Again big changes to dungeon structure...what about raiding?

My personal problem as I mentioned before is that there’s not an organic progress between difficulties, you can notice that the first Mythic boss is easier that the last boss in heroic that you just killed but if that group doesn’t have exact 20 players then you don’t even attempt it.

The previous 10/25 M format only had Normal and Heroic, once you cleared the raid in Normal the same group progress Heroic, now we can see this in N/H but Mythic is like a different beast appart of the previous difficulties.

Also, this…you can’t even do groups or try other ones without worrying about the ID.

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No, other areas of the game need to adapt they are antiquated.

Yes, but that’s the idea too. You join a solid 20 man group with the intentions of taking that 20/25 (need backups for when people can’t make it) to progress forward into said difficulty.

Mythic isn’t really meant to be pugged. It can be, and it is, but it’s not meant to be. That’s why most people progging Mythic are part of a solid group/guild doing so. Those who use the flex style composition for their raids in previous tiers usually have the mentality that AoTC is where they stop.

That’s not what classic raiding numbers is telling us.

Go play classic if you want to, it is a different game.

I did but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy mythic raiding as is and that it’s not justified to work this way. You can play heroic raids and lower if you don’t like it :wink: Or better just stick to m+ if you dislike raiding.

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Not sure what you are getting at…

Raid+ would definitely have you covered and then some.

Raid+ are an abomination. Just see the fated numbers nobody care.

Yeah, fated is nothing like Raid+

Also, fated season is stupid. Just a regurgitation of old content.

People are too obsess with mythic raiding participation, like that is something that matters. Is created for low % of the player base and that is for who is suppose to be for, not for the vast majority of players to do, the reason we have lfr, normal and heroic is so mythic can exist on its current form without being a huge development blackhole.



They are roughly the same either way.

If you even split LFR/normal by half the numbers favor heroic. It’s a safe assumption that with LFR/normal having slim margins over heroic but two different modes it’s easy to say heroic is more popular.

Because how you receive it doesn’t change the reality.

Source where Blizz calls it a raid difficulty as they have on record said Isra the scenic mode.

You also have to factor in that SL was during the main Covid shut downs too

Every time anyone suggests a change to raiding, they come down out of their tower to tell us to buzz off. So I say we buzz off. Let it stay as it is. Let nature take its course.

Do you remember back in Cata all the way to WoD I htink blizzard try so hard with 10 and 25man raide and it just never works. Not only coz of the ilvl in each raid is confusing there is like
10man normal
10 man heroic
25 man neormal
25 man heroic

the boss is also very hard to tune to work on both 10 and 25min. 10 is missing a lot of different class therefore is much harder to get the amount of CC needed and buff where 25man is super easy to get. Not only that some mechanics is super easy to 25man but super difficult on 10 man.

Is just not going to work.

As usual, ignoring things. It was already sourced and posted. I know you refuse to ever admit being wrong about something, so I’ll just not engage further, because I won’t get into whatever word twisting semantics you come up with again.

You ignored what was said three times now. I don’t expect any different.

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It hasn’t been linked to me so no it wasn’t ignored.

You mean where people’s feelings on what I said were wrong. Of course I would ignore it.

And you somehow don’t acknowledge the difference between them dropping out of the world first push race because the requirements for it vastly dwarf what regular mythic raiding requires why?

I agree with you. Raiding just doesn’t feel like it has nearly as fluid of a difficulty curve as M+ does. The result is that raiding can feel like there are gaps where a player can feel like they aren’t being challenged but can’t progress further because the next difficulty jumps significantly and is beyond their ability or they are just barred by the fact that for some reason Mythic raid might as well be a different game mode. At its core a +31 AD functions the same as a +20 AD as a +2 AD. The timer doesn’t change. The mobs have the same abilities. The mobs just have more and more health and become more and more lethal and the different affixes change how you approach certain things. But Mythic raid has a different lock out system than Heroic and has different group size restrictions than heroic. On top of that at least the 1st boss of Mythic raid and sometimes more are typically easier than the last boss of heroic so raiding just has this weird zigzag difficulty “curve.”

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Good point. Raiding needs an insane amount of help.

End of mythic is too much. Beginning is too easy.

heroic is too easy.

Either that or, add a difficulty after mythic and make the end of mythic reasonable for normal humans off the rip. Add no loot, 100% cosmetics that will last forever. Call it Hall of Fame and crank up tuning for those 200 or so guilds. If it goes all 6 months for some of the tail end guilds that’s great.