Again another disappointed seasonal event

Today Shadowlands WoW starts the Feast of Winter Veil, the only new thing is a toy for 52 copper at a vendor Winter Veil Chorus Book.

Why don’t add a new questline with that reward? Or seasonal world quest for a currency that then you could buy new xmas toys, mounts…etc

if they added properly rewards and content during each seasonal event, they could have a monthly income, since some people will come back for those rewards and try the new questlines, seasonal things.

It seems like they forgot the casual content like seasonal events compared to Overwatch team, even HoTS had better seasonal events before moving to its maintainance mode.


Seasonal content was never meant to be your main source of play time though

Why do you expect a mythic quality piece of gear from the greench yeti boss?


No one said it was supposed to be a main source of content. But updates to it would be nice. People.enjoy holiday events as a change of pace and some fun on the side. The last time we got anything of significance added was Warlords.

… why are you making up things that were never said? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Please Clark who mentioned gear? I’m talking about cosmetics, mounts,toys like every other game that provides that kind of things during seasonal events… i dont want player power.

I want quest designers working on a fun questline, let them create a story around seasonal events and warcraft characters.

That could benefit them, just a change of pace, instead of thinking about a questline around the current lore, just a quest around azeroth and doing something fun. Maybe they can take inspiration of their childhood or a book…etc

Worldquest around azeroth that provides the currencies, just like halloween pumpkins but instead killing some rares or a specific mechanic for more candy.


There’s a lot they could do with holiday events to bring some new life to them. Including new stories to include new races into these traditions.


Or to use another recent holiday example, there are no achievements for doing all the Tricky Treat locations in every expansion newer than MoP. That says a lot right there.


Jesus Christ, how much are they paying you?


I don’t recall the OP saying anything like this. They were just asking for more quest content and possibly some new pets/cosmetics, which I think is a valid request. I don’t really have any incentive to participate in the holiday events anymore and that doesn’t feel great.


And picking candy at Innkeepers is really a resemblance of Halloween culture, however as a game, they can add gameplay like worldquest or new questline more often

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I think adding new quests would be a good thing


The OP isn’t asking for that. Basically what we want after a decade and a half is something new and fun to do. Doesn’t need to be a revamp or an amazing bit of gear. Just something new.


Would be cool to see more effort put into the holidays.


Came to see if the resident paladin troll was already stinking up another GD thread.

I was not disappointed.


Can I also point out that the Venthyr are the only covenant that got anything holiday related all expansion?

You’re telling me they couldn’t even toss up some lights in the other sanctums? Kyrian wouldn’t get tangled in holiday lights flying near them?

Just slap decorations into the battlegrounds. Use the Blizzard version of AB without the Blizzard effect for the duration of December.
Add some new world quests with cute cosmetics. Let us go caroling to earn that book.
It’s an RPG. World content matters.


We even can’t transmog some cosmetics if the holiday is not active, while my garrison is halloween for years…it doesn’t make sense, also if someone mention but the tmogs will break the game aesthetic, well we’ve a full yeti pijama from Blizzcon.

It’ll be cool to use some holidays cosmetics any time of the year.


Yeah, the transmog limitation is kind of unnecessary. I love the reindeer mount. Update the model and make it permanent!


i personally enjoy this event. mostly because this time of year i am never home so i never can play it. usually this time of year i got on a 2 week vacation out of state i don’t own a laptop so i can’t play.

seasonal events are cool but yea for some they need to be reworked like the halloween fire event that thing is always dead in most of the cities nobody seems to do them anymore


Clark…c’mon my dude. Asking for content at Winter Veil is not “it should be my main source of play time.”

He didn’t say anything even remotely like this. Exciting cosmetic rewards like pets, mogs, and toys are not unreasonable asks for holiday content.


ANYTHING is better than nothing new. Too many wow holidays are copy paste from years before. A couple years ago they introduced the holiday hearthstones. That was awesome. How about yearly holiday flavor items offered… EACH YEAR??

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Thanks for posting this. I was debating whether I should renew my sub when it runs out in 5 days because of the Winter Veil presents on Christmas. Now I know I can allow it to happen without missing out on anything! No sense paying when you’re not playing.

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