Every key I left today had people not helping with affix, not doing mechanics, doing low DPS or in the case of tanks - over pulling
In every key I did successfully today in my 1st week of doing 14’s and 15’s and dealing with the new affix, dungeons are enjoyable and even fun when you get into a good group that is all about team work. If I was having stressful healing, someone else dispelled the affix or threw some off heal/self heals etc and did their best to avoid bad stuff and do mechanics.
If you ever wonder why people leave your keys, there are night and day groups. Some groups are just smooth and people can click and play well together
Then there are groups that are just awful, nobody on the same page and they are 10x harder then they have to be. And it just becomes too much effort not enough reward to deal with those groups when you can leave early and just go get a better group instead. Usually by 1st boss you know if a run will be successful or not.
There been 2 undergeared DPS which died in everything, after Forgemaster Tank pulled AoE mobs while I was rezzing 2 dps that died standing in crap. And also I had to dispell all the affix on my own which isn’t actually a trouble but during specific moment it just sucks to spend a GCD on the affix while I actually need to heal.
When i see a key going to sh-- i may leave. If the people are nice and willing to lol it off ill stay. If people start being dicks or theres a people always pulling up damage meaters ill leave. Also people that marker fight. Like the people that have addons that mark the whole pack or keep changing the tank/healer markers, even after being asked to stop/turn off the addon. Theres never a good reason to need to mark the whole mob pack. It just takes out sight off the tank
I may leave caz of people doing low dps, being a carry, being to slow so we would miss the timmer, lots of stupid deaths, stupid parthing by the tank, etc
I also lol when people whisper rage to me when i leave a bricked key. I just lol and tell them if i was the problem then they should easily time it still.
I was a leader of a group yesterday. Invited 2 higher itemlevel/rating people and we had one person that was on his alt. Me as tank, my girlfriend as rogue and my irl friend as the lower geared ret. All 3 of us managed to do the mechanics, most of the time. Everybody makes mistakes. The healer and the hunter f’d up all of them. It was a +12 Vortex. I had to kick both of them after 7 tries on the 2nd boss because the healer either didnt heal anyone but themselves (5.5million healing done, 4million overheal) or died in the first mechanic. Hunter pretty much died in the very first breath. I dont know how but people manage to crawl themselves up to 11-12-13 by carries and its pretty maddening how they cant even dodge a simple breath mechanic or know how their characters work. I know 10-15 is pretty easy but this is demotivating.
If you pick high rated people: “Why dont you pick lower rated people for your group? How am i supposed to climb and progress if i dont get invited to a single run?”
If you pick low rating/low itemlevel people: messes up mechanics/has no idea how the game works
You cant win. Also you can get JeBaited by the rating and you end up with someone at a decent rating and ilvl but you would be better off with some random mage at 700 rating and 395 ilvl. Pretty crazy. Its like playing league soloq.
I give most groups many tries and am usually not the first to leave.
What makes me leave immediately, and it happens very rarely, is someone being extremely rude/profane/toxic. I’m willing to finish an overtime key, explain mechanics, give bosses multiple tries, etc., if the group has a good attitude.
Yea I don’t run much anymore either. The few keys I’ve ran this season I’m usually the top healer and top DPS and often solo a chunk of boss fights due to my team wiping to mechanics. We still time keys, but it’s annoying not 3 chesting cuz I’m carrying people. I’m not even that geared. I did my first +5 key at like 379 ilvl this season and people with tons of epics were doing terribly.
It’s the same with raids though. Go into a raid on a healer of mine and I’m doing like 10k HPS more than people that have 10-20+ ilvls on me. So I just avoid raids and M+ now, cuz I feel like it’s mostly just spending a ton of time finding a group to out perform while I still don’t get any loot. Rather just stick to the ultra braindead casual mode stuff and get decent enough gear to blast world content and stay relevant enough that I can do things and not be too weak. +5 keys and LFR give more than enough gear to me an absolute power house.
This is pugging in a nutshell. You get some good groups where everyone clicks, you get some good groups but nobody clicks and you all stack interrupts/CC, you get some bad groups, and you get everything in between.
You either have the determination to keep queuing up, or ya say screw that and quit.
Pretty much this. Can get people at 441 ilvl struggling to break 80k overall DPS and going tunnel vision to fail every mechanic and wipe the group but you don’t know if they are bad until the timer starts.
Then sometimes you get groups where everyone is +120k with tanks and healers that don’t fall over to a stiff breeze and it is almost even relaxing.
I cant really find OP’s problems in M+ as mine have only come from people trying to overcompensate what their gear allows them to do or havent familiarized themselves with boss mechanics.
There really isnt too many “dont stand in X,Y,Z” stuff in this M+ rotation outside of Freehold with the mobs who throw gernades and the bile bomb from the parrot, neltharus with the lavabenders who throw giant puddles of molten lava which really only happwns after forgemaster boss, or in VP with the cloud guard
You should get a refund because that’s the worst translation possible. It’s clear that you don’t actually play M+ or don’t pug. Some groups literally have zero synergy or just have no class and mechanical awareness. Having a good group doesn’t mean getting carried. It means everyone’s competent and holding their own.
You clearly have not healed any relevant content this expansion.
I just pugged 18 dungeons in the last 36 hours or so on this character. I didn’t have a single bad run. There were a couple of times when someone butt pulled and one hairy instance in UR where a fear caused 3 worms, the undead pack and the spirit totem guy to be pulled at once (me and the healer lived so it wasn’t even a wipe.)
Over all I had about half the groups wanting to run more and several people stayed for 3 or more runs. I had so much fun I kind of want to main bear for the rest of the patch despite it being C tier.
I am trying to finish off KSM on my DK for the tier piece, and I needed an uldaman fortified key on it so I got into a 14 uldaman. Figured it would be quick and easy, right?
Key starts. I pull the initial troggs, the trogg, and loop around the corner to grab the 2 caster trogs right before the 3 basilisk pull. The group proceeds to pull an extra pack that I pick up for them. The healer gets insta-gibbed by standing in the stun the big troggs do. He leaves the key. The DPS blames me for it stating: “The healer left because you make dumb$$$ pulls.”
Needless to say, I confidence was a smidge shaken. Whatever, I rebounded and hopped into a 15. We timed it with ease. Their feedback? “We’d recommend larger pulls next time.” -shrugs-
I’ve left several keys this season; only 1 of them wasn’t my key, though. The one that I left that wasn’t my key was a brackenhide 14 and we made it to the first boss and wiped 3 times because 2/3 of the DPS seemed mentally incapable of handling the fight. The elemental shaman died to the WW each time right off the bat, the hunter didn’t use any defensives to help mitigate the bleed. After the 3rd wipe, the healer said, “Key’s bricked; no point.” I agreed, since I was only there for rating anyways, dipped. Point of reference, it was the healer’s key. Literally my next key was a 15 brackenhide and we timed it with no wipes. Some groups do well together and some are just… terrible. (like the ragnaros shaman healer in the 14 UR who died 2 times to the second boss’s charge and then just left group right after the second death).
Bear drood is actually getting quite the rework in 10.1.5, now might be the best time to commit to Bear because they are finally putting resources into the talent tree (albeit there are still some pain points but it’s looking pretty good).
I did see that. The talent that allows thrash to stack to 5 plus proc twice paired with the 60% absorb and 10% damage reduction (+10% damage done to them) combination seems amazing. I can’t wait.
On top of some of the galactic bear talents moving up. I would love to have all the thrash, moonfire and ironfur talents possible. It seems like it would be a really fun build.