After doing M+ today, I understand why I leave keys

A DPS left our Neltharus right before the final boss- an “accidental dc”. We had to manage the trash and boss with just us four and it sure was an experience. I was scrambling to throw relics at the shield.

I never leave because mom didn’t raise a quitter.

As a tank that strictly pugs, and im required to know the pulls and routes ahead of time from the very first time i set foot into a dungeon, when can i start to safely expect the rest of the group to know whata going on so there doesnt have to be a play by play narration of the dungeon?

At what point can i safely do the double pulls that are required and even expected without having to elaborate on each pull?

Had a halls of infusion 16 fold yesterday because I was “pulling too fast”. Even the dps were complaining about it. My key, everyone had timed it in 16 or higher, too.

Just lazy people looking for a carry and I managed to get 3 of them. By the time healer left, which was before the trash was done before the first boss, I had 7.7mm heals as tank and he has ~1.4mm. I was top damage, top interrupts, etc.

Like literally all you do on that trash is heal whoever has beam, dispel/heal afflicted, and move out of swirlies. Literally nothing else to interact with as a healer, and dude is throwing a hissy fit.

This player base is just miserable to play with sometimes…

got a great group together and timed the 15 with almost the same pace and lower geared dps because they had their head in the game.


Ran a 17 FH this morning. Nice and smooth. Had one wipe because a dps butt pulled on top of my double pull and it was a lot of CC to try to go out on top of Raging.

Simple wipe and reset and we moved right along. DPS was a little on the low end, but Healer never complained and even mentioned how smooth it was, and that was me 4-5 globals deep into trash packs before the DPS got caught up and started in

This isn’t a thing in keys past the beginner stages. Sorry.

There are a lot of healers who have been carried into high keys by their groups and expect the groups to play around them.

It’s more about pulling when there’s 2 people dead, not a play by play

i live in pugland, too, and only do mid-level content (2k rating goal).

to me, the first pull is to check the group for dps and healer throughput. after that, then I can see if ramping up speed makes sense. at that point, i am going along as quickly as my cooldowns and the affixes allow.

The first pull is where people blow their CD’s lol, not at all indicative of the way the rest of the key will go

Wrong expansion to call healing the easiest role.

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You are posting comments on a level 15 alt, literally no one believes you heal 20s. Just thought you should know.

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Sometimes there are people who just don’t belong in a key, dude.

Trying to sit through a +16 with a DPS that can barely scrape up 50k is absolute misery if the other two damage aren’t significantly carrying that person’s weight. Trying to sit through that same key with said DPS botching up mechanics and making the group take avoidable damage, not use utility, etc., is even worse.

Not every healer is just looking for a lift. Sometimes groups suck, and unfortunately I have yet to find the “magically make bad DPS good” button on any of the healers I’ve played.

Seen it as a healer. Seen it as one of the DPS trying to drag the worthless third wheel DPS along. Seen it as the tank desperately pumping what I can to make up the difference and time the key.

If it happens every time, that probably means you’re pulling too much for the skill level of the group you are dealing with. By which I mean, the dps and the healer are not doing the interrupts and stuns that are necessary for them to survive all the random damage that gets thrown on the group. Just pull smaller so that you, as the tank, have enough interrupts and stuns to deal with those things yourself. The way M+ works now, tanks rarely ever die, even when they do boneheaded things like standing in bad stuff.

If you are legitimately leaving multiple keys a day as a healer you are absolutely part of the problem. I’ve left 2 keys over both seasons and I do a LOT of keys.

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Incorrect. How will they learn if i do it for them.

Ill pull what has to be and they can figure it out. If we wipe ill explain. Otherwise we keep truckin.

Of all the healers I run with i always have more deaths in the run with r druids tho which is superising cause they have a decent kit. Least they did when i ran as r druid last xpac

Sorry. I’ll try to dispel and heal the afflicted better next time.

Leaving is always great, I used to join a ton of low keys and kill the first boss before leaving and doing it over and over again as many times as I could because most of the groups would just complete the key without me since they were low and I would still get the valor so it made farming easy.

I’ll continue to join keys and leave to farm the currency as there is nothing against this type of gameplay anywhere in the ToS etc…so until Blizzard actually does something about leavers I’ll continue to do it as that is the way the system is designed.

Imo the penalty for failing the timer are too steep now. Going from 12 to 5 crest fragments is a very big loss… when a group goes over it starts to feel like I’m wasting my time since the fragments are one of the main things I’m there for.

The way valor worked was better (bonus if someone’s score went up).

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I’ve said that for a long time. Failing a key is so unrewarding you’re better off to cut your losses and just leave if timer looks like it wont be beaten.


What reward do you get for failing to be beat a raid boss?