After finishing ff14 i can safely say

I played WoW and EVE at the same time for years.

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theres only been plans to do all 4 man story dungeons. the trial vs Varis and vs Hydaelyn are special cases due them being thematically appropriate. also the NPC helpers pre-shadowbringers isnt the trust system, its called “Duty Support” since they are simply there to help get through the story while the Trust system, you actually level up your characters and can unlock glamour/transmog options to change their outfits once you cap them out for a particular expansion like giving Yshtola her HW outfit instead of her baseline ShB one.

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This is getting way more attention than it deserves. It’s incredibly banal.

But that’s where your wrong. You make it sound like wow was the inventor game of this gearing or anything…its not. Ultima online and Everquest came before it, and…news flash…wow heavily copied Everquest. And Yoshi-P did say he got ideas from wow to add to FF14, he didn’t “copy” them because no one owns that idea. its a general system nowadays from way back when.

If your going to troll at least give it a better effort.

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I will never agree that FF14 is better in any way until Hrothgar get more hairstyles and can wear all hats. #JusticeforHrothgar #HatsforHrothgar


WoW will never be a real game until they have a level cap of 80. Also for the love of christ, I want to be able to mount up in capital cities like stormwind.


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No lol. Wow lost that when BFA-SL bombed so hard. Ff14 still on top for an active player base.

Played FF14 on PS5 and I liked it but holy crap it takes a lot of focus to remember all the button combination and keybinds to get the menus and skills going lol.

Ah, first Sunday of the year.

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You can solo raids but not at level 1.

So go play FF

I didn’t say you couldn’t?

Well after giving FFXIV 3 different attempts. I can proudly stand behind how much FFXIV SUCKS.

Boring braindead combat, EVEN at higher levels.
Terrible questing,
Zero need for grouping.
Garbage overall appearance.
Alts are straight up pointless. ( bad or good here, depending on player )
Why is this considered a MMO even??? Seems to be a solo overall focused game.

All OPINIONS. But I’ve literally tried to like it, and these points just make it horrible to me. If YOU LIKE the game, enjoy it! Ill stick to WoW.


sure, that’s why we are all in these forums, and watching wow streamers by the thousands

What higher lvls did you reach? Like all games, even wow…combat gets better later on. There’s need for grouping…lots of it, open up party finder and youll find tons of groups for everything. Its an MMORPG way more then wow is, actually. People love to chill out in limsa and talk all day. They love to host events, like a HUGE easily 100+ party on an RP server for new years. There were other places too doing that. And of course raids and dungeons.


As someone who plays both games, I can say the aggressive XIV tribalists coming to other games’ social media doing things like this is really making me increasingly embarrassed to play XIV. They once posted to Genshin Impact’s Twitter to bash it and say XIV is better, lmao, spamming the same old cRiTiCaLlY aCcLaImEd meme. Genshin isn’t even an MMO.

The fact Yoshida called this behavior out himself makes it even more pathetic.

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Only if WoW also changes transmog to work more like glamour plates. Having to constantly reapply mogs every time I get a new item is tediously annoying and makes me not interact with the system at all.

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Whatever the companies can do to improve, is good.

Just saying both are cool in their own right and is fine to like both.