Again big changes to dungeon structure...what about raiding?


That’s a lot of “just needs removed,” “should be removed” comments for trying to claim “no one is saying it should be removed.”

Just sayin’.


For who?
As a player wouldn’t you want to do content of the appropriate difficulty? when like S3 and S4 now they want to make us completely gear again doing normal is barely content for a mythic raider. Even heroic is too easy this expansion.

Which isn’t a surprise because you clearly aren’t capable of reading what I said.

I said IF they were to remove a difficulty it should be LFR in response to someone else saying LFR and normal should be removed.

I said IF LFR were to be removed the main people that would miss it would be the non raiders who do LFR.

None of that is me advocating for LFR to be removed. You read two statements out of context and make a giant reach to say I was flip flopping.

So again I suggest you read the conversation and the actual responses.

“ahahahhahahahahahahhahaaha” -the devs

You seem to have missed the multiple “ifs”

News article back when it was first introduced, Seeing raiding’s highest engagement ever. It was with Ion. I’ll look for it later.

Despite what you guys think, LFR pays the bills. Mythic raiding doesn’t.


You said:

But you’re saying if they do, it should be removed.

It’s not about advocating for anything. It’s saying it should be if they do. Thus, someone is saying stuff should be removed if it’s removed.

Do you see the issue here?

People are going off of the “if they removed something” subject, not just a random “remove this.”

See above.

It’s all a hypothetical conversation. And in said hypothetical conversation, people are asking why something should be removed, while also in said hypothetical conversation, you’re saying that of all of them, one should be removed, in the hypothetical.

We’re all already in the “if” portion.

Less trash. Remove runbacks. If you wipe at the boss, you should release at the boss. That alone would be a big improvement. Of course releasing at the boss should be a thing in dungeons as well. Run backs is just a waste of time. Doesn’t make the game better.

Also, all buffs should last through death.


Your petty insults don’t work on me, I was emotionally numb by the time my dad called me a disappointment. :)

LFR is raiding, it’s literally in the title of the difficulty.

Two? I quoted four posts.
You’re not very good at this are you?

1 Like

So no source.

Yet the reality is that heroic raiding pays the bills considering the numbers for heroic are above LFR and normal combined.

There’s a part of me that misses raiding but the majority part of me REALLY enjoys getting rewarded for the small stints into M+ and not having to commit to a raid schedule.

I haven’t been in a current raid in years. I’ve fallen behind and have nothing really to add to the subject.

Edit - here have a :cookie:

If the shoe fits.

It’s not actual raiding. No one that actually raids consider it raiding. Even the devs consider LFR the scenic mode.

You and everyone are missing the context of my comments directed at someone saying LFR and normal should be merged.

Hence the “if”

Yes it is.

It’s not. But if it makes you feel better keep telling yourself that.

Is this even relevant?

Outmoded? How?

How is the model of “raiding” outmoded exactly? Pretty much all the biggest mmos have forms of raiding.

Certain aspects like 40 man raiding might be outmoded, but not the idea itself.

Sounds like there is a source but he or she needs to find it first; have a little patience.

I am very curious to see that article though, Obvious, when you get the chance.

It is indeed a form of raiding.

No, LFR is THE highest engagement, regardless of what you say, period. To think so is delusional.


Which means it’s outdated and not current.