After doing M+ today, I understand why I leave keys

This is why people leave keys 9/10 times. The other 1/10 times is they had something come up and actually just didn’t have a choice.

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This is a healer affix, do your job, about time you do something other than play whack a mole with healthbars.
the crushing majority of higher-ish keys being bricked is due to subpar healers.

alts exist, i run on about 5-6 characters (not this week, this weeks is D4 week)

Just to be clear - and I’m not saying this about you but just quoting you because you mentioned it - in a good group, a tank pulling 6+ mobs at a time (& not chainpulling on bolstering) is almost always doing it right. Most of the time, tanks know what they’re doing, believe it or not. It doesn’t take many fails to figure out what mobs don’t work to pull together, and there are not too many this season. Sometimes the group is bad and overlaps interrupts, doesn’t cc, etc, but that doesn’t mean the tank is over-pulling. It usually means everyone is tunneling and needs to use their cc better.

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In this case it was them pulling with 2 people dead, tanks need to have situational awareness

It would really help if they would make it so you have to have a certain item level to run M+ dungeons. They also should make it Queueable. That would help with the undergeared and the inexperienced ??

You can keep presenting to the jury or whatever, but I am not grouping with habitual leavers.

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Some tanks don’t, you’re right, but they also might know things that the group doesn’t know and just be bad at communicating it. Like if the respawn point is less than 200 yards away, maybe the tank expects they will release and run back quickly, usually a tank and a healer can survive on their own while dps run back and the tank can get some damage out.

This is another glaringly obvious reason that I know the OP expects to be carried and considers those the good groups.

Any healer complaining about a tank “over pulling” is only interested in heal botting and they aren’t playing anywhere near the level they should be for the given key they are in and are in fact, being carried.

If your tank is doing things without communicating it in a pug group, that’s still not a great tank.

Wiping due to poor communication isn’t a great thing to do.

Maybe. I don’t consider it the tank’s job to teach everyone what they should already know. But a great tank would probably type “release” just in case.

Original M+ crying post #22.

Great thread.

TBF very few dungeons have good release points in Season 2, you know… immersion or somesuch

To speak to Rita’s point, the healer doesn’t set the pace for the dungeon lol. If a healer is uncomfortable with the pace and gets upset, it’s because they’re bad.

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this is the dumbest take ive heard. Almost every key ive had brick is from a tank overpulling because they can survive with no care for if the rest of the group can survive. If you overpull the wrong packs on a high key and don’t have enough kicks and stops to cover it guess what, people are going to die. I’m probably just a bad healer though, luckily I got carried through all those 20s on week 2.


Yep, this is absolutely the correct assumption. There are way too many bad healers playing this game.

It ain’t MoP or WOD anymore. You guys have other things to do now.

I’m currently doing at least 8 keys per week on 3 characters that I raid on, plus more keys on other alts. I opened vaults on 9 toons on Tuesday lol.

Okay, but if it’s Brakenhide this week, where I have to worry about soothing(especially ragestorm), dispelling the affix, and all the other debuffs that I can’t dispel because my dispel is always on CD then it’s probably over pulling.

Don’t forget, this week it’s also fortified. If tank is being hit like they’re wearing paper while I also have to worry about a bunch of other things we’re probably going to wipe.

9/10 times I have successful keys, it’s a more smaller but steady pace of pulling. Wipes waste more time then just pulling smaller. Some tanks are freaking crazy running in pulling everything. And in pugs the interrupts tend to not be great, I always pug with 0 voice chat so slower is almost always better

you honestly just have no idea what you’re taking about so your opinion means absolutely nothing at this point. If be interested to see what you’ve been able to clear so far this season.

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it seems to me that you could get the ball rolling in your groups (they are “your groups” if you are in the group) by starting some chat before you enter the dungeon, perhaps while you are traveling. discuss the issues important to you. decide responsibilities. discuss your concerns.

if you get blowback, don’t even enter the dungeon. You just saved yourself a lot of time and didn’t brick someone else’s key.

the tank’s health bar and the healer’s mana bar and throughput combine to set the limitations on pacing.

a tank who pulls faster than the healer can heal and refill mana is “bad”.

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