After seeing the ESO new chapter reveal

…it further confirms how much more value we get out of WoW than most other MMO’s. I see a lot of people complaining that WoW is too expensive but I disagree.

Sure, ESO isn’t technically a subscription, but technically neither is WoW. Players with enough gold can buy their subscriptions using in-game currency. Yes, I understand other players had to have bought the token but it’s irrelevant. X player still enjoys monthly WoW without a dime coming out of his/her pocket, therefore, free for them.

Additionally, ESO has a subscription fee which is pretty much necessary if you want to do anything with crafting though it is partially offset by a monthly crown allotment which does have a “cash value”.

Now that we covered the semantics…

The following is based on UPGRADE prices

The new chapter of ESO is priced at $39.99 and includes:

  • 1 new zone
  • 1 new feature (companions)
  • Dremora Kynreeve Outfit
  • Deadlands Wamasu Pet
  • 1× Iron Atronach Crate, including exclusive randomized loot
  • 3× Blackwood Treasure Maps
  • 2× Experience Scrolls, granting Double XP

That’s it. New dungeons and trials come out in the form of DLC which is an additional $14.99 minimum PER DLC (there’s usually 3 throughout the year + 1 chapter). DLC is free if you’re paying the monthly sub.

WoW Shadowlands is $39.99 and includes:

  • 5 new zones
  • 1 new player HUB
  • 2 new features (covenants/Torgahst)
  • 8 dungeons
  • 1 raid

Total yearly commitment for ESO if you buy the DLC separately without a sub (adds 3-6 new dungeons plus 1-2 trials) =


Total yearly commitment for WoW which through first-year patching should 1-2 additional zones, new features, 2-3 new dungeons, and about 2 new raids =

$195.87 (if you’re smart and do the 6/mo sub saves $24 /yr)

So we pay about 2.3x more for WoW but also get 4x the content so in the long-term, we get a bigger bang for our buck.


You’re not doing it right… This is where we come to complain.


Nothing at all against wow but 1 eso zone is way larger than 1 wow zone. In the lifespan of 1 wow expansion eso usually gets 2 also. Which is 4 zones cause the second zone is always released later.

Na my biggest eso complain is not enough trials. Wow gets more raids and that’s what I like about wow.

You could say well that’s 80 bucks compared to 40 but that’s not a downside for me. If I ain’t got 40 extra bucks I wouldn’t be playing games.


LOL they be bring facts tho

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I’d be more interested in the quality of the content.

That said I’ve never played ESO so this is in no way a praise of ESO or a shot at WoW. I’m just saying, quantity isn’t the only thing that matters when determining how much value I get out of what i paid for with a video game.


Aren’t DLCs included with the sub and subscribers only have to pay for expansions?


Lol, you haven’t played ESO recently I’m guessing? The new chapter zones are obnoxiously small. When people say Shadowlands/BFA zones are small I laugh.

In terms of scale, the chapter zone sizes have been designed considerably smaller than the vanilla zones.


But it’s Elder Scrolls!!!


Yep, but because the sub is optional in ESO, I used purchasing the DLC individually as the base which I called out in my thread. If you make it so you’re paying the sub, the price now becomes comparable to WoW for a fraction of the content we get here. I took a conservative approach.


I came away with the exact opposite takeaway.

I get more for my money out of ESO than I do out of WoW.

More dungeons, more depth and story, larger zones, more raiding, bigger PvP, and all those old zones remain current.



I have an ESO sub. I never have to buy the DLC, and I get a lot of other perks with that sub as well.


One good new zone and four ugly ones that I never want to visit

Airport with too few mailboxes

Making some people choose between the ability they want and the aesthetic they want

Not good, you get the same parts often and one run doesn’t matter to any future runs

Very cool

Wait 30 minutes to form, do one boss, then everyone leaves


The zones are not larger. They are the same size as what we got in Shadowlands.

dungeons/trials are paid DLC unless you’re paying the $14.99 sub in which case the price becomes nearly identical to what you pay in WoW yet you get a fraction of the content. 1 zone…come on now.

All of the old zones in WoW remain, what’s your point here?


My latest one was the first part of the vampire themed one. I wasn’t impressed but it was still larger than any wow zone unless I’m remembering incorrectly.

Oblivion supposedly to be the size of elswyr. Which was pretty huge comparably. No, land mass an open world compared isn’t where wow beats eso in my opinion.


Hard disagree, I suggest you go back to Elswyr, run from the top left city to the bottom right before you hit the load screen. Then do the same in one of the Shadowlands zones or even BFA.

It’s about the same scale.


No they don’t.

Why would you go to Barrens and quest or do World Quests or events or farm mats… on a level 60?

Why would you run an M+ or M0 in Deadmines as a 60?

Why would you raid in Molten Core as a 60?

Why would you queue for LFR of Naxx?

  • In ESO, content never gets out leveled or outgeared. It ALL still remains in the active playable and played game.

I can say the exact same thing about old ESO zones. Once you’ve ran the stories there and saved “x village from y threat” it’s done content…

The ONLY reason to go back to them is to farm motifs/crafting mats…which we do in WoW anyway if you want to farm mats to sell them on the AH or for transmog purposes (which ESO calls motifs to mog…)

Like I said, what’s your point here?

And yes, the easy mode overworld that poses absolutely no threat. That same wolf level scaled to you at CP 810 gives you the same “challenge” you had at lvl 1. ESO has one of the easiest snorefest open worlds in any MMO and this is a fact. It’s one of the biggest gripes from the community less the extreme casual players who just play the story.

So I can argue against level scaling all day long because it poses no challenge…same as our one-shot old content.

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And also that one Zone is about the same landmass as about 4 zones in SL


Not even remotely true. I’ve been playing ESO since beta, the OG landmasses were comparable to WoW’s OG land scale but worse because ESO has loading screens for everything you do.

Now, ESO’s chapter scale is comparable to what we get in WoW’s recent iterations.

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Correct. But that’s still $15 a month so the math still balances in wows favor.