WoW’s nicest mounts are in the shop
I don’t play ESO so I wouldn’t know anything about it
Maybe for new players, but since I have played WoW since at least 2008 and have never played ESO, ESO has WAAAY more content for me
WoW’s nicest mounts are in the shop
I don’t play ESO so I wouldn’t know anything about it
Maybe for new players, but since I have played WoW since at least 2008 and have never played ESO, ESO has WAAAY more content for me
The only thing I don’t like about ESO combat is the resource management; sure I could put all my points into Stamina/Magic but that leaves me pretty well screwed outside of groups, and even in groups for some things.
That’s not how the word “technically” works.
WoW both literally and technically requires a subscription. The fact you can trade huge amounts of in-game gold to others and shift the payment of your subscription onto their shoulders doesn’t change that fact.
A game doesn’t become F2P just because someone else pays your subscription. As to the value proposition of ESO vs. WoW over the 2 years of an ESO expansion vs. a WoW expansion with subs, I guess that’s up to consumers to decide.
you literally forgot to mention that the 15 a month sub fee for ESO UNLOCKS all the DLC for play. you can pay for each separately, so that it stays unlocked after you unsub. When you’re going to knock something, make sure to include all the facts!
ESO has an epic story line. epic stories all over the place. Its a good MMO. not great. But a good solid MMO.
where is falls short is the clunky combat and tying a trader behind guilds then capping said guild at 500 people. I can get by on the clunky combat and get use to it… but this trader thing is a wicked turn off. seriously.
GW2 has a decent story, but AMAZING combat and a game wide trading post (not like wow’s old “per server” or ESO per trading guild).
i like the art style of all 3 games (WoW, GW2 and ESO). I like the combat in 2/3. and all 3 “worlds”. ive been a long time player of Elder Scrolls (since number 2), Warcraft (since number 2 again lol) and GW1. I feel “at home” in all three worlds.
for me its the combat more than the graphics. i know some people care about graphics more…
I always like to bring up GW2 in these discussions. The combat (to me) is sick (in a good way). its also pretty casaual friendly.
the big difference i see between the 2 (gw2 and eso) is that ESO is super solo friendly. which i found “odd” for an MMO. i mean sure, you can be solo in GW2, but youre going to need help, eventually and WoW is only “somewhat” solo friendly (being the least solo friendly of the 3)
edit: Map size is completely “lost” on the OP… lol (the morrowwind DLC is literally the whole map of morrowwind, THE WHOLE THING… and this new DLC is the WHOLE of Oblivion).
Couldn’t agree more. I think the reason we see recent wow bottleneck everyone into endgame instances is because they know that’s their strength. They can’t keep up with newer MMO’s like ESO in terms of open immersive world building.
You can buy crowns with gold in ESO too. Also you get free crowns in ESO by subbing 1700 or so every month. You can actually buy everything whitout a subscription. For ever lol.
But then again i can do endgame pvp in eso for free.
If i want to rush i can complete all DLCs content in 1 month, making them pointless to keep. Hell just the last free week i did all the reach and south elsewyr. Everything.
WoW get more pvp and endgame pve content and has better combat.
Everything else such as completionist elements, questing, crafting, zones size, housing system etc it loses to ESO. WoW also hardcore resets your class too much whereass ESO have several builds.
I think both ZOS and blizzard are very greedy regardless. And their engine is terrible.
You can play wow through end game as a “solo” player. LFR saw to that
Never once in the last 3 xpacs have I felt the need to group outside of dungeons
LFR still requires a “group” to do it.
you need a “group” to do anything meaningful in WoW.
In ESO, 4 man dungeons can be solo’d. at level. for relevant gear.
The way you present some of the information is deceptive.
ESO has 1 new zone, the entire Oblivion map… but you compare this as something lesser than the 5 tangibly small zones in Shadowlands? Yes, Shadowlands may have more overall space but its hardly a 1:5 comparison… in reality its probably like 1:1.25 at worst.
I don’t know enough about ESO otherwise (having only played the SP games since Morrowind), but I have no idea how you’re coming to the claim that wow is giving 4x the content. If we want to get real nitty gritty, how much content do you think the covenant actually represents? The sanctum is entirely nonsense filler, otherwise the covenant is a mini quest campaign and additional skill tree, nothing more.
If you have to play the game to get a bunch of gold to keep on playing, it’s not free. Free would mean you don’t have to do that. I think the word “free” in this instance should come with a huge asterisk.
No, that’s actually relevant. How free is you paying no real money and only with ingame gold is it if it’s finite?
I’m only seeing 2 to 3 necessary things on there for ESO Plus users here.
They just said they are going to raise champion points to 3600
Aren’t they planning to re-work the champion system as part of this expansion? Upping it is welcomed personally, been sitting at 810+ for awhile.
$15 a month is well worth not having ESO’s janky combat.
You calling someone else a fanboy after making a thread like this is just hilariously delicious
Yeah, I mean so far the content pushed out has been worth buying the game; almost always 80+ hours of play between new cosmetics, dungeons, trials, main story, etc.
WoW’s expansion usually only gives about 40-50 hours of play in comparison, sure we get extra grindable content throughout but that takes months and ESO they generally release new dungeons / events throughout.
ESO isn’t bad for a side-chick, especially if you like the base games they have done a wonderful job at deepening the lore for that franchise.
If they just cleaned up the combat and improved the animations and spell effects greatly the game would honestly be A+; just not sure what to ask for in regards to combat updates… my mind keeps going back to Black Desert Online though.
Bruh, not that I play ESO but you actually have to be brain-dead to believe this logic.
Let’s say you’re a brand new player with no gold, you purchase the game, your first free month with buying the game run up and you don’t have a WoW token.
There are two things you’re either going to do:
Just because some players can take the option of using gold to pay for their sub doesn’t mean that this game is comparable to the same model as ESO lol.
And what about the people playing Classic? We don’t use tokens of any kind to pay for a subscription.
In ESO, I’m fairly sure the game is outright free to play after you purchase it.
It actually does but you don’t want to admit that so… brick wall.
My issue with ESO is it pretends its not a subscription game. It basically is since you can’t compete without a subscription, and purchasing adventures feels really clunky and awkward. How do I know if a certain adventure is worth the time? Are there a bunch of them where the content is too challenging so no one buys it or plays it? It really feels like one of those things where you’re being set up to make a mistake if you don’t do tons of research.
As part of the black wood expansion yes, I’m looking forward to it