After going back, I did not hate the Shadowlands content

I find my criticisms of SL still hold up.

Wod isn’t bad now, just like how sl isn’t bad now.

Big difference being stuck in the content and going back and doing it with all the qol having been added and timegates gone.

All that though, the story is dog water. Zone, raid, dungeon design carried the xpac.


I really liked the story. But then everyone has an opinion.

pretty much how I see it at this point.

Why can’t I fly to zones from Oribos?

What an idiotic expansion.

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That’s not even worth counting at this point. No expansion has really dropped the ball there. Even WoD, the dungeons & raids were bangers, the problem was the whole expansion cut short and didn’t have anything else to do.

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People didn’t call it Systemlands for no reason. It was bad, and made to waste as much of your time as possible. And that’s just the gameplay, doesn’t get into the “story” that almost destroyed the Warcraft universe. When you have high ups at Blizzard admitting that “it didn’t feel like Warcraft”…yeah.

I do have to say, the dungeons and raids were mechanically pretty good though. That’s an area that is usually good even in the worst expansions, because that team very rarely swings and misses.


Haha, what a funny joke

Definitely locking parts of the world and rares behind weeks of timegated questing was not a problem at all

You are a good comedy fella

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The story was a hot mess. If you want to talk some zone story was great. But when it got into the jailer, the arbiter, uther, sylvanas. It was all over the place.

Like reven, arden, and maldraxxus was pretty good. But then korthia threw it in the trash.
Zm had some redemption, but the way they trivialized death overall was silly.
Then the enormous amount of plot holes and retcons are pretty gross.

I was in zm just yesterday and the zone looks absolutely amazing. But yea dropping into the maw to get to sanctum… that brought back a lot of sl ick rofl.

I could see both being fire remixes, but thats because there would be no awful timegates and all the tedium would be accelerated away.

That’s true. Idk.
I have to give credit where it’s due. At least they are consistent with something.

you certainly do have takes

To me when it was new the maw was meant to be a pain in the butt. traveling between zones was annoying. everything felt grindy. Content itself i like.

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The maw was some terrible gameplay I skipped most of.

Quickly got bored of Choreghast too.

Shadowlands and BFA were expansions held back by their systems. When you no longer have to engage with those systems, like Covenants, Azerite Power, the legendary cloak, etc, the expansion becomes a lot more enjoyable to play.

Legion was the exact same, but it had the benefit of being new and exciting whereas BFA/SL were just iterations on Legion.


WoD apologists are even more amusing. Never has the game offered so little.

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Not denying WOD was bad (PvP was okay). Not too many people in here saying WOD was great like the op of this thread.

Also still wasn’t as bad as SL.

Because you’re level 80 and it is a cakewalk maybe?

SL sucked so bad.

My big problem with Shadowlands was that the story was spoiled before you ever got to Revendreth, if you opened the dungeon and raid journals and read anything at all.

You knew Denathrius was the bad guy all along

It wasn’t for me. So what was this problem? Say they had not been timegated and you could do them all at once. The next Season would still be at the same time, what would you have done in the empty time between finishing all the Season’s content and the next season?

I guess I would just be raiding and doing M+ like I am now?