Again big changes to dungeon structure...what about raiding?

Devs should consider the massive feedback regarding the raiding scene for new changes, Dungeons in general had changed a lot in the recent expansions and now from a patch to another…but Raiding remains almost instact since WoD 10 years ago.


I feel like they lowered the bar on LFR.
What kind of changes would you want to see?

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I mean what changes do you want exactly to raids, I don’t think there is much to change other than size scaling but even that will present a ton of issues in terms of balance due to how a lot of these encounters are designed. They also have changed raiding recently, they changed how loot works with the group loot system. Which all in all has been a good and bad thing, I think the anything can drop scheme needs to go, given its a bit annoying to have things drop such as a gun or bow without a hunter in the group. Yet the current difficulty breakdown is fine, you have LFR which allows anyone to see the raid, normal which lets the more casual raiders have something to do, heroic which presents a challenge to a lot of people yet isn’t something that you need a dedicated team to clear, and then mythic which requires a dedicated team to clear given how the encounters work.


Going to echo the other posters. “What changes would you like to see to raids”

No offense to OP, but this is the biggest issue with GD and why they should be ignored for the most part.

You cant make a request without examples. And with examples, they should have some solid examples and numbers to back them.

Otherwise you get the “change raids”. And when they get changed without any direction and go the opposite way you wanted (even though you never specified), you erupt and bash the devs


I’m still waiting for Looking For Raid and Normal or Normal and Heroic to be merged into one another. Though the upcoming Season 4 dungeon changes give me hope that this could happen in the future; not in time for Season 4 but maybe for The War Within?

Best advice for constructive feedback: you need to explain the problem(s) and, if possible, provide one or more solutions.


If anything LFR just needs removed.


Eh, as someone capbale of AoTC without the time to dedicate to raiding schedules, i like LFR for the simplicity of seeing the end of the PvE stories


Indeed what about raiding? what changes would you want to see. you just cant make a blanket statement like that, and leave them to figure it out. As is raiding is fine. Some want to see flex mythic, but that would be a nightmare to balance.

Well if something’s getting removed it should be LFR. Imo

If we had to pick and choose, sure :slight_smile:

Raiding needs some adjustment to the amount of loot drops imo.

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LFR is what makes it possible for the higher difficulties to be worthwhile. they won’t get rid of it.

I’m not advocating for it to be removed. Just saying if one of the four goes it should be LFR.

LFR could be removed and the only people affected by it are the non raiders.

Your first paragraph, why? Each raid difficultly serves a clear purpose (if tuned properly). You would also cut out a big part of prog for casual guilds by removing normal.

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I didn’t post any of my own ideas, because I’ve done that before, there’s a big thread in the CC forum that was already posted and a lot of previous threads.

For example, I don’t like the 20 man structure but that its a heavy topic to discuss, I think Devs should already have the data regarding that with 10+ years of the same treatment.

I can mention the Mythic ID as an issue, the tunning that requires a lot of changes between the first version and then continous changes until Devs have a proper player base downing bosses, it’s like 2 different designs.

The thread isn’t about feedback because that already exist, its about the lack of action using that feedback.

I can find more threads in that forum, besides all that I’d like to see more raids like the ones that only has 1-2 bosses.

Ion during interviews mentioned that changing raiding will be a matter of a new expansion launch, then we’ve a new expansion comming and 0 announcements…

Why does anything have to be removed?

Do you do LFR? No? Then why do you care?

I swear the number of people trying to gatekeep the game is hilarious and sad.


A lot of that kind feedback toward mythic has been known “issues” since the start.
And those “issues” are designs. The lockout, the 20m, the nerfs toward the race and hof are all per design. The main problem with raiding on all difficulties has been that less people have been doing it the more they keep making the rewards in it less powerful and unique. The format is made to be played a certain way like people keep playing it on classic, half the raider population or around is probably on Classic at this point because the game feels better to play as a raider.

They design the fights with 20 in mind, that includes party buffs and unique class utility, this will never change

This oneIi agree with though, makes it too big of a pita when your guild is on the last couple of bosses and are just extending but you still have upgrades from earlier bosses

Eh, I think it should be condensed with Normal, keep the name Normal, but also keep it as queueable.

Looking For Raid is just Normal but queueable, so condense the two but leave it as queueable.

The idea is to reduce the item level bloat, which should in turn smooth out the progression curve. Raids used to have only one difficulty, but I don’t think Blizzard should go back to that. Three just feels right; Normal for casual, Heroic for midcore, and Mythic for hardcore.

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