Again another disappointed seasonal event

Greedy players are greedy.

I wish you could turn off the holiday events. My immersion…

I don’t know what you’re talking about. There’s a whole new cute holiday questline that rewards two new pets this year.

Oh wait, my bad, I was thinking of FF14. Well, I’m sure Blizzard was too busy to add new stuff this year on account of Lawsuit or Covid or Excuse #3 or whatever reason. Just like in the previous years when they didn’t add anything new even when they had zero excuses.

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You know how much I’d kill for a ski-slide type thing like they had in City of Heroes?

Where you jump down, slide, and adjust your speed with WASD to turn, jump to avoid obstacles, and so on?

With a high score for the season, little trophies, titles, etc.? Toys? Transmogs? Like snow goggles, little skis, scarfs, etc?

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It would be nice if they modified the content each year, it really shouldn’t take that much effort. GM run events would be nice but I understand the servers probably can’t support that many players in a single zone.

It’s ish like this that grants you the reputation you have, and honestly I’m here for it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Lol…thats Clark for you. First to troll a thread, first to drop out of a thread after trolling…


Reading Comprehension was never his strong suit

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I have but three words: cosmic…reindeer…mount.


That was my favorite minigame in Gold saucer in FF7.

Because it’s a Clarke post

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I always check a post to see if he is in here white knighting literally every suggestion people give for the game. I miss when he had his Superman transmog. Really sold the idea of him being the my multi-billion dollar company’s hero.

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His posting quality has gone downhill (yes, even more) when wowhead quoted one of his forum posts.

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I’ve never played it.

Basic, downhill skiing from behind the character, but it was addictively fun.

Wait WHAT, god I wish I saw that. That’s so funny :skull:

pretty sure the chorus book is just to replace the on-use effect of the winterveil sweater that’s no-longer a cosmetic chestpiece you can actually wear. i mean… it explains why i could’nt wear it anymore on my alts when i was bored… which is a shame, i liked popping it on, even when it was’nt winterveil time (for rp reasons, of course. it had no stats).

So my post changed to how Clark is white knighting on every post, he didn’t respond because that take was so bad regarding my OP. A Skiing mini game like the one in revendread could be really cool.

That’s great, but FF14 is trash. I tried it. It sucks.

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Agree with the nelf above me lmao trash game