After the Renown "Exploit"

After doing quests and it bugging out when having multiple accounts open and it rewarded double or triple rep it resulted in more rep then normal, doing the campaign in EA gave me Renown 25 with threads because of this bug.

At the time i seen this " Getting new rep achievements on alts - #4 by Kaivax " and i thought nothing of it, you know thought just a roll back because its a clear bug

I got Suspended because of it, email saying i exploited, 4 day suspension. I am appealing in a ticket simply to remove the “black mark” on my account but that’s not the point of this topic

I was told in the email “Exploitive gains” would be removed yeah its not removed… account is exactly the same as it was before i got suspended, Renown 25

Has anyone else’s “Exploitive gains” been removed?

If not why ban people for 4 days if you don’t even remove the rewards or roll back the rep? i honestly feel like all that’s happened is i now have a mark on my account for something i think is stupid from an obvious bug, not only that it is obviously so insignificant blizzard didn’t even remove the “benefits” if you can call them that from having max renown,

I honestly feel like the intent of this punishment was because of RWF and them doing it live on stream picking multiple pact quests and handing them in at the same time while alt tabbing a clear exploit… and those “top” guilds would of been complaining to blizzard representative’s to push for punishment because of unfair advantages while racing for world first. I and others that just simply had multiple accounts open got caught in the cross fire because of it. its the only logical thing i can think of as to why i got suspended.

And i still don’t know if the bug is even fixed. I asked in the appeal but they haven’t got back to me about it, So does anyone know if its fixed? are we able to play with multiple accounts open while questing?

I believe Kaivax noted it was fixed in the post you linked. Not sure why your rep was not rolled back yet, but it might still be ongoing. You could ask in the thread you linked though, CS had very little to do with this one, I’m not sure if they would be able to answer your question in the appeal. The appeal itself only looks at the logs again, and check to see if the penalty applied was correct by a different GM. However, in this case it wasn’t applied by a GM, but the development team.