After finishing ff14 i can safely say

i think its hilarious that ppl still compare new games to an almost 20 year old game. love it or leave it. simple as.

SOOO lets break this down

  1. ff14 has horrible end game content wow clearly beats it.
  2. ff14 you can NOT mount in captial citys you must walk or use the athernet teleport things
  3. wow and ff14 are about on par on how to reach level cap both games allow yo uto do a ton of stuff to get there

ff14 has MANY MANY flaws and honestly i dont get why people compare the two when both games do different things better than the other

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So go play FF14.

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Even with such obvious bait, people still bite.

I applaud the OP for getting so many.

You can absolutely mount in capital cities? Really the only place you cant is indoors

Nice b8 m8

I hear FFXIV has awesome swimming.

FF14 is largely an inferior game other than its loot system.

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WoW should go back to it’s roots and start copying the things ff14 does right.

And stop restricting flying.

That’s entirely untrue.

Okay, clearly, I disagree. But thanks for your input.

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And you’re wrong and a minority in your ignorance.

Interesting how you’re on the WoW forums tho. Hope Yoshi-P pays well.


I’ve been trolled better by my 2 year old.

0/10 thread

Because WoW Andys and FFXIV Andys literally cannot help themselves.

I appreciate both games. I definitely agree FFXIV needs to update the glamour dresser to a library as what WoW has. WoW needs housing thats for sure. Garrisons are not housing.

My biggest gripe with FFXIV was that you can’t skip the dungeons and raids. While some people manage to pull off doing them with the provided NPC groups, I couldn’t. I hated that so much.

I loved the character creation options, the glamour, and the overall story. But I hated the occasional non-dungeon duty. I always had to set it to easy, and even then took several tries to beat them.

The classes and jobs had way too many buttons and convoluted mechanics after level 30. The only job I could realistically play was the summoner.

Ah, it seems the truth burns you.

There’s a reason WoW faced an exodus during bfa and sl while ff14 has seen growth year after year. WoW has only now regained itself with DF.

It’s folly to believe ff14 is a garbage game as you imply despite never playing it.

Ff14 has quite a few things that could benefit WoW but sadly it seems a boomer such as yourself wouldn’t understand.

I tried ffiv. I gave it a shot. And while I am openly critical of WoW, I’ll honestly say that FF just isn’t for me. It doesn’t feel like a world. It feels like NES Zelda where zone to zone in FF feels like going to another room.

Plus, I’m not into anime and it feels way too much like it is pushed for that type of person. I won’t say FF is bad at all but I’m not going to pretend like it is incredibly innovative.

Personally I would say ESO grew into a pretty good game but it’s combat style is just not up to par and the scaling makes the game feel repetitive very fast.

Between the 3 it is still:

WoW > ESO > FF

(I haven’t tried any of the other new fotm rpg’s)

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I’m trying out FFIVX right now. Have a level 40 summoner. It’s better than I expected. Really did open my eyes on how dated wow’s mechanics are. All these qol systems one can only dream of in wow. They’ve got more in the UI options than most addons people use here. It’s crazy. PvP, while not as in depth, allows you to grind. A reason to play with a carrot on a stick. So you gain progress even if you lose. That takes away the dumb esports nonsense you see here, and thus the toxicity. It’s not about being the top nth percentile to get top gear.

Could go on and on, but really enjoying the game. I won’t come back to retail until there are AI parties you can run keys with. Done with having to deal with the worst of WoW’s community to progress my gear.

Wow still wins in how fluid the game plays. The classes are better and feel more dynamic, etc. Just wish WoW would get rid of the esports garbage, and stop locking gear progression behind dealing with a cesspool of a community. So much lost opportunity with WoW. And you see it all being playable in FF. Frustrating.