Battle for Azeroth Season 1 to Season 2 Heroic, 6,000 from Season 2 to 3, and 1,000 from 3 to 4. 22,000 from Shadowlands Season 1 to Season 2 Heroic, 6,000 from Season 2 to 3.

Personally, I don’t like that the game doesn’t have a single format, you can create a N/H raid group with 15 and then once you clear the last boss in Heroic, you can’t face Mythic without reaching 20M, the whole implementation that splits Mythic from the other 2 was a bad decision since its introduction. Now you can notice a massive drop % of last boss heroic kills compared to first boss mythic kills…I think that in a game that doesn’t drive too many new players and the playerbase is getting older with each expansion, raiding as a whole deserves to change after 10 years of the same format just like it was changed back when Mythic was added in WoD from the previous format.

I didn’t type feedback here because that’s info from previous threads that Devs already have, they even have the more precise numbers, maybe the current format works since a lot of players are now doing M+ and other activities, however; Raiding could be improved, same for PvP…I hope there’s a massive post for those 2 later before the next expansion.

I was on and off during SL. Mostly off…drove me away to FFXIV. I was barely doing anything anyway. mostly coven farming mogs, managed to beat the endless before it was nerfed to hell and everyone was complaining about it lol.

Yeah, it’s awkward that either you have to start with a twenty man roster if your group plans to progress Mythic or you have to add or subtract raiders to continue progressing.

That is an interesting observation I did not notice. Thank you for mentioning it. There are some seasonal outliers from this dataset, but for Dragonflight specifically I’m seeing a roughly 4,000 drop-off from Heroic end boss to Mythic first boss in Season 1 and about a 7,000 drop-off in Season 2.

Difficulty plays a part more than roster.
First few mythic bosses of a new tier are easier than the last few bosses of the previous tier.

Always been that way. Easier to build 20 and kill Gnarlroot on Mythic than it is to complete Heroic Tindral or Fyraak with whatever composition you want to go with

Wtb 5 man versions of raids with low m+ quality gear and also storymode versions so solo players can que up and steam roll them to see the story unfold.

Yes don’t worry we can release those on the same schedule as lfr so the big pouty raiders don’t get upset about it

I’m sure someone will cry about it taking away from available bodies for raiding even tho the tqrget audience for these modes is someone that would never raid anyway.

Hmm, I don’t personally feel that way but that could be anecdotal. If anything, this shows the complexity this issue has.

End bosses are meant to be that way though.

True, I’m looking at it from my recent point of view where I can easily find a pick up group and stomp out Heroic Tindral and Fyrakk (though maybe because so many players are/were farming Fyrakk for Fyr’alath) but getting a group together for Mythic Gnarlroot takes longer and tend to have a few more wipes (then again that could be because of the more restrictive raid lockout of Mythic compared to Heroic). Though I do remember progressing through Normal Raszageth that I mentioned we should kill a few bosses on Heroic as they would be easier…