After doing M+ today, I understand why I leave keys

That would be your guild extending the lockout so you can do it again next week for 3 hours.

Just to not beat it again lol

The dumbest thing you can do if you want loot

I did a key today, I didn’t leave it. But lets just say we had a tank who was pulling a LOT of trash, and going in the weirdest path any of us have ever seen. The 3 DPS and myself were like “Uh, what’s going on?” none of us left, tank didn’t speak of their plans. We did time the key but it was like within the last minute, we didn’t think we would. Thankfully nobody messed up a rogue skip at the end. But jeez, runs like that are stressful when you are a pug with 0 communication and tank does the weirdest pathing with the most over pulling ever. In those runs you debate staying or going.

Its clique.

This is why I never run M+ keys, people can’t spell.

The ones already screaming or yelling at some random in the group usually fall apart pretty quickly. It’s as if they’re projecting their own insecurities onto someone else.

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Stick to Hearthstone or something else. I quit reading after your first sentence. Leave, and get us better queues and less toxicity.

It often shows you how many people interrupt, if people get out of bad things, if they CC, use defensive’s and in general know mechanics. It can also show you how comfortable the healer is, I’ll normally delay my CD’s to see if the healer panics and what they consider a threshold as it may mean using Frenzied Regeneration as early as 75% health instead of waiting to 50%. Based on that information and an estimation based on their dps you can judge how big your pulls should be.


I had to watch a 40 minute video for the dungeon, run dozens of lower key levels of it to learn the mechanics and the pulls, revisit said 40 minute video when I had enough experience in the dungeon to gain more advanced info from it, etc. to build my own tank confidence up enough just be in the key. If the people in my group don’t want to put in even the minimal amount of effort, then it’s just not worth my finite time on this planet, and this game, to try to carry people who don’t understand even the basic mechanics of the dungeon that they should have learned in much lower keys.

I will give a group quite a bit of leeway for honest accidents and wiping to things that are legitimately tough (like pushing keys on tyrannical), but will absolutely leave if it becomes clear that the run is only going to go downhill from there. It’s just not worth my time and frustration for five fragments and an untimed key. I can’t count how many times I’ve bubble hearthed out of a doomed key since I came back to the game a few weeks ago.

sucks spending a half hour to build a group for it to most likely suck and not even time it.

why even bother playing at that point.

Still getting loot and vault credit and any crests at all is not rewarding enough for failing the key lol.

If you already filled the vault, and are going specifically for crests - getting 5 crests vs 12 is a big difference. If a group is bad and you’ve only downed 1 boss, and it looks like you wont even time the key, it isn’t worth spending 20+ mins to finish a key, when you can just run an entire new key in 20 mins for over double the crests at the end.

Another thing is score, if vault is full and you’re just trying to push score - again - why stay if you wont time key?

End of dungeon loot is trash, and getting less then 1/2 the crests is honestly a huge factor to leaving. I’d be more inclined to finish a key that might not time if I still got 12 fragments