Afraid to ask…they aren’t bringing sylvie back?

Please please for all that is sacred. I can live with the lack of creative content, poor game play designs, pay to win parasitic systems, poor balancing issues….
But I just can’t stand anymore Sylvanas stuff.
So please someone give me some good news that we aren’t gonna get a new xpac of crummy sylvie story lines as we are forced to navigate the campaign


I doubt it… its not impossible but I am pretty sure shes in the same category as illidan


I hope they do bring her back, I’m told some guys think she’s hot…
I would be funny if they brought her back to life as a busty, bouncy night elf and she joined the alliance…

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I’m pretty sure she’ll be back at some point but she will probably not receive major screen time around her like she did in andylands or BFA for that matter.


Oh they’re brining her back, it’s just a matter of when.

If they were truly done with her, they would’ve killed her in Shadowlands, but instead they put her on a shelf to dust off later when people forget how much they hate her.

Sylvanas is 100% coming back at some point. Until Blizz actually commits to killing her off, she’s always going to be around, either at the forefront or in the background.

The problem is Blizz is trying to salvage a character that’s been around too long. She became the villain. It’s near impossible to save a character that’s not only overstayed their welcome, but actually ruined the story because she was given so much undue attention and plot armor so she could remain the focus of attention.

I really don’t see how they could ever bring her back and make it good. The whole premise of not killing her was “Wait guys! She didn’t do it! It was her bad side that did it!”


i like sylvanas more now since shes like half her old self and half dead. she was so sweet and loving toward anduin when he went to visit her in the maw.

god i hope anduin and sylvanas marry


Oh my what is wrong with you lol she’s a rotting corpse


still hot though


Ok…wierd but…ok.
I’m not a religious guy but for this particular instance I’m gonna pray for your soul! :joy:


If they leave her on the shelf long enough, the day will come when her return will be hype.

Anduin spent an expac wandering what’s basically Hell and came back all grizzled. We’re (probably) about to see a story that a lot of vets can relate to for Anduin - the transition from a young naive kid to someone whose been made to kill innocents and doesn’t feel they deserve their hero’s welcome, someone who feels the heavy weight of the expectations of his people.

Whether or not Sylvanas is/was evil or not (she is) or character hijacked by some writing direction (irrelevant 4th wall debate), the day might come where she’s incredibly relevant again. She has all the potential to be an amazing anti-hero or to push fallen heroes back on to the right path.

When we do see her many years from now, I fully expect it will be Anduin marching out into the abyss and telling her she’s needed.

(see Saurfang finding Thrall)


She’ll be back. They would’ve killed her off otherwise.

That’s what I think, anyway.


they never truly kill off characters

illidan got shelved and is gonna be back with last titan


That’s one night elf even Lovefool would pass on.


Garrosh and Arthas are gone


I’m sure they will.

I expect the writers will treat Sylvanas with respect this time around.

BFA-SL was way too “bwahaha I’m murder aficionado Sylvie! And here’s my cute and adorable sidekick Natty!”


I hope they bring her back. If at least in a side-thing, but she’s been a massive part of Warcraft. And as this man said, it’s better to burn out than to fade away in the Maw


You mean Sylvanas? Not sure.

Thank god. Someone in this thread who actually understands writing, theming and nuance. Was about to lose my mind.

Legion had the right idea with Sylvanas. Her characterization was always best when she was backgrounding, and not interfering with current plot events, but instead influencing future ones. Skulking in the periphery, remaining unnoticed but not invisible.

Lest anyone here forget, groups whining that WoW’s “losing its identity” because we don’t have constant faction violence and conflict is the reason BfA even exists. Sylvanas was just a convenient means to an end, I personally think, so instead of leaving her as the character who idly influences, they ratcheted her up to full-on Garrosh Warscream levels of moronic warmongering bloodlust. No one will ever be able to top how badly Garrosh was ruined, but Sylvanas comes very close due to having her core character thesis completely destroyed purely for the sake of plot contrivance.

The problem becomes that her actions in BfA/SL recontextualize everything she’s done in the past, and it calls into question whether she was being genuine at all with anything she’d said since like, the first four expansions. This becomes an easy target for anyone who desires to paint her as always being a self-obsessed, power-hungry backstabbing harpy.


The smart move would be to stear clear of anything that even smells like the universally panned Shadow Lands. The knee-jerk reaction to which was responsible for DF’s toothless, schmaltzy tone.

But they already refrenced SL a bunch of times in DF so obviously they haven’t given up on it yet, smart or otherwise.

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Guldan, Varian, Cairne, Saurfang.

I get his point, but they will absolutely get rid of characters if they feel they need to.