AFKing out to spin w/l rates

Well when someone tries to insinuate that they don’t rage quit or leave when it suits them I try to add a little gasoline to the fire, how else would the forums go around?

My computer has had 8+ errors, driver, windows system were a lot of them.

Might be fixed, spent the last 6 hours playing… I’ll wait and see though.


Pip, you’ll for sure recognize this guy. He does the dumbest stuff and then screams nonstop about how Blizz is a rigged wreck.

Good for you.

I am a human being so I put my solo-queue time over others’ while playing a computer game.

Again, it reverts to a very twisted morality argument. One in which someone like me will always lose, simply because you believe I am doing the “wrong” thing.

I see a lot of actually wrong things committed by people in game, but AFKing out of a BG is not one of them.

All that said you still seem like an awesome person, Vio. Wanted to make sure to add that. :sunglasses:

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You know, I think I saw him once… I just can’t remember the name… maybe he doesn’t play epic BGs much. I really cringe at anyone who starts going off on “blizz is crap” stuff while playing a BG. It’s like, I might sort of agree, but just play the game or get out, pretty please.

The ungeared alts are to blame for this. They need the gear and have so little time to get it. The penalty should be more severe.


edited to reply to Vio

@Violettina, you’ve spurred so many more thoughts on this I have (tried) to refrain from writing a full-out essay but… here are a few of the more pertinent thoughts:

  • What do you think about the people that say, “I go into BGs but don’t care about winning. I just want to fight people or try out a new spec or [fill in the blank with random non-objective-oriented activity].” JMO I consider those kinds of players the worst, because they are intentionally entering BGs to waste others’ time.

  • I think it’s wrong for twink players to believe it’s perfectly fine to play in the same brackets with XPon players. Undoubtedly I’d get a LOT of pushback from the usuals on the BG forums, but I’d also get a good amount of agreement from people on both this forum and the General forum. Both sides believe they’re right for their own reasons. The “Is AFK hot or not” discussion would likely follow that pattern, with both sides having valid points. But as someone who isn’t into XPoff, I wouldn’t go so far as to conflate the fact that someone twinks with the notion that there is something defective with their personal (human) character.

  • If you and I ever end up in the same solo-queued, alliance-side AV where all horde towers are standing, horde have burned both SHB and IWB and have pushed us all north back to SP base, and you successfully instruct and lead the random (non-premade) alliance team to a comeback victory, then you will be my inspiration for future consideration of not AFKing out of bad AVs again.

This is really sabotage to me. If you aren’t entering a BG to fight the good fight, just don’t. Seriously. There’s dueling for this. Go test your heart out with others in duels.

There was some idiot in trade chat the other day. He asks “How do I learn to pvp on my char?” I was chatting with a dude in pm that just transferred over Ally from horde who was looking for a guild when this pops up in trade. The former horde guy and I both answer said idiot simultaneously “Practice”. Trade chat idiot responds “What? That takes too long. I don’t wanna do that”. My response after that - if you can’t spend a little time to learn how to fight, stay off my BGs.

I’d like to see removal of exp from BGs. I don’t believe it has a place there. Go quest, go instance, go play warcraftmon, go run around the world and kill whatever. BGs require team play. They require a mindset to win. The mindset that wins isn’t “I’m here to derp out a level”. Exp on BGs has watered them down so much. Gone is the gritty determination to win. Gone is the “I need to get more gear so I can be more of an asset” thoughts. Gone is “I’m going to practice and get better so we win” mentality. Now it’s a “I’m just here to grab some bars, who cares” mentality.

This contradicts the twink crying thing in my mind as well. If you’re only there to grab some bars, don’t care about winning, and are outtie asap with your exp bars grabbed - why give a rats butt about twinks? It’s rather like driving through some podunk town, screeching about what a wreck it is for weeks/months on end, when you only drove through lol.

I have said it many times, our twink group made twinks (again, we’re old nilla players) to counter twinks we found sitting in 39/49/59 with no counters. Horde twinks were running unopposed in BGs. I’ve got nothing against these guys. I don’t know them, never spoke to them. They may be there to stomp noobs, they may have been waiting for hard counters. I don’t know. But we jumped in and gave it to them. :laughing: I’m sure they were quite surprised to start losing BGs. They were fun for us. They presented a challenge. They also represent a certain way of thinking we can relate to. Get good, get gear, get wins.

All that said, retail is dead for pvp imo. You’ll see all the players that want to fight and win migrating to classic (if they don’t bork that too).

It’s always team. I will coach, I will encourage, I will call out what needs calling out (incs, reinforcement needed etc), I will remind focus those healers, guys, I will cite their healers before start so they have those names in mind, I will mark our healers for peels and protection, I will fight my butt off! lol It’s all I can do.

It’s amazing how you can rally a team with encouragement. I make a point of congratulating people that accomplish objectives. I’ll frequently say - close game guys, 100 point spread, we got this. Get busy! Most times I find it gives that little extra oomphf they need to push a bit more, try a little harder, get a little more excited. If more people would encourage instead of “That’s it, it’s over” at the first sign of needing to push harder, more wins would be had. Again, it’s a contradiction. Being Debbie Downer demoralizes your team. Then the Debbie Downer crowd pisses and whinges about losses? C’mon now.

Sorry for the novel. I enjoy chatting with you, Pip! :smile: You seem like a really cool person. I hope we get on a BG together soon!

Random strangers in an online video game are not my concern, I’m only looking out for myself. If the match is an OBVIOUS loss such that sticking around will just be a waste of time, I’m leaving :thinking:

Also, I get dropped into my own share of “in progress” bgs (Wintergrasp especially :expressionless: ), so I have no issues AFKing out since other people seem to have no problem “passing on” their losing bg to me.

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I don’t see how anyone would take this seriously when evaluating a player.
“oh look at my w/l ratio”
…yeah… you can simply leave a bg and it not count. like wow, congrats. someone might invite you to their RBG team.
oh wait, that’s dead.

That’s a good point. Epic BG regulars who occasionally AFK out WILL no doubt get backfilled into losing epic BGs. So it’s a give and take thing for the time expended.

I think a lot of absolutist anti-AFKers (there may be only a handful on this forum, they are just loud, lol) don’t take into consideration a lot of things. They just lump any and all AFKers into one ‘bad’ group. There’s no real discussion with that kind of person, so, bleh.

No wonder you guys are unhappy, you spend your time leaving BGs and getting into in progress matches. I would be unhappy about that too.

We can disagree and I can still think you are cool. You are always pretty nice. :slight_smile:

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I don’t think you read my post on the other thread where I described in-depth why/when I might AFK out of epic BGs.

Also, Gd can answer for himself but I wouldn’t say I’m “unhappy.” I’m just pointing out what some people may not see if they don’t play many epics on alliance side.

So what is with the attitude?

I mean, I’ve seen you AFK out of AV before.

On top of that, I would trust someone who honestly says (s)he AFKs out on occasion given certain circumstances over someone who claims to never AFK out.

Thank you. I try to not be a jerk-face. But I will type strongly if I believe something strongly. :upside_down_face:

I was rather irked before but have since calmed a little, thanks to posts like yours. It also helps to have had some pretty fun games lately. :cowboy_hat_face:

I covered this in another thread about the AVs I left because it was 2:30 am.

I think the point is valid though. With a handful of exceptions, most players who say they never afk are likely being dishonest. And I don’t get all the finger pointing and judging. (Speaking in general, not at you, Jugaa) What purpose does this serve in this debate?

Most of us would like to find a solution that cuts back on the amount of players who afk even if we don’t agree on what that might be. I doubt a thread that assumes players are doing it to spin w/l ratios was created to discuss solutions or suggestion though.

I never said this though. I do believe some don’t afk. Hasn’t been a major thing in the past so why would it be now?

Covered that.

And I already said it seems to stem back to the removal of vendors and honor gear. That’s my opinion on why it skyrocketed. Why do you think it happens more?

It’s mostly an epic BG deal, so I think it’s people don’t know what they sign up for when queuing them. Or don’t want to put in time to play them out.