Afraid to ask…they aren’t bringing sylvie back?

Due to some less than pleasant butchering of her story and character by numerous people on or once on the development team…no she’s not coming back. They did her very wrong but way i hear it the writer of Garrosh destroyed her story and character because his favorite orc became a lightning rod…he then forced the tree burning and well… we all know the rest. If they bring her back I’ll be shocked…but… if she returns she won’t be the Sylvanas we knew. She used to be my favorite character…so strong and proud… but she was done real dirty then thrown in the trash… may she RIP at long last.

This is why I wanted her dead.

One day, somewhere, somehow the writers will fling her back into the story with a lack of any better idea.

She will arrive in Kyrian armor too watch.

Sylvanas is my favorite character. She is one reason I main Blood Elves.
She’s our Ranger General and the last Horde War Chief.


For now* in this timeline*

They aren’t capable of writing complex characters anymore. They didn’t know what to do with her, so they turned her into a monster.

Blizzard hoped to replace her with Calia of the White Tights, but that’s failed hard. Now they’re pushing Lillian hard. But neither can replace Sylvannas, she was legendary.

She’ll be back, her redemption arc isn’t over yet.

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alex afrasiabi the harasser turned her into a villain

She’ll be back in Midnight.
Illidan in The Last Titan.

If I were a Night Elf condemned to the Maw after having my tree burned, I would willingly stay in the Maw and suffer for all time, just so Sylvanas could never fulfill her promise to rescue all of us and would have to stay there with me forever.

Purely out of spite.


some people never stopped loving sylvanas.

Yeah… She had a ton of limelight and story arcs. We need to move on. Going back to Arthas and Sylvanas and Jaina over and over again just shows no one has confidence in the writing anymore and needs to recycle done to death characters. When you go back to the same characters they get overwritten, and start to be out of character and contradict themselves.

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I don’t think she’ll have a major storyline for a long time, but I fully expect a cameo appearance in Midnight when we’re defending Quel’thalas and reunifying the elves.

I think Sylvanas will show up at a pivotal moment to save us/help us, and we’ll get a the Windrunner sisters doing cool stuff together for a patch. And that’ll be it and Sylvanas will go back on the shelf.

I’ll play my characters and let the devs/writers play theirs.

She will be brought back when she is needed to advance the Alliance story.

yeah she’ll be back to marry anduin after they both have counseling

Only if they bring back Loki, Mobius and OB

Tbh, I think it’s a strong possibility that she’ll play a role in Midnight.

its kind of like a car accident…i kind of look on with morbid facination wondering how they will manage to butcher her character even more than they already have.

What are you talking about? Shadowlands fixed her character.

Alex Afrasiabi intentionally was trying to sabotage her character with BFA and by claiming she was responsible for the Wrathgate when it had already been established that she wasn’t.