AFKing out to spin w/l rates

It happens a lot more in 10/15 mans too though.

A player or two here and there.

I think even an “absolutist” like me is operating with the understanding like real life issues, internet disconnects etc. are exceptions. It’s the “well this is a loss, I’m quitting” mentality that we have a problem with. It’s passing their frustrations off on someone else for one thing and that is damaging to the game. Frustrations are a snowball on the side of a hill and gravity is pulling.

There’s also something else. I’ve put some thought into it and I really don’t want to get into what I’ve figured out. I can try if you want but it involves how we were raised (I may be old enough to be your mother so it’s part generational), our sense of morality and how we have been taught to view the other person(s) involved. It ain’t pretty for those anyone who doesn’t emotionally detach themselves from debates which is almost all of humanity.


This is a big reason I think penalties should stay as is. But I’m starting to feel more like the penalty volcano is a better idea, if anything. Or keep it 15 minutes but account wide or something.

This the crux of the issue. I just can’t get behind putting players on the defensive because it’s unlikely anything said here will change their mind. It becomes a very unproductive discussion. I’d rather see insight on what would get them to ride it out. Sadly I don’t think we reach the right audience on the forums to do that.

Probably not just because of what is said here. But maybe for the next time someone who AFKs a lot gets put into an in progress game and curses the fact that not only their time in queue got wasted but the 15 min as well. Maybe the thought will pass through. The one that says “you got put in here because someone else did what you do a lot”. And maybe the connection will be made inside their heads. That’s how changing minds start, when the effect of their behavior becomes clear.

I’m fine and open to ideas that might encourage staying. I’ve agreed with smaller reward ideas before that involve CP for example. I’d solo queue more often if that happened as a matter of fact.

I liked the suggestion from Forums (rip) that chronic afkers get priority for in progress games.


Not just any in progress game, one that has a lopsided score midway through :smiling_imp:

Yes! I love this idea


Well, the only one I saw you do that was before your Community formed. IIRC it was because some dummy alliance didn’t guard IBT which essentially threw the game.

Anyway, I am just razzing you about that - I don’t really have a problem with anyone who occasionally AFKs. I have seen a few toons here and there who do it a LOT, and that does kind of irritate me. I’d still rather have improvements made for backfills.

Fair enough. So 3.

Thank you, but I will pass on that.

I am sure all of you are nice, well raised people.

I can only hope you are as resolute in your defense of good treatment of people in all other ways in the game. See someone being bullied in game or on the forums? Better get on it. See someone saying something terrible? Time to instruct. You must be the WoW paragons of virtue, indeed. Or your entire claim falls apart.

I leave sometimes if my team is really bad to the point I get annoyed but I don’t /afk.

This sounds like a great trick, could you help me learn it? :smiley:

Click the BG symbol by the mini map and leave like with all instances? I’m not sure if it counts your loss if you leave the normal way like that, I hope not.

Lol nope think you missed the point or I didn’t make it well.

It has to do with how WE were raised. Not you and damn sure not by today’s standards. It’s just something that is stuck in our heads. This may not be purely generational either as some younger people of today are raised in ways that don’t comply with stereotypical millennial values.

We’ll just keep to our corners on this particular issue :sunglasses:


lol w/l stats are a meme so long as you can simply leave
idk why anyone would pay attention to this, let alone use it as a tool to measure ones skill


Exactly, W/L ratio is pretty worthless since you it can be artificially boosted by simply leaving losses before they finish.

You can say stuff like “i always win” and even show off a PvP stats page… that doesn’t tell us anything about whether you simply AFKed out of losing games or games that started to look like were gonna be losses :thinking:

i AFK out of Wintergrasp like 90% of the time and because of that I allegedly have like an 86-87% win rate in that bg, but there’s no way that’s accurate… can’t “win” if I’m not there :joy:

Going off of W/L ratios alone depends on taking the person 100% at their word and assuming they’ve NEVER afked out of a losing bg :roll_eyes:

This is why REFlex is so good. Has time stamps and everything. If you have 1 BG done in 2 hours… well, you’re either leaving BGs or doing 1 at a time on different toons.


That is fair, Squeek. I know you are a great person (along with others), so, yeah I have calmed down a bit on this issue. FWIW, you folks have made me pause a little more before deciding if I want to AFK out. There are just some times I will, for reasons I consider ‘good’ and helpful for maintaining my sense of fun in the game. :cowboy_hat_face:

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