After finishing ff14 i can safely say

Wow just truly has so many outdated mechanics these days, ff14 has so many things to spice it up (you can now solo raids with a fresh level 1 character) not to mention in wow you cant mount up in certain areas where in ff you can do it in capital cities. Theres so many more things like ff also allows you to go to level 80 i believe and thats way more than wow lets you right now. Anyone else agree that wow needs to step it up and try to improve the game with quality updates? (Df is pretty good so thats a step in the right direction)


Level 80 is a feature I want wow to have to it’s laughable that they thought level 70 is an acceptable level cap 80 is way more pleasing on the eye


Both have their ups and downs in relation to each other.

FF should update their glamour thing, though. Adding a wardrobe like WoW to make it easier.


You can?


If you can this is news to me.

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Remember when trolls actually tried with their bait?


And yet here we are with WoW having thousands more players and viewers than ff14, even you


Here we go again! Happy New Year 2023 :wink:


The smell of bait is overwhelming


the usual for a 5/5 for a FF vs WoW thread. Guaranteed response, some are decent amusement. edit to add: (of course I’m biased, I play both, know the differences, enjoy the heck out of FF)

I like WoW, but my passion died in SL somewhere (ha, pun wasn’t intended!), but also really enjoy a lot about FF and have the desire to learn more. WoW has killed my desire to keep learning. I like getting on and playing, but that’s it. And though most players are generally nice in WoW game, FF still has the social aspect as kinder and more patient - with the usual idiots, WoW’s dungeons aren’t worth it. I gained a lot more confidence in FF. Hence more fun.


Any inspirational quotes from Pol Pot or Hitler? Jesus


FF has gross chocobos running around everywhere with cat girls it’s an infestation


I was joking btw level cap is irrelevant lmao


Oh, undoubtedly. There’s a reason FF14 suddenly surged forward in popularity. But I think they know it. They’ve been very open in more recent interviews about how they’ve realised now their stubbornness about certain old fashioned design choices just wasn’t cutting it anymore. And I think they are taking strides in the right direction now. We’ve never had an expansion this alt friendly before. I think that’s pretty huge in its own right.

There’s definitely plenty more room for improvement. I think they’re starting to grasp just how much people care about their characters’ appearances, thankfully. So hopefully much more customisation options are on the horizon, particularly for those allied races that have yet to receive any love. Their roadmap included a few entries for “system improvements”, so I’m very curious to see what that entails.

Dude you aren’t even trying.

No points for you but happy Sunday and happy new year regardless!

WoW can’t change fundamentally|, but… that said, FF keeps me more engaged in the sense that I don’t mind spending more hours than planned, and I don’t mind the researching to find stuff out. WoW is a nightmare - the stumbling blocks are definitely designed for metrics - all video games are. In FF I don’t mind, in WoW it’s too obvious.


I bet FF14 doesn’t have as good of forums as we do.


They have a Marriage Partner Hookup Megathread so make of that as you will