After seeing the ESO new chapter reveal

I love the story/world of ESO.

Hate the loot crate greed and “endgame”.

Omg you aren’t kidding. I think part of it is related to the fact that the mouse is locked to the screen so you have to face the enemy and can’t look at it from a different perspective. But the action bar is weird too; like why are two abilities sequestered off from the others? But that weird mouse click attack and block and then something else when you double click, on top of the action bar abilities, is just strange. I know ESO isn’t alone in using such a system, but why people like it I cannot understand. The only thing I can think of is that all these things are holdovers from older games played on a video console. The handheld controller is totally different than a mouse and keyboard and I think ESO and some other games were trying to appeal more to the console gaming community instead of the PC gaming community. I can’t think of any other explanation.

I really have to disagree on both fronts. When you think about the hours of enjoyment every month for what, $15ish, compared to a meal out at an inexpensive restaurant, which is over in an hour or two and would probably cost more than $15 anyway, I think both WoW and ESO are great values for your money. I don’t enjoy ESO, but for people who do, I think it’s hard to beat either game in the dollar spent to time played ratio.

On a side note, I hate being nickel and dimed by “free to play” games. It’s obnoxious; I’d rather just pay a subscription fee and get access to the game. I really cannot understand why the gaming industry is moving away from the subscription model when the rest of the world (music, movies, etc) have embraced the subscription model. I’m really glad WoW hasn’t done this and it’s certainly something I do think Blizz is doing right.

It’s technically not gambling because of the gems that you can get and then purchase specific pieces. That’s how I got the new guar and argonian skin. Although yeah I would much prefer if cool things were not locked behind loot boxes, like the naga skin, or any of the murkmire mounts. It really sucks if you miss something you want and the rng apsect sucks.

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ESO has a subscription option; a fee implies that it is necessary to play. WOW has a fee because you can’t play above level 20 (unless that’s changed recently) unless you pay their subscription.
ESO sub is not necessary unless you want the crafting bag, more housing slots and being able to dye your outfits - you can still dye your armour. Plus a few other bells and whistles. BUT you can play the entire game start to finish without paying them a single dime. Granted you can’t play in the DLCs unless you bought them or have a sub…

Again, though, you are kinda comparing apples and oranges. Only on the surface does Wow have a better deal. But again (again), it depends on what you want. If you want a theme-park (not a disparagement) with heaps of grind then Wow is your game. If you want more content than you know what to do with, plus a lot of fun side-stuff, the ESO is the better deal.

ESO has fewer intentional blocking land masses. All of SLs feels like Argus + Suramar + Naz

I miss big open areas with easily navigated areas. Sure, eso has its tough sections, but overall it feels less annoying thereby wanting me to have flight like in WoW.

Plus, wayshrines are literally 100 yards apart lol

if you would have read any of the comments in here… you would realize how wrong your comment is…


All true.

And if you dont run raids that value advantage to WoW drops quickly.

I have a life, I don’t have time to read a hundred wow forum comments, or even care to read one for that matter if it isn’t directly related to my own.

I’m just going to say this, anyone who is currently defending wow in its current state need a reality check, comparing wow to any other mmo has no contest, the only thing keeping me here is that the cosemetics are nice, but if it keeps at the rate its going im unlikely going to keep playing, wow is in a very sad state rn becuase its trying to be a competetive game, despite wow not being remotely close to that

WoW has always been a good value MMO. I’ve gotten bored of Shadowlands faster than I did BFA, but I will definitely return as they add new things. The amount of timegating is just foul to me, and makes everything feel fake and meaningless. The initial campaign was alright but in general you’ll probably have more fun in these beautiful zones farming for meat and ore than you will helping the weird citizens of the afterlife with their various problems. I almost wish they made a new game for people who only love instanced content, i.e. arenas, M+, raids. They don’t really care about the persistent world in the first place, they just want to grind their character to get stronger. I think Blizzard could actually make a killing off a lobby dungeon game.

ESO isn’t bad value but it’s a messy value, in that many players could be paying wildly different amounts for their game. But then the game includes things like elaborate player housing, a crime and punishment system, a built-in first person camera with weapon paper doll, a dodge/block/power attack combat, and fully voiced questlines across the entire game. It offers a lot of premium gameplay that WoW doesn’t. Personally I find it’s a game I will get lost in for a while and really enjoy, but when the interest drops it hits a hard zero and I can’t even bear to log in and do my research/mount training.