That’s your own fault for pugging raids.
Hey, I’ve been playing ESO since BETA for 7 years.
The easy mode open world kills any feeling of risk/reward in the game. Even as a casual, it’s a huge turn off. The open world being extremely easy has been a point of discussion for a very long time. It use to be harder and then they went full casual.
If you want to play for the sight seeing, ESO’s your game but even the sightseeing isn’t enough to hold your attention for any real length of period hence why the game abandoned its monthly fee model after the first two years and went buy to play.
And for those that dont remember, yep ESO use to be a sub MMO. Same as SWTOR. Seems to be a trend that when sub MMO’s start failing they go F2P to bump those numbers up.
There’s a damn fine reason why after 17 YEARS Blizz hasn’t dropped the sub on WoW.
Because the game just works contrary to the vocal minority brigading that happens here in GD.
WoW provides a substantially better offering for the money vs. easy mode ESO.
Elder Scrolls combat is… ooooooof. But, y’know, what can you expect from a franchise famous for being the most blatantly buggy, glitchy, and unpolished AAA games on the market? ESO may have different devs, but they really pulled off some spiritual successor crap this time. The game could have the most seductive, immersive world but I could never sit through the pain of gameplay…
But even then, people complain about the graphics in WoW but the graphics in ESO have been dating quickly. Even after a few years the old zones vs. the new zones is night and day.
The color palette also does not do the game any favors. It’s so bland looking. And ALL armor looks like its been suctioned onto the player models…its sad.
And no capes…LOL how do you have an MMO with no capes…granted the capes in WoW aren’t anything to brag about but its still miles better than having none at all.
The housing system in ESO is phenomenal. If you’ve never tried EHT (Essential Housing Tools) to go admiring, you should. I picked up the Volcanic Island a couple weeks ago trading gold for crowns. Very lucky that my trade guild was able to sell the big house to a few guildies for gold before too many people jumped on that train and they had to limit it.
It’s a shame WoW is so focused on rehashing combat each expac instead of adding some cool systems like Housing, crafting, stealing etc. Though I wonder if they can. It feels a bit like the older MMOs are having Come To Jesus moments about their data storage and gradually increasing calculations. Like they want to add more but there are limits.
No, they definitely could if they wanted and I specifically remember reading an interview on a gaming site with Ion where he had said they wanted to do housing right but were still tackling the challenges of how. I’m guessing because of the very poor reception to garrisons.
But without that gold, how much was that flashy volcanic island? I bet it was something upward of $60+. The prices are insanely bad for player housing.
And if you don’t fork over the money, you get stuck with a crappy tiny apartment or tiny home.
Allow me to explain to you why i said it’s not free in this particular context with WoW Tokens.
WoW does actually have a free option, but there is a limit on what can you do. You can’t use chat, you can’t level higher then the trial cap, you can’t access new expansions and so on.
WoW has two options to play the game once you buy the expansion. The one is the ovbious one, paying irl money for sub fees, and the other is The WoW Tokens, which you have to play the game to get gold in order to pay for it. So on top of having gold to spend in ingame items, you have to keep on spending it on WoW Tokens if you want to keep on playing it, that is provided if there is WoW Tokens, because somebody has to buy them with real money first.
The point i’m trying to get here when it comes to continue playing WoW, free always comes with strings attached. You either play a restricted version of the game or you have to pay up gold every so or then, provided if it’s not all gone. I don’t know why you think that’s stretching for an argument there.
Okay and ESO’s free comes with strings attached too…if you want to craft like at all you absolutely need the crafting bag…and oh it just so happens crafting is a huge part of the game…
If you don’t want to pay $15 PER DLC in addition to the $39.99 for the chapters, you need to sub…
But you’re going to say “well those things are optional” as are the examples you’ve given with WoW…
A player can stay in trial and just keep making alts under 20…or subsidize his playtime using gold vs. IRL money. I don’t care who bought the token and sold it, that player who didn’t have to put a dime down out of his pocket can play for FREE on his/her end.
And we’re not talking about “time as a substitute for money” or opportunity costs, we’re literally just talking apples to apples hard cash comparisons.
I’ve a very long way to go to spend in ESO gold what I have in WoW gold for items. I would be ever so very happy for a WoW token and Bnet balance there
And, you don’t know housing LOL! Some great ones for gold only. Some great free ones too.
/pats Brutosaur
Literally everything nice in the game is put in the crown shop or behind the loot boxes…all of it.
It’s the equivalent of Blizz showing us the new PvP set or the Maw set and dumping it in the cash shop and saying here you go. Unearnable in-game but hey you can buy it! Or better yet, stuffing it behind a gambling box…
I doubt a move like that would be met with much love around here. It’s also not appreciated and hasn’t been for years in the ESO community.
Well yes, infact, i linked the thing there in my comment. I’m well aware that MMO’s free comes with strings attached these days. If it’s not a restricted access, it’s an eyebleed of MTX, and etc.
Well nobody is asking you to care about who sold the token. ‘Who’ wasn’t even part of the equation here.
But that player had to use in-game gold.
For free from an APPLES TO APPLES perspective a.k.a CASH. REAL currency.
This is what we’re measuring “free” against. In game gold is still that, in game its play money. We’re talking about REAL cash.
That player can pay for his game time using ingame gold made by his own TIME which we aren’t talking about because ESO also has time requirements for a bunch of crap and if you don’t want to put it in (like crafting timegates) you can BUY shortcuts only for real cash…
they sell XP potions for REAL cash
they sell crafting shortcuts for REAL cash
they sell attribute/skill respect for REAL cash
I’m surprised they aren’t selling level boosts to 50 like WoW does with that trend tbh.
Player since beta myself and I do agree that the overworld get’s too easy at 160CP and a base set like Hunding’s or Night Mother’s.
Can solo most world-bosses with very little time-investment.
The big draw to me honestly is the sheer quality in quests, deep immersion with voice acted dialogue and general environment structure / detail, and just that it’s well Elder Scrolls Lore which is actually pretty good and consistent.
I also just love the fact that you can play casually and overtime get with 5-10% of someone who plays hardcore; it gives you a diverse community I feel.
I am just saying as a WoW player also that I “want” more from WoW and with the content and reward structure that the game has today it’s not meeting that bar. I think ever since MoP it’s been downhill with Legion being the only expansion since that I felt was truly “good”.
WoW combat is good, that’s a fact; WoW dungeons are fun and the raids are good also.
PvP IMHO could use alternative game-modes outside of Brawl’s but even that’s in a pretty good state nowadays.
What I “want” most is more build diversity, after that I just want my time to be respected; give me more anima for pity rolls, re-introduce war-forging, etc.
I agree, I had a post several weeks back outlining the things I want to see in WoW coming from other MMO’s so there’s definitely things lacking that I expected for a game that’s a leader in its genre.
But I definitely do see more content deployed with these expansion releases vs what we get in chapters and then the rest sprinkled in these paid for DLC or mandatory sub.
It’s a shame what they did with the open worlds difficulty because it really just takes away from the immersion of a lot of these great voiced quests, at least for me. You could be playing through a questline where it hypes it up as having this super evil baddie at the end and you just sneeze on him and he’s dead…
The worst part is the game wasn’t always like this. When it first released, there was challenge. Players were dying to regular mobs and then complaining about it because they were use to having invincible modes on in Skyrim or whatever.
And so the difficulty was dialed back and fully killed with the level scaling under “one tamriel”. Sure it opened the world up completely but it came at a huge sacrifice because for some, you need SOME challenge to keep things interesting.
The repetitive boring combat does not add to this lack of long-term interest either.
The game had a lot of potential but ultimately it just became too much of a single player MMO experience trying to be a Skyrim AND a WoW while mastering neither.
The game had a huge drop off in subs and had a terrible initial reception which is why it completely changed its business model.
WOW and ESO do better at different things. For example
WOW pros -
Server managment
ESO pros -
Open world
Quests / Side quests
Pvp - imo, doesn’t feel like 5 minutes of fighting till healer gives out
ESO con -
COMBAT - that combat system sucks, the animations suck as well no denying that.
ESO is more of a single player mmo such as runescape that has some qualities of a real traditional mmo like wow. It’s not for all people, like the bringing quality of ESO was me being a fan of other elder scroll games.
I enjoy ESO because it feels like I achieve something anytime I play it. WOW not so much. I want to pve, so I do dungeons but dungeons feel unrewarding until the end of the week in which case I get 1 piece of gear for 10 hours of work. ESO, once you have the gear you want, your not continually chasing higher level gear. I can then get gear for crafting or motifs. Before anyone calls me a casual, I player WOW as my primary MMO and I love M+ (Not much rn due to tanking feeling horrid) but ESO is more of a acquired MMO compared to ESO.
I understand that you don’t pay a cent when you buy a WoW Token with ingame gold. In that definition you have said here, it is free in terms of you don’t have to pay any real money.
But in terms of the spirit of free, WoW still wants something in return from you, that being in-game gold, or as you call it “Time”. And the another thing about WoW Tokens price as well how much you earn gold is very variable. A cursory glance of WoW pre WoW Tokens and Forwards after the WoW Tokens can tell you that. To put it in your words, time is variable.
Granted, real life money does this too, but it’s never to the same frequency or variability to how WoW does it, and plus the sub fee never moved much, unless you count the inclusion of digital taxes.
I do agree that neither of those games should be selling gameplay effecting items… To be fair, i wish they don’t do MTX at all, but i digress.
IE: I am a mount collector and I want those loot box mounts
I am not a mount collector, so, I have a plethora of nice things to get outside crates. Can’t really commiserate with you there. I don’t really farm mounts in WoW either though. Seeing tales of years of farming to get Invincible make my blood cold. No thanks. Yuck.
Edit: Explanation of Crowns/Crates drama for those unfamiliar with ESO
Crowns are bought with Cash, or you get an allowance with ESO plus. They only way to buy them with gold is player trades, not through ESO. ESO does go after scammers, but it’s still at your own risk.
There are many types of loot crates. Generally one with each Chapter? I suppose. Crates have a Bad Luck Protection currency called Gems. If you never get what you want gambling crates, you can eventually buy it with gems.
Except for one thing. Radiant Apex Mounts. They are very rare drop fancy mounts unique to whatever type of crate available at the time. There seem to usually be three. Due to people trying to “farm” them. Player run Crown exchanges tend to have limits on how many crates you can buy. There are more people willing to buy crates with gold to try to get those mounts than what sell crowns. There are websites dedicated to how low the drop chance is. You could spend 1,000$ and not get one of them. People that are hardcore mount collectors hate it.
WoW Burning Crusade included:
- 7 new zones
- 1 new player HUB
- A new profession (JC)
- 2 new races
- 5 Raids
- 15 dungeons
- 5 new abilities per class
- new top tier talents for every spec
- several new features (heroic dungeons, 10/25 man raiding, badge of justice, etc)
- Arena
This was blizzards FIRST attempt at an expansion.
Feel free to give them more excuses to disappoint everyone, but I would rather hold them to their own standard.
The grand topal hideaway is my primary! I’ve got a herd of guar, a hist tree, 3 swamp jellies, 2 haj mota intheir respective environments and a lot more. Feel free to visit @Hides-in-Smoke, I love having argonians visit there. It’s a great way point between murkmire and Blackwood too
Isn’t the real question is it FUN? Because few things in SL are fun. I’d rather have one really good zone than 5 bad/mediocre ones. The same applies to dungeons, raids, overall content in the game and so on.