After going back, I did not hate the Shadowlands content

I’m not sure how many others enjoyed this content. I know it gets a lot of hate and even Ion from Blizzard apologizes for it. Why? It wasn’t terrible and I enjoyed it far more than I did WoD.

The story worked in SLs better than WoD. You gave more context as to why things were going on. It allowed us to see ends of some favorite characters, good and bad. It also gave a unique experience with covenants.

Could Blizzard have done better? Yeah. There’s always room to improve.

Like many, I did not enjoy SLs when it was current. I think I was burned out with the “work” of doing all covenants across 4 characters and unlocking all their perks. Then we had more covenant specific stuff or renown rather in Korthia and Zereth Mortis.

I think I reduced my play significantly during Korthia and picked it up in Zereth Mortis, but I didn’t understand what Fated was, so was annoyed that I was suddenly no longer geared for S1 of LFR. I could have looked it up.

But going back now, doing all the covenants on my main, reading the stories, and completing them, that’s more fun. Mainly because it’s trivial and I don’t need to group or anything. Surprisingly, the covenant I disliked the most turned out to be my favorite; the Venthyr. I LOVE the Ember Court.

The daily party thing is a lot of fun and I am enjoying working on my friendships with the different guests. At this point, I do not have any issue getting each one to elated with much time to spare.

I finished the SLs meta last week, with only Torghast and the Maw being the things I ignored when current. But I’m still working on the Ember Court just to finish it up. Then I’ll go and finish a few odd achievements from the other 3 covenants that I missed from their 5 tier special thing they have.

I do find it funny that I will be Best Friends with Baroness Vashj, who is only dead because I killed her 18 years ago. She got over it.

WoD now, I tried to enjoy it. It was the complete mess that was how they tried to explain however that all worked. Even Back to the Future had better time travel than WoD. It’s almost like the writers never heard of “time travel” before, and were told “This expansion is about travel”, figure it out even though you don’t know what that means. And there you have it.

That clip from Avenger’s End Game comes to mind. But I like more practical theories of it such as from Stargate SG-1/Atlantis/Universe.

It’s still weird to explain. So we went to the past, but sort of the past, because we have dragons who’s powers are time. Ok. But this past is not the past of this remnants of a planet, it’s a different past, where we alter the fate of that world, and somehow that won’t break what’s happening currently, and at the same time, bad guys we know will return to that time, but also our current time/planet, to cause trouble?

Explaining the “dreamway gate” from Everbloom that goes from the past of Draenor to the current SW… That’s not even time magic for that gate; it was clearly a dream gate!!!

And then, we save all of them, and we are done, but we can go back to that planet, and see it at current time, where the one awesome hero, Yrel, goes crazy and wipes out nearly everyone on the planet, and we just leave and don’t expect them to come “save” us?

So, Draenor, which we originally went to in the past, we were able to go to in the (BfA) present? Did we pluck that planet out of the past and put it inits solar system of our time? If you move a planet, that works, but Outland still orbits in that same area, so essentially, plopping Draenor into the present would cause it to hit Outland, destroying both. Even if Outland’s solar rotation was messed up when the planet went BOOM, and was on a new trip around its sun, its bound to hit other objects that remained on their axis (that’s the word I wanted). And if Outland remained on its axis and Draenor was brought into the present, its axis in the past would be the same in the present, so really they exist at the same location in space, but at different times.

This is beyond time dragon magic.

This is why WoD is my least favorite because there’s no way to really explain what happened there without some massive confusion. Since we went back for BfA, but at the present time, then we could go there again at the current present time. We just need more dragon magic because whatever crystal that was used to send the Horde there to save the Mag’har, is gone?

If we can continue to go back, which technically we can because of Garrison Hearthstones, and we have portals to there in SW/Org, then we should be able to go there at its present.

Not sure how I could explain this to a 5 year old and have it make sense and be true to the game. Time magic doesn’t do anything that happened with WoD. Time is time, not multiverse travel.

I’ll be honest Blizzard, you should have done a truer “time” expansion which could have changed the past but preserve the present. In the series finale of Stargate SG-1, they were 50 years in the future, but in order to save them from death, they had to go back in time. So they used a space-time bubble around one character so time would not be altered around them while the universe went back 50 years.

With that being said, to preserve Outland’s people and their memories, but also restore the planet, the Bronze could freeze the people in similar time bubbles so when that planet changed from Outland to a present Draenor after we saved it, the people merged with their past selves retaining memories and having their home again.

And if you want to do what you did, which was multiverse stuff before it was cool, you should have waited for that to be the current trend, as you could have taken a lot from the MCU which would have made WoD make more sense.

But here we are with whatever happened then. I still want to see a resolution to Yrel’s crusade and the fanatic light army attack us and we stop them, and maybe we save survivors on Draenor, idk.

But whatever that hot mess is of WoD that I attempted to explain, is why I think Shadowlands was better.

Go and do your metas because it’s really not that bad/difficult.


The Shadowlands are a very popular place.

People are dying to get in :smiley:


Remember, Ion sees everything through the lens of high end content. From the start RWF and HOF people were complaining about the covenants because they are super focused on having the perfect gear setup and covenants threw in an extra “borrowed power” problem. Since the heroes of the high end people were throwing snits, all their followers started throwing snits.

Another group that has read the Chronicles like a Bible dug out microscopic “Trekie” level details and cried “retconn”. On further analysis we find it was an expansion of the story, not a retcon and oh by the way the Chronicles are not the Azeroth Bible but just the Titan’s view of Azeroth activity.

Then a third group seemed offended that they said anything at all about the afterlife. Apparently they feel that Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy was Retconed.


Not reading all that but I enjoyed Shadowlands more than Dragonflight.


Doing shadowlands when it was live is a whole different ballgame than going back and doing it now

Live had so many different issues and timegating, now most of those are fixed or removed so you can actually breeze through and enjoy stuff


I liked SL better than current War Within content.


I enjoyed torghast. If they put actual gear rewards in it then it would have been the chef’s kiss for me.


I played SL when it was current (at least the first couple of months) and it was horrible. I’ve been back, got exalted with Korthia, did a lot in ZM and it’s still absolutely horribly grindy. Every single thing in SL was designed with a tedium first mindset.

Ion apologized for it for a reason. It was terrible.

Two facts:

  1. It drove players away from wow
  2. It was a poorly received expansion

Time has done nothing to make it better. Worst expansion by far.

I don’t know where all these SL apologists are coming from.


Systemlands would have been better without the rental systems and half baked story.

I ignored the story and the rental systems and I had an okay time with systemlands.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I agree. When I actually started to go after the metas and looking at all the little things you could do ( Ember Court as an example ) it got to be a lot of fun.


Haven’t played War Within or even seen much about it so I can’t comment on that. Personally I know I’m waiting until Midnight to consider trying Retail again. Or maybe Legion remix.





it’s like 4 people pushing their agenda through alts. Mainly as thinly-veiled complaints about TWW.

gotta agree here. going back as a level 80 and steamrolling the entire thing years later gives a different perspective on the content. I enjoyed my time in SL and I go back occasionally to work on certain stuff there. But my perspective is skewed because I wasn’t here when it was current and actively driving players away.


Or maybe some of us just liked it? Who’d a thunk?

Shadowlands had low lows but high highs. And I’ll be honest, I play games to feel something… not to just sink time into them. I’ll take an expansion with peak content like Revendreth (S-tier) and Castle Nathria (also S-tier) that I’ll remember but also a few bombs over an expansion where everything is just “mid” B and C tier content with nothing memorable. Heck, did DF even exist or was it only a collective delusion? Augvok meta (bad) is pretty much the only thing that jumps out at me when I try to think about that expansion. Literally nothing memorable but one bad element is way worse than many bad elements but also many good elements.


As awful as Shadowland’s story was, I prefer it over DF and TWW.

I also prefer Shadowland’s zones. DF and TWW feel so bland to me. The art and music are great but the zones feel off somehow.


DF feels like a ChatGPT version of a WoW expansion.



like I said, they’re just using “Shadowlands was actually the bestest thing ever and didn’t actually lead to a massive decrease in player population” as an angle to complain about Dragonflight and TWW by saying Shadowlands was better.

eh. whatever, gotta commend the dedication I guess.


That’s true. Can’t argue with facts and can’t change history.


I think the OP put considerably more thought into his initial post than 'SL is better than War Within, so I’m going to engage in some revisionist history." Maybe they just like it?

I, for one, liked SL better than War Within, by a long shot at this point. Call it an ‘agenda’ if you must. I don’t care. Opinions are allowed on the forum about preferences in expansions.