SL frustrates me to think about becaŭse I feel like it had some interesting lore and a lot of potential, but Blizz took absolutely every avenue to at best sabotage and at worst outright squander that potential. I took a break from the game a bit after Korthia dropped. Even WoD wasn’t bad enough to drive me away but SL managed it.
THAT BEING SAID. I do think SL actually has a lot of amazing gear appearances and I’m enjoying going back through the raids solo and collecting them.
So is this entire time gating drama unique to the small percentage of players that do M+ and high level raids? Or did it impact the rest of us somehow?
And did it prevent you from doing M+ and high level raids?
Sounds like that thing wow players do, that cope.
Current expansion - Bad, worse ever.
Next expansion comes - former expansion - but it was actually pretty good.
Another expansion comes out.
Hey remember that old expansion, it was the best ever.
Sorry but no, does not work like that. First of all, that expansion had a crap story, by far the worse, not only that but the writers decided to take a collective crap all over the established lore.
It’s unforgivable what they did to Arthas the Lich King. Plus it had no lasting feature, at least DF had dragon flying and TWW had Warbands. So yeah, please take your piece of crap expansion and wash your hair with it. As far as I’m concerned it should be removed from the game, pretend it was all a bad dream.
Hated the gates, the covenant ability lock. Bastion was so bright it hurt my eyes. Still hate that the main hub and all the other areas are so disconnected. The story was terrible. Even for WoW story.
I figure they were what the Titans wanted us to know while hiding their true plans.
I don’t apologize for it. I acknowledge the writing wasn’t the best and that they tried to fix what was going the wrong way, but I don’t hate it either.
Actually better than WoD. I like TWW so far, but it’s too new to hate. I hope I didn’t typo the wrong expansion. Yeah, I said WoD, but later replies got them confused I guess.
I unfortunately didn’t get into M+ until DF. I did CMs in MoP & WoD but had dungeon burnout. I enjoy M+ now and slightly dread going to dungeons that are older that I missed because I am learning them as a tank while trying to push.
WoD’s story in how they tried to do time travel killed WoD for me. Then it got worse. I mean, we didn’t even get to finish the story and sort of skipped a lot, like Shattrath City or Karabor.
I noticed a lot of them gone. When I swapped to Venthyr for the final covenant, I was able to get 80 renown in one day. All quests, all raids, & the world bosses that were up. I may have done a dungeon, but I was 80 renown right away.
I like this analogy but also because I’ve been that like my entire life. Am about to go back to being that within the next 4 years.
Until you go for the meta and are waiting over a month for a WQ to pop up that you swear was up all the time when it was current.
You forgot the “x4” because many want all the mounts, pets, & mogs from each covenant. So you have to rebuild each covenant and then get MORE anima to buy their stuff as if you hadn’t already worked hard enough.
That’s funny!
Leveling was the worst for me. I have alts, and there was nothing really to make it interesting for alts. Legion you had the different class halls. BfA, things? But SLs, either WQs and events which was painfully slow, or just do the story each time through.
I said more than WoD. TWW is too new for me to personally judge it.
I didn’t even think about doing that at the time. Glad I didn’t spoil myself.
Not the case for me, but I get you. I didn’t really dislike an expansion as a whole. Garrisons were disappointing due to not being what they were promised. The story was bad because I’m a time travel nerd, and leveling was boring.
I started in early-mid TBC, so that’s always my favorite, but I lump that with Vanilla because I went from 1-70 without any any break from 60-61. I enjoyed MoP and wasn’t mad about Remix. I went through every quest that was available just for fun. I’m currently finishing up the final covenant for me, and some loose achievements/mounts, but WoD I don’t need to return to, to experience again.
Thanks for all the replies. I read 90% of them. I like the different opinions. But remember, I was talking about WoD, not TWW.
Everyone has their own takes on things and some just don’t want to go back to something they couldn’t stand.
Going back to do Shadowlands content is not the same as when it was current. All of the covenant’s where heavily time gated. All avenues of the game was also heavily time gated. Going back now to do it, you get the luxury of the changes blizzard did to speed up and bypass all the “waiting” it had when it was current.
What they did with Arthas was honestly the least egregious thing about the expansion’s lore. It was bad for sure but given the lack of ability shown across all of Shadowlands’ writing, I’d much rather have the anima fart than any attempt to bring him back as an active character and end up ruining him in the process.
Yeah, I was not happy about that. Arthas, as himself, did not get a chance to say goodbye to Jaina or apologize to Sylvanas though everyone understood he was not himself at one point.
My friend doesn’t agree with me on this either, but I get his point. I think Garrosh was done dirty. He died and was sent to Revendreth. Clearly he had issues that needed to be resolved, because he wasn’t evil, he came from another culture that used war to solve problems instead of diplomacy. He screwed up big time, sure.
It’s uncertain if he knew that he could had a peaceful afterlife, but instead was tortured for 5 years. He didn’t even get the option for being absolved. He deserved it. And by the time we “saved” him, he was over it and didn’t care. That made me sad because he was robbed of a peaceful afterlife. He grew up thinking his father was a failure, learned the truth, but the damage was done, and then was put in charge of a faction that used diplomacy and peace-talks instead of war parties, and botched it.
I would’ve liked to have seen more deceased characters, like see Gul’dan in the Maw because I don’t think redemption was in the cards for him.
It was all the QoL changes they made during SL and since it ended that has made SL not so bad. Now just imagine if it was like this when it first released, yeh it would have been a good expansion.
Blizzard really gotta stop putting us on a treadmill, you get more play time from us if we enjoy the content and are not locked in to certain things, who cares about the top 1% churning through content in a month, there is still 99% of us wanting it the other way.
Again, some people liked Shadowlands when it was current. Saying it’s revisionist history is erasing opinions of those who liked it when it was live.
I liked:
–Torghast and getting different legendaries. I went in often on my own as a solo player.
–raiding with two guilds and doing some mythics ( I was not great but I liked it and appreciated the guilds that helped me out.)
–the zones, especially Naxx, Revendreth and Zerith Morthis, and the covenant powers, especially Necrolord.
–the ease of crafting because good cripes what even is this crafting system we have now.
Didn’t like:
–Korthia grind & theater of pain
War Within and Dragonflight have their own timegated systems that are a drag. The crafting system is particularly awful.
ETa I also liked the SL mission tables, got two cool mounts from them and made a chunk of change.
Yeah, you don’t really feel the flaws of previous expansions when you can go back to them and then those flaws just don’t exist because they were only relevant when the expansion was relevant.
Like nobody gives a damn that SoO was a 14 month tier or so, because obviously we’re not waiting for the next expansion, or that Dragon Soul was a very short and easy tier, because every tier is easy and short when you literally one shot everything.