After going back, I did not hate the Shadowlands content

Most WoW content is better when all the nerfs have been applied and it’s just a wild romp through.

I say this as someone that used to enjoy the journey. Turns out, there’s only so much of that people are willing to endure. Just give us cool things to see and do, and everything will work out.

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Exactly! SL pushed that beyond what players would tolerate.

I liked the mission tables in SL.

Was a good way for me to get pet charms and I leveled a lot of my pets to max because of this.

Well it was tedious to you, it was fun to me. It was “poorly received” by some but a majority of people kept playing.

All that proves is that not everyone likes the same thing. So they designed an expansion for someone other than the RWF/HOF guys and the RWF wana-bees. What’s wrong with that?

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And tedious enough to push away enough players for Blizzard to change how they design most aspects of an expansion.

Objectively wrong as usual.

I’m not any of those things and I personally hated SL. They didn’t design it for me. They didn’t design it for the majority since factually so many players left.

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Well that’s the theory. This all happened during the COVID pandemic which caused problems world wide. One document about an investor presentation that someone used to “convince me I was wrong” actually said they were not sure what impact losing Chinese players had on the drop in subscriptions. COVID hit them harder than it did us.

Then there was the FF14 buzz that was drawing players away. That was the most excitement for an MMO other than WoW in years.

Also people losing their jobs because of COVID and along with it their disposable income. The entire world changed for a year right in the middle of the Shadowlands release.

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It’s not a theory. It’s a fact stated by the game director.

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I would suggest that while that may be what Hazikostas stated that does not make it reality. Multiple factors are in play and the decision to change direction was done for other reasons than what was stated.

Maybe not, but you know what did make it a reality? Players actually leaving. SL is one of if not the most damaging expansions Blizzard ever made. WoD is up there with the war on flying.

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My thing is it was kind of lame and forced.

Ardenwald was probably the best zone. Revendreth was okay but felt like a forced product. The flying lion people whatever zone was horrible. Having to listen to whiny unbearable pelegos was horrid. I wish that creature would have died.

Maldraxxus was meh. Generic scourge zone number 6.

The maw was and still is the worst thing ever introduced to wow. Torghast sucked and was forced content.

Really aside from maybe the first raid and then zerith mortis the expansion is largely unforgettable and bad.

I’m happy to report that Shadowlands still sucks and I’m not nostalgic for it.


ah yes, ignoring facts while calling them opinions. brain rot is strong with you isnt it.

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If all you’ve got is insults, I don’t know how you can expect to be taken seriously. Please stop responding to my posts because saying “it was bad” 50 times does not make it true. You are a waste of my time.

You’re right about that. However it’s a fact that SL pushed enough players away for the game director to address it and change their design philosophy.


Someone like you doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously in the first place, you come from a place of irrationality. What would be the point of telling you facts when you just go, “nah uhhhhh”

It’s very widely known SL pushed away a majority of players. If the guy in charge coming out and saying they messed up isnt enough to convince you, literally nothing will.

Your brain is lost to the perpetually online rot. Good luck with that.

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How is saying “I enjoyed Shadowlands and here are my reasons” something you can prove or disprove? You sound like a child hurling insults. Hence, a waste of my time.

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I don’t understand the mental gymnastics it takes to ignore this fact. It’s fine if someone personally enjoyed the expansion. They just need to understand they were/are in the minority.


Because my subjective experience during that time was to enjoy the SL content? Why should I care if a thousand or 10 thousand disliked it compared to my one experience of enjoying it?

Honestly, the vitriol about enjoying an expansion that others didn’t is pretty alarming. Get a grip people.


Your arguing against things that i never said in the first place, thats where your brainrot is showing.

We say: Shadow lands was bad because of observable facts that happened, players moving away to ff14, leader of wow team coming out to say shadowlands was bad.

You say: nah uhhhh cause i liked it so there!

Tell me who is the irrational child here again?

and yes you can have whatever opinion you want, but again, stop trying to act as if it you dont know why the things above happened.

It literally changed the way expansions were designed going forward. If wow stayed the SL course it truly would be in a terrible place. You, the minority that enjoyed SL, were not enough to keep retail wow afloat.

I don’t care if 50 people enjoyed it. The majority didn’t.