After seeing the ESO new chapter reveal

you dont even understand your own math.

the amount of content you get for 90 bucks, is better bang for your buck then the amount of content you get for 200.

I already told you i dont hate wow, why would i pay for a sub for soemthing i dont like. youre pretty thick considering i BASHED the combat in ESO and said GW2 combat was better.

you’re literally ignoring everyone else. what an epic fail.

time to delte thread as everyone made you look foolish, but yet you contiune to go at it with me, and now im making you look foolish.

you left out some key content as well in your OP. since you ignore factual information here:

This Chapter brings all-new adventures and features for you to enjoy, including:

  • A new zone: Blackwood (which you mentioned, but no one has any idea how big its going to be)
  • A fiendish main storyline that ties into the Gates of Oblivion adventure (you left this out)
  • The new Companions system (you did bring this up)
  • A new 12-player Trial: Rockgrove (you left this out)
  • New world events: Oblivion Portals (you left this out)
  • New delves, public dungeons, world bosses, and stand-alone quests (you left this out)
  • Updates and quality-of-life improvements (pretty standard issue but you left this out as well)

all you mentioned was the one zone, the companion and some preorder purchases

I play WoW, as evident by being able to post on the forums. I also play GW2 and ESO, as evident in the way i worded my orignal comment to you. And not once have i “bashed WoW”, no idea where you got that from. youre assuming things and having an emotional reaction based off of your assumption. which is quite hilarious to be honest. You are on a BASH ESO tirade, left out valuable information and presented it deceptively


talk about a fanboi. if you hate ESO so much why do you say that play it and everything you said about it is all copy paste of the internet and no personal experience (which other people have said you were wrong about lmao). None of which btw, has been an original comment, even me bashing it. you could have just re-worded what i said for all we know. (combat, not real AH, yadda yadda). its all pretty open information that you can get after 5 seconds of google. /facepalm


Well, one thing is for sure. You don’t know what the word technically means. Because wow is a subscription based game. Your sentence even acknowledges that fact because you refer to it as buying a subscription with gold.


Tbf, there’s a huge difference. ESO doesn’t require a sub to play, WoW does. Just because you can farm gold and pay for game time with it in WoW doesnt change that.


The combat system in ESO just confuses and frustrates me.

Plus being OCE puts you at a huge disadvantage as the ping is always 200-300 at all times.

You do. A lot apparently, just by this thread, your retorts, and your responses.
You are reaching so hard, you literally making Inspector Gadget blush.


The combat in ESO is a joke. That you have to swap weapons just to get a second skill bar is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen and it was one of the hardest to force myself to get use to for years.

Throw into the mix animation canceling becoming a “feature” of combat…LOL. A known bug was made into a “feature” because they couldn’t fix it.

5 skill abilities and an ulti with the forced requirement of having to toggle weapons to get that second bar to remain relevant is still a joke compared to the amount of engagement WoW’s tab targeting requires.

Unless you’re just a demon hunter.

If the ESO combat didn’t look and feel like a few 3 year olds playing with their action figures while blindfolded I’d be playing that.

I was enjoying ESO for a while. What I disliked was the requirement of membership for crafting stash. That type of skinner box is not something I will engage in. If not for that I would be playing it.

Well, yes, I thought Dellic might be the messiah given how they saved this topic from the sin of everlasting dullness, lol.

Don’t start “logical” arguments when you have to resort to “WHO CARES.”

same time you are not bound to new zones like in Shadowland. You can play where ever you like. And you don’t even have to buy DLCs and chapters. Imagine if you could play WoW, getting best of your character w/out having to run in SL.

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ESO also does a chapter (expansion) per year. And two DLC during the year. Their model is IMHO a good deal better than WoW…


ESO does a chapter a year (which I pointed out) and actually does 3 DLC drops in the year, one each quarter cadence.

That model is not better than the patch drops WoW provides as part of your sub. You get more content out of your money in WoW.

edit: I WILL ADMIT HOWEVER - Patch 9.1 appears to be very behind in relation to other first patches post-expansion.

If you think you’re getting more out of TESO, by all means play TESO. It’s fine. Bobby will still get his personal space station. Don’t you worry about that.

I would argue that we’re getting much better dungeons and raids than they do, that we have a much less annoying cash shop, that our game looks much better than theirs, and (not hard) that we have better combat and balance than they do.

But if that’s no selling point to you and instead you prefer their more RPG-like approach to an MMO, with super immersive quests and all that stuff, that’s understandable. Just play TESO.


You sounds like someone who only has an 0/32/32 EP Altmer Heavy Armor 2H/DW “Hybrid Magplar” spamming only Jabs everywhere with 72cp.


I will say only one thing about eso:
If they ever add mythic + system to eso, I would never play wow again


Look… I would love to say your right on this but you definitely are not…

WoW’s content is only relevant to the expansion you are actively engaged in; everything else is basically irrelevant.

For Shadowland’s the current “content” we can engage in is the following:

  • Torghast + Twisting Corridors
  • Weekly Dungeon quests
  • Seasonal Events
  • Maw Dailies
  • Calling’s
  • Pet Battles
  • PvP Season 1 (Arena’s / RBG’s, Battlegrounds)
  • Mythic+ Dungeons / Dungeons (8 total dungeons)
  • Legendary Crafting
  • Covenant Story
  • Soul Binding + Conduits
  • Legacy Raids / Dungeons
  • Chromie Time
  • Threads of Fate
  • Mission Table
  • Achievements
  • Transmog system

I’ll leave out ALL of the other systems from the expansions because they are no longer relevant, don’t contribute forward to progression, or feature deactivated pieces of equipment.

ESO on the other hand has the following:

  • 38 dungeons, normal / veteran difficulty (all relevant even in their current expac; gear + skill points gained)
  • 9 trials (all relevant, unique trial sets for mix-n-match)
  • Seasonal events
  • 4 weekly arena’s (challenge mode encounters that reward BiS weapons and reagents)
  • 62 unique gear sets; most can be mix-n-matched
  • 100’s of World Bosses
  • Dragon Encounters
  • Dolmen System (Kinda like an invasion of sort, unique to the base game but relevant and useful for power-leveling)
  • Extremely powerful crafting system that’s relevant at all levels
  • Skyshard collection system
  • Lorebook collection system
  • Achievement system
  • Player Housing
  • Battleground’s
  • Cyrodil (World PvP in a massive zone effectively)
  • Emperor PvP system (Basically a single player can become extremely powerful in PvP based on their contributions)
  • Crafting Writs (Basically profession dailies; can get good cosmetics or powerful items from it)
  • 19+ public dungeons (they keep adding them, unsure of total count nowadays)
  • 150+ delves (keep adding them)
  • 6 guild skill-lines (think abilities / talents you can earn outside of your class)
  • Undaunted Pledges (basically daily normal / heroic dungeons you can run)
  • Guild Daily quests (Good for gold / XP but can largely be ignored)
  • 37+ zones (You generally will want to do them all, but don’t have too; only if maxing a toon to get all the skill points)
  • Pet collection
  • Transmog system + Dye system
  • Champion System (Basically a paragon-like system where you can allocate a small power bonus, what truly makes the build diversity in this game so good)
  • Voice Acted Quests (literally all of them)

I think that’s it? It’s a lot, but due to their relatively flat progression system practically none of the systems get deprecated; it’s just a straight up “is it worth my time to do this over that”.

WoW is literally in the business of removing / deprecating content, it’s weird and I haven’t been on-board with that strategy as a player since MoP. I get cutting the dungeons and raids down, it’s a mechanism to get players to feel focused on the overall theme of the expansion but…

Why neuter the socket system?
Pigeon hole garrisons into WoD?
Remove warforging?
Deactivate old gear-sets?
Stop supporting archaeology?
Not implement invasion-like mechanics in future expansions?
Effectively deprecate the glyph system?
Not carry forward the artifact system?

Here we sit in Shadowland’s we don’t have Azerite gear and we don’t have gear-sets; literally everyone plays the same exact talent-build for a spec because build diversity is literally gone.

You see a Frost Mage in PvE and you basically know they always have Thermal Void or that Balance Druid in PvP is Night Fae; you don’t even need to guess, it’s because players can’t pick anything else because the alternative is literal trash.

So yeah… TL;DR - ESO definitely has way more content one can do as a max-level player than WoW could dream of on it’s best expansion.


and they got humanoid kitties and lizards.

So you’re saying that the old WoW dungeons are no longer viable? Weird, it’s almost like people farm transmogs.

So you’re saying that old raids aren’t viable? Nor old zones for the hundreds of mounts/pets/mogs in the game?

Yeah, your opinion isn’t biased at all.

Also weird, you say that only shadowlands is relevant when I’m still going back to BFA content constantly…so weird.

Yes, I am.

If you feel I am being biased then hey; explain to me how I can change that opinion of yours.

I have put 15+ years into this game, 12k+ USD, and experienced all types of play it had to offer; from 1800 PvP, Mythic Raids, high-keys, practically every class.

I know for a fact ESO has far more available content today than WoW did even in it’s best expansion.

I listed earlier in another post why I still prefer WoW over ESO also; even with the lack thereof on content the combat in this MMO is best-in-class and what content we do have is of good quality.

However, I don’t JUST play WoW anymore; ESO / Genshin Impact / FFXIV are in my rotation, all great for their variety of reasons.

I just won’t be defending Blizzard for letting them drain the soul out of the game until the point we have nothing new being kept around.

I highlighted all the systems I think we should of had in this post here;


Blackwoods>shadowlands because I get to see a little bit more of black marsh. As an argonian fan eso is the elder scrolls game that has expanded (and taken away, inaccurate racials plus no under water) argonian lore the most simply because of shadowfen and murkmire and the lore books contained within the zone. Oh and antiquities have added onto that lore as well.