After going back, I did not hate the Shadowlands content

To me it made no difference. It was sold from day one as an alt expansion so I leveled my main, then leveled my alts until more content became available.

So what did I miss due to timegating?

I think the timegating thing was renown, which honestly wasn’t that bad. Timegating makes sense for when the content is current. They want us to not finish the game week 1 and then stop playing.

Nothing obviously

Some people were rightfully upset over the fact that by choosing a specific covenant, especially back when it was way harder to swap between them, that they were denied the ability to get their rewards at the same time as the other covenants

No idea why you think that is good game design

It was an alt release. And it was super easy to level alts. Once you did one Covenant with your main you could do “Threads of Fate” with three alts and in no time you would have someone in each covenant. I think ended up with 8 or 9 alts leveled in the covenants before Season 2 began.

So what did I miss?

Why do you think you need to keep spouting “What did I miss”?

Venthyr literally couldn’t get their stuff at the same time as the other 3 covenants, are you being stupid as an act or do you just not actually remember anything about the xpac?

and theres the small fourth group who willingly gobble down dragon turds and go MMMmm thank you Blizzard, sir, may I have another serving?

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it’s absolutely revisionist when you are trying to make it sound as if it wasn’t as bad as it was.

it was bad for wow. it was bad then. it’s still bad now. full stop.

you can like bad food, bad games, bad whatever as much as you want. but dont try to act like its not bad, and then be surprised when everyone else says its bad.

OP is literally acting as if its a complete mystery to why shadowlands was horrid. Lol.

just stop playing these silly little games. we all know what you all are trying to do.

shadowlands was and still is bad.

So what? There was plenty of time between seasons. I managed to level alts in all four covenants before Season 2 began. By the way the reason you are bothered by me asking “what did I miss” is that you can’t answer that simple question. So here, I’ll answer it for you.

I didn’t miss anything because I had my main in Revendreth and alts in the other three covenants.

Alright, its not an act, got it

I don’t know why you’re obsessed over the fact you “didn’t miss anything”

Guess everyone was supposed to play 4 alts, but still not be able to get their venthyr rewards at the same time as the other 3 convenants

And somehow in that empty head you think that is good game design

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And there we go, completely unable to give a rational reason why this is a problem and knowing you have been totally clobbered rational debate you do what people have been doing for over 2000 years, fall back on the fallacy of ad hominem.

If you can’t attack the message, attack the messenger.

Here is the question you can not answer. I had my main in Revendreth and alts in the other three covenants. What did I miss?

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It would be pointless to give you any reasons at all because you aren’t here for a rational debate. Lol. Having 12.5k forum posts on WoW does not indicate rational thought.

The rational reasons why accepting the declining quality of products is bad are easily searchable on Google or YouTube and, to be frank, are just common sense. The fact that you pretend not to understand them only proves how irrational and emotional you are.

If you’re that dense not to know why, it’s not our responsibility to educate you.

Looks at my post count

Uhoh spagetti-o’s

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That’s a matter of opinion, not fact.

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I thought my explanation was clear enough, but I’ll elaborate. Nobody gives a damn now that SoO was a 14 month tier because SoO is not the current endgame, its just a thing you run every so often for mounts or transmog. Just like nobody gives a damn now that Dragon Soul was woefully undertuned, because now tuning doesn’t matter.

Those were absolutely valid and popular grievances that people had with the content when they were relevant, but they’re no longer relevant so when people run the content back they’re not factored in.

To be honest, I skimmed most of this post and this phrase simply caught my eye. Upon review of your post, I agree with your general sentiment.

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Post expansion revisionism is always cringe.


To me it was the straw that broke to camel’s back. To me, based on the plethora of mediocre and bad characters they’ve been dishing out, felt like they decided to have Arthas wiped away from the story so they won’t need to be held to the standard that the respective character reached, so they can continue dishing out bad characters. The smartest thing Blizzard ever did, in recent times, was to axe that terrible writing team.

There is no logic with you on the subject of SL. You cannot or willfully will not accept real and documented facts. You twist everything written to you into some nonsense reply and get further and further from the actual subject.


As an “afterlife”, the Shadowlands sucked horribly. I just had to pretend it was yet another alien world, with some cameos by people who are extremely like ones that we have on our world, but that’s just an alien coincidence. It didn’t work that great, but it stopped me from leaving the game completely.

I hated the way the Covenants were set up. Bastion was stupid. It was a place where people go to forget everything just to become an Uber driver for souls?

I hated Maldraxxus. A land of undead in the land of the dead? How does that make sense? Undeath should be something the living use to cheat death, not a “Yeah, everyone is undead here too, lololol!” thing. And an a place where it says “If you die, you’re dead for good” they have a constant war going on, killing each other? Like they learned absolutely nothing in life, and in fact became even stupider? That and the fact that they choose what they look like and so many chose to look like that?? Yeah, took me completely out of the story.

I hated the faeries in Ardenweald. Absoultely hated them. And the main enemies were just big bugs? Until the Drust came around. The Drust were awesome in BfA. Shadowlands found a way to make them dumb and boring.

Revendreth was the only zone I really could handle, but that’s because I like Castlevania and that sort of imagery. It was still a bit annoying if you delved into the story, so I tried not to.

The Maw made absolutely no sense. The others “imprisoned” Zovaal in the Maw, but instead of being “the prisoner” he’s “the jailer”? Like he’s in charge? So, whos dumb idea is it to send him the worst souls out there to bolster him and grow his army? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Then everything… EVERYTHING turns out to be robots. I get it, we’re playing a video game. Wonderful. Might as well knock our characters down and have them yell “I can’t W, please right-click on me!” to pound that in that this isn’t supposed to be “real” in any sense.

I very much dislike retcons in stories. It always feels lazy and disrespects the audience. However, I’d be perfectly fine if Shadowlands was retconned.

Edit: Some of the transmog is awesome, though.