After going back, I did not hate the Shadowlands content

I don’t judge how other players who unsubbed reacted during that time because I simply don’t care. I played in game in Shadowlands with people who enjoyed it and were not complaining about it. No one who stayed subbed that I knew was hating, though I can’t speak for everyone, obviously.

Trying to force me to change my mind about something I enjoyed is weirdly controlling. You seem to care what other people think quite a lot, so trying to hammer me down into saying I liked something that was objectively “bad” because “everyone says so” is embarrassing for you.

You need to get the frick off my lawn, kid.


I mean it was objectively bad, you liking it doesn’t change that

Most people didn’t, not sure why you think you liking it is more important than the many who didn’t lol


Becuase I value my own experience, and there was a lot to like in that expansion? Basically telling people their opinions don’t matter because they are in the minority is not something I would be proud of personally. Mob mentality is a thing and this thread is proof of it.

Why should my opinion matter? Why should yours or anyones? “Because everyone thinks so” does not sway me. There was a lot to like in Shadowlands.


Like I don’t know how you’re not getting this

The xpac failed, Blizzard lost a lost of subscribers due to how bad the expansion was

You can enjoy it all you want, it doesn’t mean the xpac wasn’t bad objectively


Not sure if anyone mention, but a huge part of Shadowlands hate stemmed from two things:

  • Being stuck in the worst capital city ever conceived for an entire expansion.
  • Being stuck going to the Maw over and over each week. Maybe Torghast too.

If you’re just passing thru, Shadowlands wouldn’t be that bad. It was just 1000x worse when it was the current expansion and made alot of people quit. Also PvP was very bad, but not everyone does that.

I disagree. The facts are it lost subscribers, probably for a number of reasons. I trust my own tastes enough to know when something is worthwhile or not. It was a worthwhile expansion, and those who liked it stayed subbed.

To throw the baby out with the bathwater and say the whole xpac was bad and that’s the end of it is hyperbole at its most basic. It’s very simplistic thinking.

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Ok, you’re the god king of opinions

We got it, ignore reality cuz you’re offended over the concept something you like is viewed as bad by many people

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No, you and other like you are trying to reshape my reality, because I enjoyed something the majority didn’t. I think it’s controlling behavior that no one should be proud of, personally.

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You can recognize flaws and still enjoy something tho. Otherwise, this is the most Randian thinking I’ve ever seen in the wild, or just deriving pleasure from being a contrarian. Or maybe just having trouble separating your enjoyment and critical thinking. Not sure.

This is irrelevant. You can’t disagree with a fact.

Irrelevant. Enough people left to classify it as an objectively bad expansion. Nothing you say will change this fact.

The expansion drove away so many players Blizzard had to change how they do things.

You’re not in objective reality.

You can enjoy it all you want. Doesn’t change the fact that it was a bad expansion and pushed players away.


I’m not, I don’t care if you enjoyed it

I enjoyed part of it as well

It flopped hard

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There’s nothing anyone can say to convince me that Shadowlands was a “bad” expansion, when just thinking of some of the good times I had in that xpac brings back fond, vivid memories.

Frankly people are scaring me in this thread, the need to hammer me down. And also, wasting my time.

Shadowlands was great. Enjoy your day.

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I think people are just confused at seeing such insular thinking. It’s unusual to see outside of trolling. But what I just said just now won’t make any sense to you because you’re so inwardly focused it’s practically impossible to see things from someone else’s perspective.

*People are supportive of you enjoying it. Just not being blind to its flaws or its reception. For some reason that feels like an attack to you.

You can enjoy something objectively bad. Nothing wrong with that. Doesn’t change the fact it was still bad to the majority.

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I enjoyed the maw grind in warmode. I loved Nathria. I enjoyed most of the dungeons. I even enjoyed its time gating too, it becomes a natural progression and it also a sad way to tell the player “hey… you’ve done enough this week, do something else for a bit”. But I also enjoy 1.5 hour AV fights for slow but sure destruction to the alliance over 3 min 50/50 runs so I know I’m not always in the more popular opinion side :joy:

Its… fine to good for collectors?

Shadowlands had the most broken and unfinished encounters of any expansion worse most stayed broken. It was also smothered by terrible time grind power systems like bfa.

Two things.

  1. Going back and doing content in a later expansion is NOT the same experience as doing it when it was live (this is the problem I have with “classic” vs true “vanilla”. Playing the entire game again with all the fixes that were made from launch to naxx (patch 1.12 is where the game started effectively in classic), was no where near the same).
  2. I liked Shadowlands. I hated Dragon Flight. I am tolerating TWW. And oh yeah, I hated Legion, as I don’t have rose tinted glasses and I remember all the pain that legion was prior to the last patch when they finally got rid of the RNG stacked on top of RNG stacked on top of RNG, and made getting the legendaries much easier.

After going back in all legion, WoD, bfa and shadowlands I enjoyed the expansions more too. The removal of timegates and systems upon systems tends to make the experience a bit more enjoyable. Lol


It’s an opinion stated by the game director. A game director who believes WoW exists to be an eSport.

It’s a fact stated by the game director. Do you think he doesn’t have access to the number of people that left?

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