Afraid to ask…they aren’t bringing sylvie back?

if they wanted to fix her character they would have killed her

Ugh if they do another alternate timeline expansion I’m going to skip it.

Messing with time is a sign the writers are out of ideas imo.

While I didn’t like how they ended Garrosh and Arthas’ stories, I was kind of glad they were permanently killed so the writers can’t mess with them anymore. Arthas had a good story, and it’s closed on that note

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Can’t take anyone seriously who actually says they’re okay with those things :joy:

She will be in The Maw for decades finding all the Night Elf souls.
So not anytime soon in the game timeline.

They ran Sylvanas into the ground and did so many ridiculous tonal shifts within the span of 2 expansions that I don’t think the character can be fixed. It would be for the best to never bring her back because they can’t undo the stupidity of the writing, especially in shadowlands.


She was best when she was simply interested in leading and helping the forsaken people.

When they made her power hungry it just ruined her.

She was supposed to be about giving a home to others who had suffered the same fate she had. Those who were murdered and raised and left without home, family, or friends. Just alone in the world, existing as a rotting corpse, and ostracized from everything they’d ever known. She was like their fierce protector “mother bear” type.

I also preferred her when she wasn’t directly the center of attention. She was much cooler working from the shadows

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They say there a legendary hunter that has farmed over 1 million souls from the Maw. That all he does is farm souls in the Maw in WoW. Kinda like doubleagent farming a million flowers on the back of a turtle.

It really is World of Elfcraft

I find that really sad. And also not shocked it’s a hunter

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Sylv is 100% coming back in midnight and Illidan in TLT.

Anyone who says otherwise is delusional


terrified? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: yeah… of course… As if it’s not so difficult for someone to give you superior power as if it were nothing, just to throw you from the frozen Throne into a pile of Saronite so that you can be the next candidate to be a slave to The Jailer.

The Man chooses, the Slave obey, there is no need to mention this phrase all the time not only by Andrew Ryan in Bioshock.

the obsessive girlfriend meme, but that is not the case for the inclusion of the script that I wanted to give to a Sylvanas coming from Kathleen Kennedy.

I just need to say: I AM A SKYWALKER.

exactly, She wanted everyone to be like her, there is nothing worse than one’s arrogance, and she was what confirmed it.

And it has nothing to do with the bad Sylvanas and the good Sylvanas as they relate it at the beginning of Zereth Mortis campaign.

to the point of reaching the objectivism of being selfish among everyone, something like that that is against altruism itself.

I think so, but I wish it would go back to where it had to stay, which Danuser ruined for fear of controversy.

That she is the same villain and that there are times when things never change, that in the end, whether she has a good soul or a bad soul, in the end her decision was always hers.

only for Garrosh Yes, we will not see him in the alternative Draenor but as a slave to a villainess Yrel.

I think Blizzard does well with female villains and that they end as they deserve, as was the case with Queen Locust in Gear of War 3.

They already gave him his redemption, he doesn’t need more, to make matters worse at the cost of an iconic Warcraft character (Arthas) being humiliated along with the entire original franchise.

We need a better argument in female characters, not another mockery from Kathleen Kennedy and the Star Wars Disney disaster in WoW lore.

yeah, But is worse what Danuser did in redeeming it, you know, if it’s broken, don’t fix it.

maybe, but I don’t want more arguments where she only appears to give monologues to iconic Warcraft characters only to kill him and further hurt the franchise as happened with Arthas.

of course, If it were a triumphant return of a fragmented Arthas in an altered body, something like it was with Taladar who stopped being Fenix, but for a fandom like Resident Evil where Arthas, Thrall and Illidan come together to face a single enemy.

I agree.

They are worse than Arthas’ widows, at least they tolerate each other even worse with the disaster they made in 9.2, but Sylvanas is unforgivable.

She ruined the entire franchise in 2 expansions, and yet there is a disgusting fandom that I don’t wish existed after Danuser ruined everything.

It’s obvious, it would be ridiculous for you to think otherwise, unless Blizzard has another direction.