Again big changes to dungeon structure...what about raiding?

Aspect crests and mythic track vault rewards from heroic raiding. That would put heroic raiders on the same level as M+ players that run weekly 18-20’s. It would also give players that run weekly 20’s a reason to jump into heroic raids.

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Agreed. I wasn’t really getting what the issues were that the OP has with no examples, feedback or numbers to explain.

LFR will never be removed.


No one is saying anything should be removed. Just commenting to the guy suggesting normal and LFR be merged that it was a bad idea.

Read the thread next time.


Hence why I said.

The community council post boils down to asking for:

  • More variations in the number of bosses/mechanics per raid vs. the current formulaic approach to encounters.
  • A narrower gap between tiers to incentivise revisiting/farming content so power gained in the previous tier yields a small advantage in the next tier on comparable difficulties.
  • Better tuning that doesn’t swing the difficulty pendulum wildly from one end to the other when guilds are still working on progression.
  • Less restrictive group comps (e.g. more options for buffs and debuffs).
  • Better, more informative UI for raid announcements/mechanics.
  • Better legendary tuning and acquisition methods.

All very reasonable.

Clearly not made by someone that actually raids.

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Flip-flop much?

Great rebuttal.

The days of tank and spank patchwork fights is over.

This is a terrible idea. The gap is already fine.

Previous Mythic is equal to to new tier normal. Any smaller and top end guilds will ignore heroic all together and just go straight into mythic. Again terrible idea because precious tier shouldn’t be mandated for new tier. After I finish in Aberus I don’t want to do amirdrasil and Aberus.

The tunings isn’t even bad.

Homogenizing classes has already happened and was universally hated. Let’s not repeat that mistake.

They are called addons.

This is also not needing attention.

The point that you are missing, is if there was no LFR, there would be no mythic, even the dev’s have stated this.

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You should probably read those again and realize I didn’t flip flop at all.

Would save you the embarrassment.

Id be curious to see how much of the player base still raids. It feels very outmoded. Like if someone told you they played on dialup.

Gonna need a source on that one bud

Incorrect. Citation needed.

Heroic has the highest number of participants over normal and LFR combined.

That is fine? If you’re someone where mythic is your content wouldn’t you want to be able to jump in faster? If skipping heroic means that I might want to do some of the older bosses in exchange I would probably be fine with that trade.

That’s you. I think going straight into mythic is counterproductive. Even now the top guilds don’t even go straight into mythic now that they release at the same time.

They don’t go straight into mythic because they need the heroic gear. If you don’t then you’d go straight into mythic.

That implies I am capable of feeling embarrassed for making fun of someone actively contradicting themself.

In SL it was about 63%

People going straight into the last difficulty is bad business.