After seeing the ESO new chapter reveal

I assume you’re NA server? Mind if I add you? I’m @Wildberryjack


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most people don’t complain about the price at least not in the US, wow might add more stuff but its just unfinished garbage that usually gets fixed around last patch. just cause you get more content doesn’t mean its any good. ESO is fine.

Eso is not cheaper than WoW, want a mount that isnt 1 of 4 reskinned horses? Better drop some real cash. Loot crates exist, etc. Less content by far. More grindy.

The combat in ESO is so awkward.

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Sure, thanks for the heads up first. I’m mostly a craft junky in ESO. I do prefer WoW for raids. Sadly, no WoW raid team for me this expac, so I’m drifting back to my ESO habit. I thought I’d trying out each covenant story and grind out the anima via WQs but… so repetitive. I’ll probably veer back to WoW once flying is unlocked.

Yeah I had no idea that was starting today! Not sure how much I’ll get to do but, to Cyrodil!

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And then you quoted the wiki definition of loot boxes which clearly says

And that is the type of loot box that is P2W (ie ‘game changing’).

ESO crown crates are not P2W loot boxes.

When I saw companions I noped so hard away from that I’ll more than likely never play that game ever again

Like I don’t mind companions as in beasts and stuff like that for hunters are such

But another human walking around makes it feel not like an mmo anymore

Yeah I’ll be headed into Cyrodiil later myself. It’s fun when there are a lot of players in there! I have to head out in a bit but when I get back I’ll be logging in on my main to do my crafting writs first, then hop to my decorator and get back to work on my undecorated houses. Cyrodiil will probably be tomorrow, or I dunno maybe I’ll stay on my main tonight and head on in LOL.

OP could’ve just mentioned how absolutely garbage ESO combat is, compared WoW to that, and called it a day.

I love ES lore, I will never play ESO because of the combat alone. Absolute dog turd.

both are overpriced.

Stop arguing semantics, nowhere did I call out pay to win anything about the loot boxes you’re the one throwing that catch phrase crap around.

I called out loot boxes because locking NICE things behind RNG paywall crap is a disgusting practice in the gaming industry.

ESO crown crates are LOOT BOXES, you BUY a CHANCE to get whatever flashy item they put behind the crates instead of AT LEAST selling them proper.

If you’re defending the practice of loot boxes and gambling just get out of this thread.

This is just bad logic.

WoW is sub based, period. Tokens must be bought from both sides to get out of having to be subbed, but regardless being able to opt out of the subscription is not the same as having to opt in to subscribe.

So you’re wrong and I didn’t read the rest of your presumably bad logic post.

He is actually doing it right.

Look closer, he is complaining about other people’s complains!

What are we, Puritans? Gambling is a sin?

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Nah, just fending off the WoW hating brigade that rallys on GD daily because they’re so miserable and most have unsubbed already so they come here to sh1t on the game so that others join on their perpetual circle J*.

Whoa… 2 levels of complaining. Teach me master!

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Lord, did that go from “what’s a lootbox” to personal insult very fast.

Our discussion is over because when you abuse the person rather than counter whatever points they make, you have lost. Much more fun things to do than talk to you.

Where in anything I wrote was my personal insult???

Good riddance.

Who the hell let this fact-telling person in here?! General discussion is for crying and rage!

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