Not only introducing more items, but also the way those items are introduced, because WoW is a rpg game with tons of quest and the new toy was added to a vendor for copper, instead of a questline, a lot of players were positive about those hidden questlines that provided a new murloc pet for example.
I think there’s going to be new toys under the tree but still its not gameplay, it was a cool gift from them but also include some gameplay to the seasonal events, questlines, worldquest, scenarios, they’ve the tools.
Because then people would complain about having to do a quest chain, like they did in BfA and again in Shadowlands.
Because then people would complain about “too many currencies” or “OMG MORE FARMING” or “WHY IS THIS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR 3 WEEKS ITS SUCH A GRIND” or “OMG STOP WITH THE WORLD QUESTS” or whatever.
Your issue isn’t with Blizzard.
Your issue is with the VERY VOCAL people on this forum and others who don’t want to do anything in this game and complain every time content is added.
Or better still, make an achievement for taking your chorus book around the neighborhood and singing in front of 10+ player cottages.
And maybe a trial of lights event for players to decorate their houses and be judged. And the one with the soft glow of electric sx gleaming in the window wins.
An achieve for singing in all the major cities or in front of the faction leaders, Maybe even one for doing it in front of the enemy leaders like the BB gun one.
They don’t need to add new currencies, there’s already candy from innkeepers, add new world quest that provide that during halloween same for other seasonal events.
If they do the content optional and the rewards something interesting people won’t complain too much because there’s always people that will complain.
If the questline is like 5-6 quest that you only need to do once per account because its just for fun and tell us a story.
Also, Devs shouldn’t introduce FOMO, just mention this new world quest are now part of Winter Veil and their rewards will be available each year, instead of removing anyting and don’t add any low drop, instead do a vendor or add the new cosmetics there.
WoD example:
Merry Supplies can also be spent on Savage Gift. This can contain:
Very rare chance at the Minion of Grumpus mount
Instead of adding a mount with low drop from a box, add those kind of rewards for a currency and then add new ones each year.
went to look at the event guide see what i should do. turns out the mount is tied to garrisons and i believe requires lvl 40 due to squish to even activate the damn dailies to do to buy the box at a chance at the mount. ontop of that im not even sure what level garrison you need to have all the npc’s up i want to assume level 3 which is max. kind of a let down given yea im only level 35 on my new main and i mean really it should just be active to everyone level 10+ no matter what and why is it tied to WoD content anyways.
think you can buy the mount on ah but then again i rather earn it myself than buy it.
You obviously haven’t been visiting the forums very long if you’ve missed the “why is there so much questing/grinding for limited time rewards like this holiday event” drama.