Afraid to ask…they aren’t bringing sylvie back?

I mean in the end you still gotta feel sorry for her. Like she was manipulated, and experienced a lot of tragedy. Killing her would still be a mistake, as she could still become a powerful ally. She was just a victim of Danuser’s abuse.

No, I really don’t.

She was manipulated, yes, but she still had enough hubris to think she could double-backstab both Azeroth and the Jailer and win it all.

She got off light.


manipulated…? hehehe… HAH… She knew that as Dark Ranger, and she failed like in Warcraft 3, she was under her NOSE and didn’t realize it.

Blizzard really needs to better control the female character’s narrative because it really disappoints me.

Initially I felt the same way, but after looking at it, she already faced harsh punishment for her actions. Especially after Genn ruined her chance to sieze the Valkyr in Legion. She betrayed the Horde, and now her only friend is the only person who could relate to her encounter with Arthas. Then she got her roflstomped by us, and it was just for a dying need for self preservation.

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I get what she saw waiting for her was horrible.

That doesn’t excuse her actions. If she was that terrified, she should have sought help from allies, not broker backroom deals with reality-obliterating overlords.

Can I feel bad that she got dealt a raw deal in undeath? Absolutely. That doesn’t at all mitigate the urge to separate neck from shoulders should she dare set foot on Azeroth again.


yeah i dunno…i just remember when she defeated lichking and when she was all freaky psycho-girlfriend face screaming “I will set us all free…muwahahaha” ok she didnt say the muawahahaha but i know crazy gf-face when i see it! … she knew what she was doing

Yeah she was downright nihilistic about living mortal beings. She wanted everyone to not be afraid of death like her. Thats why she sided with the jailer to begin with because he promised her that she could achieve that. Of course, had he succeeded he could actually grant her that power to remove mortality in all the realms, but his end goal was to reshape everything the way HE wanted.

But World of Warcraft didnt even show any of this. It wouldve made a better story overall, and honestly the whole zone with the sepulcher was a very bad design and just gross. Shadowlands was a bad design in that, the Primus was a horrrible character, and that the players were really betrayed of good lore over the poor decisions etc.

She doesn’t get to make that call.

She gets to govern exactly one individual’s feelings: her own. The instant she starts going ‘other people should think like me, and I’ll make them’ is a massive red flag. That she thought, of her own volition, that this was a deal worth taking is lunacy.

Right and in that regard they shouldve just made her full on evil, they shouldve made her commit to her actions and not be ambivalent about the situation. Because if she didnt look the other way at burning teldrassil, how is she going to fell sorry for Anduin. Rather than keep her consistent, especially after that MakGora with Saurfang, they weaken her character.

I agree; her attempt at redemption is out-of-nowhere and completely unearned. Alas, as it is, it is, so I go. As long as she stays in the Maw for the next couple eternities, that’s well enough for me.

Define eternity in a video game ?

Not like Sylvanas is an actual undead elf that actually commited real heaneous crimes .

She is a Blizz created character and if and when they decide to bring her back they will and what any of us think won’t mean jack crap

I long or the day when she’s long forgotten and no one mentions her name.

I’d also love a permanent Illidan return.

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I’d rather illidan return too! All the best characters are dead. I loved garrosh he was insane! Arthas was a great story. Voljinn was awesome! Saurfang! …but noooooo they just shove sylvie down our throats


Sylvanas is a hated and unpopular character, as proven by the fact that she tanked BfA’s subs, helming the most disastrous expansion in WoW’s history, even worse than WoD.

Why, exactly, would they bring her back? She is neither popular nor liked.

Furthermore, her story arc is concluded. As penance for her countless atrocities, she will spend the rest of eternity doing dailies in the Maw.

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Uh…because if you scroll up wierd guys think she’s hot.
And she wasn’t the problem. Bfa and sl and even legion were called world of systemcraft. Sylvie wasn’t the issue she could have argueably been wows greatest character but they butchered her story so badly.
Have you been paying attention to how ion does things since 2016? Of course he’d bring her back.:.fanboys would pay 20$ for a picture of her feet if they sold them in the wow shop. That’s not even a stretch

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We live in a degenerate age, people will stick their member into anything with a hole.

Reminder that Sylvanas is a rotting corpse. Sadly, we live in a degenerate age, so people might actually be turned on by that.

So reminder that Sylvanas is also a psychopath and you definiely cannot fix her. :slight_smile:

And yet, out of the three, only BfA had such pathetically-low subs.

I think it’s pretty certain we’ll see her in Midnight.

Sadness…maybe she will just be like some crazy cat lady in the maw giving out sagely advice to Andy instead of doing every quest and every cut scene and every single stupid campaign thing centered around her

No, do you not understand that Sylvanas tanked Bfa’s subs and helmed the most disastrous expansion in history and that she is also a genocidal rotting corpse?

Why would Blizzard intentionally tank Midnight’s subs by bringing back this toxic, hated, and unpopular character?

Mother will return