Again another disappointed seasonal event

Please provide examples… i checked forums constantly, i want to see your ideas, so we can provide a better feedback.

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I am a HUGE fan of the Holiday content. It is one of the most interesting things in games to me as a casual player. I love having a new reason to engage in some quests/currency collection, etc. I love new additons to the decor, new NPCs, new events, and esp new Transmogs, Pets, Mounts, etc!

Some years they do a very good job of updating the Holidays, others…nothing. SL has been a very very poor expansion for Holidays.

I think Blizz forgot they can update the Holiday in the older areas even if they don’t have Winterveil in SL.

OW gets some pretty sweet Holiday events and it would be nice if WoW felt similar.


because it’s clark. his whole purpose is to be a troll.


I did Hallows End on both retail and TBCC and was reminded of how nice the seasonal gear pieces were for alt gear fillers. I wouldn’t mind seeing that be a thing again.

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Probably because they have a full on dumpster fire going on at Blizz HQ, and they’re trying to get things in order, to stop more drunken cubicle crawls and such.

I mean, hey, we all know what’s going on. That’s fine, let them work on that, and the next expansion and whatnot. maybe in a year or two, when they get things under control, they can add some holiday stuff.

I guess I’ll have to read up on what will be offered. I look forward to Christmas, but if there isn’t anything new, it isn’t worth staying sub’d for it. Thanks!

Blizzard isn’t good at doing anything new.

WoW is 17 years old. And it still has precisely ONE lore tree. Still.

I wouldn’t expect any new holiday quest lines nor off “story” content.


Hi Mirasol,

Could you bring this topic to the Community Council?

We got few updates and some events are actually frustating, like hallow’s end and Love is in the air due to the mounts with really bad drop, besides the drop, Blizzard continue moving the level required to earn the epic box each expansion, therefore we must level up a lot of alts every 2 years, besides that ollectors have to face lockouts every 10 alts when we’re trying those dungeons during the event. That’s another topic on the bad design with rewards that are near imposible for players with few characters and just a really sloot machine.

Besides that, the most important thing to bring to the Devs is the fact that these events doesn’t have proper updates like questlines or worldquest, actually i don’t see updates that trascend 1 year like the WoD mount that was just a farm for a low % drop from a box (Green Yeti), as mentioned OW, other Blizzard games and the whole game industry usually updates seasonal events.

They added heilrooms upgrades to some seasonal events and that’s it, they could do so much more with these events, Its dissapointed that the new toy was just added to a vendor as mentioned by other players on this thread, add some achievement like using it in front of each enemy leader or some places, achievements, questlines, seasonal world quest, tmog restrictions there’s so many EASY wins for them.

Maybe some ideas of rewards that trascend one year, farming candy from hallow’s end for a special mask that gives you 10% rep/exp like the hat from Darkmoon Faire, something similar for the other events, obviously cosmetics and adding new ones each year, if we got a Yeti suit from Blizzcon , they can create silly things or some more themathic clothes.

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You got that wrong Darkunh…there is a new toy coming out on Christmas day you will get when you open the presents…on Dec 25th and there is a new achievement linked too it.

The 2021 Winterveil Gift will be the Rockin’ Rollin’ Racer Customizer 19.9.3.

I know about that, you got me wrong check the link that i posted to Winter Veil Chorus… that’s the only thing added to a vendor. your sceanrio is even worse, the whole event is just to wait for the gif under the tree… by the way new toys and achievement related to those under the tree that’s just a regular thing and its not gameplay at all.

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Its considered new content as we haven’t had it happen yet…but yeah keep complaining.

i think they need to overhaul and upgrade these events, way overdue.

Getting a toy as a present isn’t new content. It’s a new present for the year. If you read the thread, we’re talking about stuff like the entire area and group of quests and whatnot that we got in Warlords. Not a present.

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If that’s your idea of content good for you, i played other games to know what’s a good seasonal event, i know that WoW can have new questlines, worlquest, scenarios, dungeons around a seasonal event since those are WoW gameplay elements.


All the people who would be working on content are either striking or working diligently to turn all the fun things into fruit bowls, or whatever.

Good. I don’t want to have to do all the seasonal events every time they pop up for some new “farm currency every day for a week” toy or whatever. Just put some decorations up in the main city.

you don’t have too unless you’re a completionism, also any grind only depends on how much cost any of the new cosmetic or if they add a new questline with rewards at the end that’s not a grind.

the problem with WoW design around some things is that Reward Devs usually do a mega grind, compared to OW that gives you skins for 8-9 matches.

There’s a lot of solutions to this, like new world quest pvp around a zone on which everyone change to a xmas tmog buff, maybe a pvp brawl with a extra power in your screen that throws a snow ball to an enemy/zone and then you teleport to that place.

new pve world quest like rares around the world…etc, everything on this game depends on how the rewards, currencies and player time is approached.

Just like everyone agree that Soul Ash/Cinder should had come from arenas, BGs, Thorgast, Raids, instead of forcing players to do only Thorgast. Also, the new rewards shouldn’t approach the player with FOMO, if you skip one seasonal event, those rewards should be available next year.

Any new questline shouldn’t be a big one, just some quest as i mentioned before, bring back some weird npc like Jhony awesome asking for help choosing gifts. (some silly quest, some freedom to quest designers to tell a story, with npcs like Murky, King Mrglgl, Johny Awesome…etc there’s a lot of npc’s not relevant to a lore POV)

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Hello, I see you posted a thread about an event. You know, in Final Fantasy 14, the players got a fun new quest line and two new minions! What a fun time, bunches of people are doing dungeons and trials in their Santa costumes!

Thanks for the post and have a great day!

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They could do the same as the candy during Halloween. In that you get to play Santa and go to each city to give gifts, or coal to the opposing fraction. Each gift you give out get you rep with the Big Guy, which opens up new items that you can purchase.

It could also work as a pvp event by each side stealing other sides presents.

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The holiday events do not sell tokens therefore it will be ignored by Blizzard.